Specimen Data Tables : Agriculture
Yield Per Hectare Foodgrains in India
(1950-1951 to 2024-2025-1st Advance Estimates)
(In Kg./Hectare)
Year Cereals Pulses Total
Rice Wheat Coarse
1950-1951 668 663 408 542 441 522
1951-1952 714 653 414 557 448 536
1952-1953 764 763 462 608 463 580
1953-1954 902 750 506 678 489 640
1954-1955 820 803 520 664 500 631
1955-1956 874 708 449 639 476 605
1956-1957 900 695 473 664 495 629
1957-1958 790 682 495 630 424 587
1958-1959 930 789 519 707 541 672
1959-1960 937 772 522 713 475 662
1960-1961 1013 851 528 753 539 710
1961-1962 1028 890 519 763 485 706
1962-1963 931 793 556 733 475 680
1963-1964 1033 730 540 757 416 687
1964-1965 1078 913 514 817 520 757
1965-1966 862 827 483 676 438 629
1966-1967 863 887 533 707 377 644
1967-1968 1032 1103 608 840 534 783
1968-1969 1076 1169 545 843 490 781
1969-1970 1073 1208 578 865 531 805
1970-1971 1123 1307 665 949 524 872
1971-1972 1141 1380 564 936 501 858
1972-1973 1070 1271 548 886 474 813
1973-1974 1151 1172 623 918 427 827
1974-1975 1045 1338 606 907 455 824
1975-1976 1235 1410 694 1041 533 944
1976-1977 1089 1387 689 985 494 894
1977-1978 1308 1480 710 1100 510 991
1978-1979 1328 1568 721 1136 515 1022
1979-1980 1074 1436 652 982 385 876
1980-1981 1336 1630 695 1142 473 1023
1981-1982 1308 1691 733 1157 483 1032
1982-1983 1231 1816 685 1151 519 1035
1983-1984 1457 1843 813 1296 548 1162
1984-1985 1417 1870 795 1285 526 1149
1985-1986 1552 2046 664 1323 547 1175
1986-1987 1471 1916 675 1266 506 1128
1987-1988 1465 2002 721 1315 515 1173
1988-1989 1689 2244 814 1493 598 1331
1989-1990 1745 2121 922 1530 549 1349
1990-1991 1740 2281 900 1571 578 1380
1991-1992 1751 2394 778 1574 533 1382
1992-1993 1744 2327 1063 1654 573 1457
1993-1994 1888 2380 939 1701 598 1501
1994-1995 1911 2559 929 1763 610 1546
1995-1996 1797 2483 940 1703 552 1491
1996-1997 1882 2679 1072 1831 635 1614
1997-1998 1900 2485 986 1775 567 1552
1998-1999 1921 2590 1068 1856 634 1627
1999-2000 1986 2778 1034 1925 635 1704
2000-2001 1901 2708 1027 1844 544 1626
2001-2002 2079 2762 1131 1980 607 1734
2002-2003 1744 2610 966 1753 543 1535
2003-2004 2077 2713 1221 1983 635 1727
2004-2005 1984 2602 1153 1903 577 1652
2005-2006 2102 2619 1172 1968 598 1715
2006-2007 2131 2708 1182 2021 612 1756
2007-2008 2202 2802 1431 2151 625 1860
2008-2009 2178 2907 1459 2183 659 1909
2009-2010 2125 2839 1212 2075 630 1798
2010-2011 2239 2988 1531 2256 691 1930
2011-2012 2393 3177 1590 2415 699 2078
2012-2013 2461 3117 1617 2449 789 2129
2013-2014 2424 3075 1677 2438 764 2101
2014-2015 2390 2872 1729 2373 744 2070
2015-2016 2400 3034 1579 2392 656 2056
2016-2017 2494 3200 1750 2525 786 2129
2017-2018 2576 3368 1934 2657 853 2235
2018-2019 2638 3533 1944 2752 757 2286
2019-2020 2722 3440 1991 2772 823 2343
2020-2021 2717 3521 2128 2824 885 2394
2021-2022 2798 3537 2251 2899 888 2425
2022-2023 2838 3521 2381 2939 902 2494
2023-2024 2882 3559 2283 2945 881 2515
2024-2025* 2765 - 2051 2552 632 2262
Note : * : 1stAdvanceEstimates.


