Specimen Data Tables : Economy
State-wise Percentage Growth Rate of Gross State Domestic Product (GSDP) in India
{(At Constant 2011-2012 Prices) (2012-2013 to 2023-2024)}
States/UTs 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 2023-2024
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 4.48 7.99 5.64 7.39 12.96 12.39 6.23 5.81 -7.58 6.81 NA NA
Andhra Pradesh 0.32 6.96 9.20 12.16 8.34 10.09 5.36 3.70 1.52 9.56 5.81 7.35
Arunachal Pradesh 2.14 9.21 16.56 -0.99 4.58 4.56 7.04 14.83 -3.69 6.90 6.99 NA
Assam 2.91 4.88 6.92 15.67 5.74 8.83 5.06 4.18 2.95 12.52 7.88 5.9
Bihar 3.93 4.98 3.65 6.08 7.52 7.91 10.86 4.44 -7.43 8.46 10.64 NA
Chandigarh 8.08 8.97 3.46 9.02 7.96 5.80 4.87 6.07 -9.73 6.96 10.76 NA
Chhattisgarh 5.00 10.00 1.77 2.57 12.13 3.01 11.10 2.85 -0.14 11.71 7.67 6.56
Delhi 6.64 7.17 9.02 11.03 7.60 5.91 4.30 3.69 -8.96 8.76 7.85 7.39
Goa -15.38 -11.94 27.08 14.89 11.19 2.74 0.78 3.30 -4.16 5.35 8.18 NA
Gujarat 10.89 7.56 10.51 10.23 9.71 10.72 8.88 6.95 -1.91 10.06 8.03 NA
Haryana 7.86 8.29 6.63 11.57 10.48 5.55 10.57 2.28 -9.00 9.72 7.88 7.97
Himachal Pradesh 6.41 7.06 7.50 8.10 7.04 6.16 6.41 4.13 -4.35 7.60 6.89 7.07
Jammu & Kashmir* 3.21 5.37 -3.21 17.76 3.30 6.41 7.91 -0.99 -1.33 6.03 8.73 7.41
Jharkhand 8.17 1.57 12.49 -6.25 10.46 9.01 8.87 1.08 -5.30 10.87 6.76 NA
Karnataka 6.11 9.55 6.24 11.08 13.29 8.28 6.41 6.11 -2.30 9.82 8.07 6.60
Kerala 6.50 3.89 4.26 7.44 7.56 6.36 7.37 0.90 -8.49 12.97 6.60 NA
Madhya Pradesh 11.45 3.82 5.15 9.06 12.40 5.62 9.29 4.46 -4.67 8.03 6.58 6.01
Maharashtra 6.06 6.90 6.31 7.20 9.23 4.52 3.64 2.42 -7.30 9.13 NA NA
Manipur 0.61 8.64 8.00 7.73 4.01 9.77 -2.61 5.06 -5.80 13.51 NA NA
Meghalaya 2.19 1.83 -2.82 2.47 5.29 3.84 5.12 5.08 -7.85 5.66 3.88 5.22
Mizoram 7.15 16.21 24.59 9.44 10.32 8.55 9.10 11.08 -8.15 12.58 NA NA
Nagaland 5.68 7.19 4.39 1.82 6.75 5.05 2.60 9.54 -4.35 -1.91 9.56 NA
Odisha 5.36 9.26 1.80 7.97 15.44 7.05 7.09 2.79 -2.11 10.64 7.90 8.46
Puducherry 2.93 10.74 -5.03 4.69 7.42 9.00 17.44 0.63 -8.48 12.41 6.33 NA
Punjab 5.32 6.63 4.23 5.74 6.87 6.43 5.76 4.10 -1.46 6.63 6.40 6.76
Rajasthan 4.54 6.97 7.26 8.02 5.93 5.24 2.43 5.45 -1.88 9.36 7.81 7.39
Sikkim 2.29 6.07 7.90 9.93 7.15 14.78 5.38 4.66 0.33 5.99 6.83 NA
Tamil Nadu 5.37 7.60 4.92 8.24 7.15 8.59 7.01 3.25 0.07 7.92 8.19 8.21
Telangana 2.97 5.36 6.76 11.58 9.34 9.74 9.15 5.35 -6.01 11.09 6.86 7.38
Tripura 8.67 9.32 18.17 -0.66 14.00 8.37 11.06 3.56 -4.36 8.47 8.89 NA
Uttar Pradesh 4.72 5.79 4.03 8.85 11.37 4.44 3.88 4.03 -4.28 9.82 9.83 7.99
Uttarakhand 7.27 8.47 5.29 8.08 9.83 7.90 2.83 1.97 -12.10 10.49 7.63 7.58
West Bengal 4.17 3.01 2.83 6.13 7.20 6.36 6.32 3.10 -7.58 11.85 6.65 7.65
India 5.46 6.39 7.41 8.00 8.26 6.80 6.45 3.87 -5.78 9.69 6.99 7.58

Abbr. : NA : Not Available.
Note : Position As on 15.03.2024.
     * : For the years 2012-2013 to 2018-2019, information relates to Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh and for the years 2019-2020 to 2023-2024, relates to UT of Jammu & Kashmir.
     :Total may not tally due to rounding off.


