Specimen Data Tables : Education
State-wise Number of Schools by Type of Management in India
States/UTs All Management Government Government Aided Private Unaided Recognized Others
Total Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti (NVS) Other Central Government State Government
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 416 342 2 3 0 337 2 72 0
Andhra Pradesh 61948 45137 41 15 3 45078 1542 15058 211
Arunachal Pradesh 3603 2985 19 16 3 2947 68 503 47
Assam 60859 45490 58 27 12 45393 3841 5852 5676
Bihar 93165 75558 49 39 4 75466 742 8097 8768
Chandigarh 233 123 4 1 2 116 7 76 27
Chhattisgarh 56512 48743 36 28 6 48673 417 7063 289
Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 460 388 2 3 0 383 8 63 1
Delhi 5619 2762 46 2 0 2714 247 2610 0
Goa 1510 814 5 2 0 807 557 139 0
Gujarat 53851 34699 45 34 7 34613 5590 13559 3
Haryana 23726 14562 35 21 3 14503 16 8261 887
Himachal Pradesh 18028 15380 25 12 11 15332 0 2646 2
Jammu & Kashmir 28805 23173 36 20 0 23117 1 5526 105
Jharkhand 44855 35840 41 26 12 35761 1175 1559 6281
Karnataka 76450 49679 52 30 19 49578 7110 19650 11
Kerala 16240 5010 39 14 2 4955 7183 3164 883
Ladakh 978 838 3 2 1 832 28 112 0
Lakshadweep 38 38 1 1 0 36 0 0 0
Madhya Pradesh 125582 92695 112 54 13 92516 740 30345 1802
Maharashtra 109605 65639 60 34 22 65523 24037 19268 661
Manipur 4617 2889 9 11 1 2868 583 1010 135
Meghalaya 14600 7783 7 11 0 7765 4172 2120 525
Mizoram 3911 2563 4 7 1 2551 230 1034 84
Nagaland 2718 1960 6 11 1 1942 0 757 1
Odisha 62291 49072 63 31 5 48973 5807 6104 1308
Puducherry 736 422 4 4 0 414 33 281 0
Punjab 27701 19259 52 23 21 19163 450 7978 14
Rajasthan 106373 68948 77 35 14 68822 0 34826 2599
Sikkim 1259 864 2 4 2 856 19 376 0
Tamil Nadu 58801 37636 45 0 20 37571 8323 12396 446
Telangana 43083 30023 35 9 8 29971 700 12193 167
Tripura 4929 4262 9 8 0 4245 43 363 261
Uttar Pradesh 258054 137024 121 75 28 136800 8113 97808 15109
Uttarakhand 22815 16484 45 13 7 16419 608 5225 498
West Bengal 94744 83302 62 17 44 83179 88 9750 1604
India 1489115 1022386 1252 643 272 1020219 82480 335844 48405


Number of Female per 100 Male Students in Major Programmes at Undergraduate
and Post Graduate Level through Regular Mode in India
(2012-2013 to 2020-2021)
Programme 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021
B.A. - Bachelor of Arts 108 115 118 118 121 124 126 127 108
B.C.A. - Bachelor of Computer Applications 59 63 64 65 75 73 70 73 59
B.B.A. - Bachelor of Business Administration 61 75 75 76 66 67 67 68 62
B.Com. - Bachelor of Commerce 79 83 86 90 93 96 99 100 94
B.Ed. - Bachelor of Education 169 180 188 197 203 200 207 215 185
B.Pharm. - Bachelor of Pharmacy 73 82 85 85 83 82 79 93 66
B.Sc. (Nursing) - Bachelor of Science in Nursing 92 95 93 445 384 379 358 385 308
B.Sc. - Bachelor of Science 527 523 462 93 94 100 106 113 110
B.Tech. - Bachelor of Technology 38 39 39 38 39 38 40 42 40
L.L.B. - Bachelor of Law or Laws 43 46 44 44 47 47 49 53 49
M.B.B.S. - Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery 86 93 95 97 99 101 106 110 100
M.A. - Master of Arts 124 147 154 165 169 173 180 190 147
M.B.A. - Master of Business Administration 52 56 58 61 62 70 75 76 76
M.Com. - Master of Commerce 122 136 145 148 158 168 179 186 198
M.Sc. - Master of Science 123 138 147 157 167 171 174 180 154
M.Tech. - Master of Technology 55 61 64 64 67 55 54 63 47