State-wise Gross/Net Irrigated and Un-Irrigated Area in India
(In '000 Hectare)
States/UTs Irrigated Area Un-Irrigated Area %age of Gross Irrigated Area to Total Cropped Area
Net Gross More than Once Net Un-Irrigated Area Gross Un-Irrigated Area
Andaman & Nicobar Islands* 0 0 0 15 39 0.8
Andhra Pradesh 2855 3656 800 2870 3089 54.2
Arunachal Pradesh 64 64 0 189 279 18.7
Assam 467 611 144 2277 3423 15.1
Bihar 3124 5698 2574 1989 1570 78.4
Chandigarh* 0 0 0 1 2 18.7
Chhattisgarh 1535 2018 483 3057 3578 36.1
Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Dman & Diu 1 1 0 19 20 5.7
Delhi* 22 42 20 0 10 80.9
Goa 32 42 11 94 101 29.5
Gujarat 6186 10357 4171 3562 3630 74.0
Haryana 3336 6319 2982 248 330 95.0
Himachal Pradesh 109 204 95 423 683 23.0
Jammu & Kashmir 311 479 167 422 656 42.2
Jharkhand 202 210 8 824 1019 17.1
Karnataka 5038 6271 1233 6123 8477 42.5
Kerala 419 514 96 1571 2002 20.4
Ladakh 22 23 1 0 0 100.0
Lakshadweep 0 0 0 2 2 0.0
Madhya Pradesh 12930 16949 4019 2918 13168 56.3
Maharashtra* 3095 5926 2831 13396 19449 23.4
Manipur* 57 57 0 324 324 15.0
Meghalaya 105 116 12 170 214 35.3
Mizoram 16 29 13 129 177 14.0
Nagaland 118 122 5 243 348 26.0
Odisha 1335 1614 279 2934 3400 32.2
Puducherry 14 25 11 2 5 84.6
Punjab 4082 7775 3693 29 537 93.5
Rajasthan 9500 12583 3083 8922 15588 44.7
Sikkim* 13 13 0 70 125 9.6
Tamil Nadu 2921 3862 940 1916 2558 60.2
Telangana 3866 6474 2607 2030 2805 69.8
Tripura 90 117 27 164 368 24.1
Uttar Pradesh 14044 22948 8904 2077 5289 81.3
Uttarakhand 313 545 232 255 387 58.5
West Bengal* 3088 6628 3540 2128 3346 66.5
India 79312 122294 42982 61393 96995 55.8
Note : * : The figures related to area under forest are taken from latest State of Forest Report, of the Forest Survey of India, Dehradun. The other categories of land use net irrigated area, gross irrigated area, net area sown and area under crops as the case may be, are taken from latest Agriculture Census or are estimated based on latest available year data received from the States/UTs respectively.


State-wise Number of Livestock Population by Residence in India
States/UTs Rural Urban Total
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 137851 7543 145394
Andhra Pradesh 33142962 924654 34067616
Arunachal Pradesh 1126620 34808 1161428
Assam 17662876 49325 18092201
Bihar 35297518 1243302 36540820
Chandigarh 9221 17769 26990
Chhattisgarh 15281955 590347 15872302
Dadra and Nagar Haveli 46796 1608 48404
Daman and Diu 2348 936 3284
Delhi 329635 30762 360397
Goa 121480 10926 132406
Gujarat 25804804 1088470 26893274
Haryana 6533653 512438 7046091
Himachal Pradesh 4376116 36730 4412846
Jammu and Kashmir 8143046 182278 8325324
Jharkhand 22934489 680056 23614545
Karnataka 27299918 1713494 29013412
Kerala 2652756 255901 2908657
Lakshadweep 45697 0 45697
Madhya Pradesh 38552360 2085015 40637375
Maharashtra 31865210 1214608 33079818
Manipur 472294 78425 550719
Meghalaya 2005372 33731 2039103
Mizoram 224264 135440 359704
Nagaland 481710 72093 553803
Odisha 17668586 501723 18170309
Puducherry 117456 33912 151368
Punjab 6558916 491439 7050355
Rajasthan 54941353 1859592 56800945
Sikkim 269526 4806 274332
Tamil Nadu 22038627 2461994 24500621
Telangana 31609366 1031273 32640639
Tripura 1265410 52482 1317892
Uttar Pradesh 64387024 3625921 68012945
Uttarakhand 4189155 237934 4427089
West Bengal 36514369 968869 37483238
India 514110739 22650604 536761343


Foodgrains Stocking Norms (Rice and Wheat) for Central Pool in India
(2005 and 2015 to 2023)
(In Lakh MT)
As on Rice Wheat Total
1st January 138.0 112.0 250.0
1st April 142.0 70.0 212.0
1st July 118.0 201.0 319.0
1st October 72.0 140.0 212.0
1st January 76.1 138.0 214.1
1st April 135.8 74.6 210.4
1st July 135.4 275.8 411.2
1st October 102.5 205.2 307.7
1st January 76.1 138.0 214.1
1st April 135.8 74.6 210.4
1st July 135.4 275.8 411.2
1st October 102.5 205.2 307.7
1st January 86.1 128.0 214.1
1st April 115.8 74.6 210.4
1st July 135.4 275.8 411.2
1st October 102.5 205.2 307.7
1st January 76.1 138.0 214.1
1st April 135.8 74.6 210.4
1st July 135.4 275.8 411.2
1st October 102.5 205.2 307.7
1st January 76.1 138.0 214.1
1st April 135.8 74.6 210.4
1st July 135.4 275.8 411.2
1st October 102.5 205.2 307.7
1st January 76.1 138.0 214.1
1st April 135.8 74.6 210.4
1st July 135.4 275.8 411.2
1st October 102.5 205.2 307.7
1st January 76.1 138.0 214.1
1st April 135.8 74.6 210.4
1st July 135.4 275.8 411.2
1st October 102.5 205.2 307.7
1st January 76.1 138.0 214.1
1st April 135.8 74.6 210.4
1st July 135.4 275.8 411.2
1st October 102.5 205.2 307.7
1st January 76.1 138.0 214.1

Note: Revised norms is w.e.f. 22.01.2015.


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