Estimates of Revenue Expenditure of India
(2022-2023 and 2023-2024)
(Rs. in Lakh)
Items 2022-2023 (BE) 2022-2023 (RE) 2023-2024 (BE)
Total Expenditure (I+II+III) 394086516.3 403755575.4 434395956.2
I. Developmental Expenditure (A+B) 247049511.5 255979827.8 270832922.4
A. Social Services (1 to 12) 161519637.4 166179202.4 177987672.1
1. Education, Sports, Art & Culture 66243867.3 67831268.9 72421959.1
2. Medical & Public Health 20903188.9 21399827.7 22811318.3
3. Family Welfare 4326706.1 4279457.2 4594246.1
4. Water Supply & Sanitation 5727034.3 4602725.8 5177346.4
5. Housing 6895914.2 7469343.1 7034367.7
6. Urban Development 11960022 13318685.9 12523431.5
7. Welfare of Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes & Other Backward Classes 15210336.6 14446205.4 16391659.6
8. Labour & Labour Welfare 1880689.7 1632671.6 2179538.7
9. Social Security & Welfare 19982196.8 21931785.7 25214001.5
10. Nutrition 3762209.8 4027667.4 4140195.7
11. Relief on Account of Natural Calamities 3678237.9 4131109.6 4252849.7
12. Others* 949233.8 1108454.3 1246757.9
B. Economic Services (1 to 9) 85529874.1 89800625.4 92845250.4
1. Agriculture & Allied Activities (i to xii) 24820343.4 25549616.2 27554909.1
i) Crop Husbandry 12583205.2 12586327.3 13023093.5
ii) Soil & Water Conservation 513732.2 526156.9 546986.8
iii) Animal Husbandry 2274807.5 2106913.9 2453750.9
iv) Dairy Development 334405.1 330135.4 377951
v) Fisheries 543714.7 589909.7 620085.9
vi) Forestry & Wild Life 2491371.2 2428334.1 2708638
vii) Plantations 2008 1832.5 2151.8
viii) Food Storage & Warehousing 2089409.3 2547838.2 3486541.4
ix) Agricultural Research & Education 1028662.6 1095970.2 1138075.8
x) Agricultural Finance Institutions - - -
xi) Co-operation 1905153.2 1972246 1900653
xii) Other Agricultural Programmes 1053874.2 1363952 1296981.3
2. Rural Development 20942609.5 20115611.3 20697618.7
3. Special Area Programmes 344847.5 305621.1 726598
4. Irrigation & Flood Control 4295863.3 4281696.9 4534931.4
of which: i) Major & Medium Irrigation 2548264.3 2448237.4 2694989.8
ii) Minor Irrigation 1255716.5 1319347.1 1309858.4
iii) Flood Control & Drainage 300233.2 314881.2 316661.7
5. Energy 18016410.9 20874288.5 19370721.5
of which: Power 17724285.4 20614220.6 19000510.7
6. Industry & Minerals (i to iii) 4403617.7 4511516.3 5572127.9
i) Village & Small Industries 1613489.5 1455825.1 1908399.2
ii) Industries@ 2652553.6 2865171.7 3494090.3
iii) Others# 137574.6 190519.5 169638.4
7. Transport & Communications (i to ii) 7612792.2 8483135.7 8699776.8
i) Roads & Bridges 5307777.5 5730962.5 5882360.4
ii) Others^ 2305014.7 2752173.3 2817416.3
8. Science, Technology & Environment 443207.2 380846.3 443691.8
9. General Economic Services (i to iv) 4650182.6 5298293.2 5244875.2
i) Secretariat - Economic Services 975152.7 1361565.6 998442.6
ii) Tourism 600948.9 491518.9 622109.6
iii) Civil Supplies 2168029 2546000.7 2368381.1
iv) Others$ 906052.1 899208.1 1255941.8
II. Non-Developmental Expenditure (General Services) 136371849.9 136285137.4 150789755.5
A. Organs of State 3891261 4211157 4861307.4
B. Fiscal Services (i+ii) 4021070.8 4122376.5 4385407.6
i) Collection of Taxes & Duties 3980095.3 4083520 4343743
ii) Other Fiscal Services 40975.4 38856.5 41664.7
C. Interest Payments & Servicing of Debt (1+2) 49192671.9 48974711.6 54410405.7
1. Appropriation for Reduction or Avoidance of Debt 2101931.4 1741875.5 2484400.9
2. Interest Payments (i to iv) 47090740.6 47232836 51926004.8
i) Interest on Loans from the Centre 950301.6 951581.7 1008856.6
ii) Interest on Internal Debt 39658748.1 39739007 43838853.7
of which: (a) Interest on Market Loans 33059096 33317163.2 37832302.9
(b) Interest on National Small Saving Fund (NSSF) 3279398.3 3327077.9 3040281.1
iii) Interest on Small Savings, State Provident Funds, etc. 5687746.1 5603281.7 6154531.3
iv) Others 793944.9 938965.7 923763.2
D. Administrative Services (i to v) 29294295.3 28727315.8 31823940.1
i) Secretariat-General Services 2064675.3 2050765.2 2127077.9
ii) States/UTs Administration 2573562.2 2638292.2 2871807.8
iii) Police 19123327.1 18767956.9 20791989.3
iv) Public Works 1748579.1 1742509.7 1928060.1
v) Others** 3784151.7 3527791.7 4105004.9
E. Pensions 46343699.7 46719088.2 52210538.6
F. Miscellaneous General Services 3628851.2 3530488.4 3098156.2
of which: Payment on Account of State Lotteries 866159.2 1080434.7 1116565.8
III. Grants-in-Aid & Contributions 10665154.9 11490610.2 12773278.3
of which: Compensation and Assignments to Local Bodies and Panchayati Raj Institutions 10664069 11489524.3 12730700