State-wise Literacy Rate in India
(As per 1951 to 2011 Census)
States/UTs 1951 1961 1971 1981 1991 2001 2011
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 30.3 40.07 51.15 60.25 73.02 81.3 86.63
Andhra Pradesh - 24.62 28.52 34.09 44.09 60.47 67.41
Arunachal Pradesh NA 47.93 13.26 24.24 41.59 54.34 65.38
Assam 18.53 32.98 34.6 - 52.89 63.25 72.19
Bihar 13.49 21.75 23.35 30.25 38.48 47 61.8
Chandigarh - - 70.43 73.45 77.81 81.94 86.05
Chhattisgarh 9.41 18.14 24.08 32.63 42.91 64.66 70.28
Dadra & Nagar Haveli - - 18.12 31.25 40.71 57.63 76.24
Daman & Diu - - - - 71.2 78.18 87.1
Delhi NA 61.95 65.08 69.93 75.29 81.67 86.21
Goa 23.48 34.91 51.48 63.12 75.51 82.01 88.7
Gujarat 21.82 36.19 41.84 49.9 61.29 69.14 78.03
Haryana - - 31.91 41.65 55.85 67.91 75.55
Himachal Pradesh - 19.95 37.3 48.74 63.86 76.48 82.8
Jammu & Kashmir - 12.95 21.71 30.64 - 55.52 67.16
Jharkhand 12.93 21.14 23.87 35.03 41.39 53.56 66.41
Karnataka - 29.8 36.83 43.92 56.04 66.64 75.36
Kerala 47.18 55.08 69.75 78.85 89.81 90.86 94.00
Lakshadweep 15.23 27.15 51.76 63.96 81.78 86.66 91.85
Madhya Pradesh 13.16 20.48 26.37 34.46 44.2 63.74 69.32
Maharashtra 27.91 35.08 45.77 53.54 64.94 76.88 82.34
Manipur 12.57 - 38.47 47.45 59.89 70.53 76.94
Meghalaya NA - 35.06 39.95 49.1 62.56 74.43
Mizoram 31.14 - - 69.66 82.27 88.8 91.33
Nagaland 10.52 20.43 31.32 48.2 61.65 66.59 79.55
Odisha 15.8 25.24 30.53 38.83 49.09 63.08 72.87
Puducherry - 43.65 53.38 63.18 74.74 81.24 85.85
Punjab - 28.77 38.69 46.36 58.51 69.65 75.84
Rajasthan 8.5 18.12 22.57 28.37 38.55 60.41 66.11
Sikkim - 14.15 20.22 39.58 56.94 68.81 81.42
Tamil Nadu - 36.39 45.4 52.63 62.66 73.45 80.09
Telangana - - - - - - 66.46
Tripura NA - 36.19 47.64 60.44 73.19 87.22
Uttar Pradesh 12.02 20.73 25.44 31.37 41.6 56.27 67.68
Uttarakhand 18.93 18.05 33.26 46.06 57.75 71.62 78.82
West Bengal 24.61 34.46 38.86 46.32 57.7 68.64 76.26
India 18.33 28.3 34.45 41.43 52.22 64.84 72.98

Abbr. : NA : Not Available.
Note : Literates for the Census 1961 & 1981 Related to Population 5 Years & Above whareas for the Year 1991 & Onwards related to the Population 7 Years and Above.
            : Literate of Daman and Diu for the Year 1961 to 1981 was Included in Goa.


State-wise Budgeted Expenditure (Revenue Account - Budget Estimates)
on Secondary Education (Total Expenditure) in India
(Rs. in '000)
States/UTs Budget Estimates %age to Total
Expenditure on Education
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 2142900 32.27
Andhra Pradesh 81256725 41.92
Arunachal Pradesh 4480442 32.15
Assam 54349564 33.14
Bihar 39447909 21.3
Chandigarh 3541510 40.48
Chhattisgarh 69475779 43.17
Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu 1557100 48.79
Delhi 88374570 72.75
Goa 11094241 53.19
Gujarat 66698775 26.74
Haryana 52057700 30.39
Himachal Pradesh 26858852 37.86
Jammu & Kashmir 45328472 40.99
Jharkhand 22496167 19.46
Karnataka 77239632 27.5
Kerala 79699287 41.59
Ladakh 2592200 21.04
Lakshadweep 608500 49.03
Madhya Pradesh 55432949 18.87
Maharashtra 250792297 36.65
Manipur 5236251 31.76
Meghalaya 5552756 29.45
Mizoram 4019146 28.5
Nagaland 4683156 34.36
Odisha 53104484 33.76
Puducherry 2834399 33.92
Punjab 70777831 57.71
Rajasthan 198646641 56.96
Sikkim 6167030 52.18
Tamil Nadu 157342257 42.34
Telangana 47835226 44.51
Tripura 13059754 55.26
Uttar Pradesh 108444908 17.55
Uttarakhand 37890307 49.8
West Bengal 148055348 47.25
India 1899175065 35.95
Centre Total 98103000 10.11
Grand Total 1997278065 31.94


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