Abbr. : BE : Budget Estimates.
             RE : Revised Estimates.
Note : * : Include expenditure on information and publicity, secretariat-social services, other social services, etc.
          @ : Include expenditure on non-ferrous mining and metallurgical industries.
          # : Include expenditure on other industries and other outlays on industries and minerals.
          ^ : Include expenditure on port and light houses, civil aviation, road transport, inland water transport,etc.
          $ : Include expenditure on foreign trade and export promotion, census survey and statistics and other general economic services.
          ** : Include expenditure on public service commission, treasury & accounts, administration, jails, supplies & disposal, stationery & printing, other administrative services, etc.


State-wise Subsidies in India
(2018-2019 to 2023-2024)
(Rs. in Crore)
States/UTs 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023 (RE) 2023-2024 (BE)
Andhra Pradesh 2351.8 6342.6 4948 14689 13609.3 14768.5
Arunachal Pradesh 2.4 157.8 17.9 116.6 241 287.3
Assam 1323.8 996.1 1966.2 2005.7 499 31.5
Bihar 8324 7121.3 8167.4 10256 15204.1 10990.1
Chhattisgarh 8323 20328.7 26137.6 22164.3 31050.6 35238.1
Delhi 0 3592.9 4176.9 4690.2 4833.8 4788.8
Goa 300.8 262.6 425.8 - - -
Gujarat 17268 18420 22155 22335 26511 30481
Haryana 8549.1 8105.2 7597.2 9626 10366.5 11811.7
Himachal Pradesh 1282.6 1067.8 1240.6 1188 1908 1244.3
Jammu & Kashmir 0 700 - - - -
Jharkhand 0 4274.9 3208.1 5652.8 4546.6 6765.8
Karnataka 23330 25649.9 25765 36306 30804 45402
Kerala 1651.6 1378.2 6300.4 3892.9 2378.2 2189.9
Madhya Pradesh 0 12641.5 13457.5 34541.7 31834 27896.4
Maharashtra 27397.8 28386 - - - -
Manipur 0 120 120.1 120.3 120.4 310.4
Meghalaya 58.8 41.7 37.9 31.1 89 66.2
Mizoram 12.4 21.8 0.2 83.8 110.1 157.9
Nagaland 0 128.2 25.1 25.1 100 12.4
Odisha 2583.3 2697.2 3510.5 4367.3 4001.6 2997.3
Puducherry 173.4 223.3 281.8 279.9 311.1 323.6
Punjab 13359.9 10161 9747.6 14515.6 20751.2 20549.5
Rajasthan 21539.6 18990 14828.5 23363.9 25579.3 25649.8
Sikkim 0 1.1 2.8 2.7 4.9 32.1
Tamil Nadu 18922.2 20143.9 107005 115982.1 118841 122088.2
Telangana 6303.6 6838.7 12022.9 13186.8 14823.3 16198.7
Tripura 133.2 56.6 145.8 132.3 167.2 123.6
Uttar Pradesh 14052.5 14092.2 11676.8 20144.6 25926.2 26239.8
Uttarakhand 173.5 34.6 138.6 145.1 252.2 493.2
West Bengal 10015.5 - 12376.9 16660 17488.4 12280.7
India 187432.8 212975.7 297484.1 376504.9 402351.9 419418.8

Abbr. : BE : Budget Estimates.
             RE : Revised Estimates.


Overall Balance of Payments (In Rs.) of India
(2021-2022 to 2023-2024)
(Rs. in Crore)
Items 2021-2022 (Preliminary) 2022-2023 (Preliminary) 2023-2024 (Partially Revised)
Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net Credit Debit Net
A. Current Account
I. Merchandise 3199115 4613049 -1413934 3661287 5791926 -2130639 3655128 5683120 -2027992
II. Invisibles (A+B+C) 2755292 1632174 1123118 3748234 2152369 1595865 4152104 2340042 1812062
a) Services 1897558 1096248 801311 2617435 1463226 1154209 2824167 1476150 1348017
i) Travel 67899 121416 -53517 218653 228915 -10262 279274 278887 388
ii) Transportation 243582 267395 -23813 289500 325303 -35803 241600 242157 -558
iii) Insurance 24719 15468 9251 26306 18900 7407 27540 24164 3376
iv) Government not Included Elsewhere (G.n.i.e.) 5976 7217 -1241 5483 8189 -2706 5045 9013 -3968
v) Miscellaneous 1555383 684752 870630 2077494 881920 1195573 2270708 921929 1348779
Of which :
Software Services 910096 93615 816481 1180770 124617 1056154 1327596 151207 1176389
Business Services 439668 385257 54411 647132 480372 166760 733329 491192 242136
Financial Services 40805 41900 -1096 62910 45789 17121 66671 37745 28926
Communication Services 23369 8416 14953 41789 27513 14276 24130 13184 10947
b) Transfers 665791 66175 599616 906560 94597 811963 984685 108470 876215
i) Official 1456 7284 -5828 1326 8575 -7249 1558 8557 -7000
ii) Private 664334 58891 605444 905234 86022 819212 983128 99913 883215
c) Income 191943 469751 -277808 224239 594546 -370307 343252 755421 -412170
i) Investment Income 144554 446919 -302365 170130 567019 -396889 280907 724786 -443878
ii) Compensation of Employees 47390 22832 24557 54109 27526 26582 62344 30636 31708
Total Current Account (I+II) 5954407 6245223 -290816 7409521 7944295 -534774 7807233 8023162 -215929
B. Capital Account
1. Foreign Investment (a+b) 3561413 3400485 160928 3088781 2903490 185291 4481711 4033073 448639
a) Foreign Direct Investment (i+ii) 657396 369930 287467 602635 380751 221884 620158 536323 83834
i. In India 632047 213284 418763 571322 236307 335015 590209 368152 222057
Equity 444457 202679 241778 380273 218140 162134 379405 342179 37226
Reinvested Earnings 144219 0 144219 153752 0 153752 163704 0 163704
Other Capital 43371 10605 32766 37297 18168 19129 47100 25973 21127
ii. Abroad 25349 156645 -131296 31313 144444 -113131 29948 168171 -138223
Equity 25349 74920 -49571 31313 71056 -39742 29948 75485 -45537
Reinvested Earnings 0 25173 -25173 0 35455 -35455 0 47898 -47898
Other Capital 0 56551 -56551 0 37934 -37934 0 44787 -44787
b) Portfolio Investment 2904017 3030555 -126539 2486146 2522739 -36593 3861554 3496749 364804
In India 2873927 2980213 -106286 2466959 2500963 -34004 3832234 3462960 369273
Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) 2873927 2980213 -106286 2466959 2500963 -34004 3832234 3462960 369273
of which:
Equity 2556446 2674045 -117599 2198315 2241326 -43011 3382321 3173627 208694
Debt 317481 306168 11313 268644 259637 9007 449913 289333 160580
American Depository Receipt (ADRs)/Global Depository Receipt (GDRs) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Abroad 30090 50342 -20253 19187 21777 -2590 29320 33789 -4469
2. Loans (a+b+c) 787108 535905 251203 809181 743367 65814 971077 916525 54552
a) External Assistance 82048 41891 40157 93054 48684 44370 114554 52684 61869
i) By India 379 481 -102 253 721 -468 284 1465 -1182
ii) To India 81669 41410 40259 92801 47963 44838 114270 51219 63051
b) Commercial Borrowings (Medium Term (MT) Low Term (LT) 224781 164160 60621 167229 196921 -29691 369258 369835 -576
i) By India 14021 8619 5403 10370 7603 2767 92585 122743 -30158
ii) To India 210760 155542 55218 156859 189318 -32458 276673 247092 29581
c) Short Term To India 480279 329854 150425 548898 497762 51136 487265 494006 -6741
i) Buyers Credit Suppliers Credit 180 days 339086 329854 9232 548898 447960 100938 447367 473354 -25986
ii) Suppliers Credit up to 180 days 141194 0 141194 0 49802 -49802 39898 20652 19246
3. Banking Capital (a+b) 766628 717339 49289 1035012 870089 164923 1233022 897238 335784
a) Commercial Banks 763736 711096 52639 1034393 864910 169483 1222056 896644 325412
i) Assets 377142 362114 15028 461983 370868 91115 395502 266770 128732
ii) Liabilities 386594 348983 37611 572410 494042 78368 826554 629874 196680
of which: Non-Resident Deposits 338520 314513 24007 518959 445816 73143 733628 611768 121860
b) Others 2892 6242 -3350 619 5179 -4560 10966 594 10372
4. Rupee Debt Service 0 527 -527 0 531 -531 0 597 -597
5. Other Capital 558286 382560 175727 463798 406130 57668 370145 468202 -98057
Total Capital Account (1 to 5) 5673435 5036815 636620 5396772 4923607 473165 7055956 6315634 740321
C. Errors & Omissions 10628 7313 3314 7146 15587 -8440 13149 10610 2539
D. Overall Balance (A+B+C) 11638469 11289351 349119 12813439 12883489 -70049 14876337 14349406 526931
E. Monetary Movements (i+ii) 120545 469664 -349119 242411 172362 70049 0 526931 -526931
i) International Monetary Fund (I.M.F.) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
ii) Foreign Exchange Reserves (Increase - / Decrease +) 120545 469664 -349119 242411 172362 70049 0 526931 -526931
Of which: SDR Allocation 0 132346 -132346 - - - - - -


External Assistance (In US$) of India
(1981-1982 to 2023-2024)
(In US$ Million)
Year Total
Total Debt
Service Payments
Net Inflow
of Aid
1981-1982 3316 2079 947 1132
1982-1983 3076 2330 979 1351
1983-1984 2019 2191 998 1193
1984-1985 4105 1984 989 995
1985-1986 4618 2400 1117 1283
1986-1987 4820 2821 1588 1233
1987-1988 7146 3896 2023 1873
1988-1989 9025 3663 2035 1628
1989-1990 6503 3485 2213 1272
1990-1991 4527 3737 2398 1339
1991-1992 5130 4689 2688 2001
1992-1993 4607 3590 2814 776
1993-1994 4491 3769 3055 714
1994-1995 4302 3478 3315 163
1995-1996 3649 3306 3699 -393
1996-1997 4826 3373 3320 53
1997-1998 4573 3165 3120 45
1998-1999 2029 3149 3314 -165
1999-2000 4695 3329 3477 -148
2000-2001 3975 3127 3664 -537
2001-2002 5150 3603 3271 332
2002-2003 4369 3312 7224 -3912
2003-2004 3794 3883 7108 -3225
2004-2005 4624 3805 2853 952
2005-2006 2898 4257 2712 1545
2006-2007 7358 4237 2947 1290
2007-2008 8215 4946 3291 1655
2008-2009 6590 5330 3151 2179
2009-2010 10525 6634 3505 3129
2010-2011 8126 8399 3679 4720
2011-2012 12577 6650 4038 2612
2012-2013 12651 5125 4215 910
2013-2014 9027 5799 4299 1500
2014-2015 7902 5987 4725 1262
2015-2016 10400 6481 4785 1696
2016-2017 9362 7241 5518 1723
2017-2018 8625 7284 5035 2249
2018-2019 13859 8716 6379 2337
2019-2020 9821 8618 6070 2548
2020-2021 20555 15935 5782 10153
2021-2022 14352 10391 5680 4711
2022-2023 13047 11021 6478 4543
2023-2024 16339 13247 9304 7035

Note : Figures of authorisation have been arrived at by applying the average exchange rate of the rupee with individual donor currencies.
          : Figures of utilisation are at current rates applicable at the date of transaction.
          : Figures of authorisation & utilisation include loans & grants on both government & non-government accounts.


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