Specimen Data Tables : Mines and Minerals
Annual Capacity and Production of Aluminium Plants in India
(2011-201 to 2020-2021)
(In '000 Tonne)
Producer Annual
2011-2012 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016 2016-2017 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021*
Public Sector
National Aluminium Company Limited (Damanjodi) 2275 1648 1763 1913 1826 1950 2030 2080 2275 2100 2200
Private Sector
Bharat Aluminium Company Limited 2001 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 2001 - -
Hindalco Industries Limited 3000 1355 1320 1343 1221 2700 1340 2820 3000 2760 2640
Madras Aluminium Company Limited 851 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 851 - -
Vedanta Aluminium Limited (Lanjigarh) 2000 928 527 524 977 970 1210 1210 2000 1810 1680
Total 7560 3931 3610 3780 4024 5620 4580 6110 7560 6670 6520

Note : * : Provisional.
             : Figures Rounded off.


Selected State-wise Estimated Reserves of Coal and Lignite in India
(As on 01.04.2022)
(In Million Tonne)
States/UTs Measured Indicated Inferred Resource
Andhra Pradesh 920.96 2442.74 778.17 4141.87
Arunachal Pradesh 31.23 40.11 18.89 90.23
Assam 464.78 57.21 3.02 525.01
Bihar 309.53 4079.69 47.96 4437.18
Chhattisgarh 32053.42 40701.35 1436.99 74191.76
Jharkhand 53245.02 28259.67 5155.41 86660.1
Madhya Pradesh 14051.66 12722.97 4142.1 30916.73
Maharashtra 7983.64 3390.48 1846.59 13220.71
Meghalaya 89.04 16.51 470.93 576.48
Nagaland 8.76 21.83 447.72 478.31
Odisha 48572.58 34080.42 5451.6 88104.6
Sikkim 0 58.25 42.98 101.23
Telangana 11256.78 8344.35 3433.07 23034.2
Uttar Pradesh 884.04 177.76 0 1061.8
West Bengal 17233.88 12858.84 3778.53 33871.25
India 187105.3 147252.18 27053.96 361411.46


Production and Supply of Iodized Salt in India
(1995-1996 to 2022-2023-upto November 2022)
(In Lakh MT)
Year Production Supply
1995-1996 38.03 35.98
1996-1997 40.99 38.95
1997-1998 41.28 39.93
1998-1999 40.17 37.82
1999-2000 46.16 44.19
2000-2001 45.35 44.29
2001-2002 47.92 41.71
2002-2003 36.89 35.11
2003-2004 42.46 40.58
2004-2005 46.1 44.29
2005-2006 49.84 48.27
2006-2007 51.54 49.5
2007-2008 49.61 48.64
2008-2009 53.68 49.23
2009-2010 58.23 54.88
2010-2011 62 60.19
2011-2012 62 59.7
2012-2013 61.81 58.64
2013-2014 58.47 55.08
2014-2015 64.54 60.59
2015-2016 64.76 62.43
2016-2017 69.11 64.37
2017-2018 68.29 64.69
2018-2019 67.38 66.97
2019-2020 67.02 64.24
2020-2021 78.58 75.78
2021-2022 71.98 69.18
2022-2023* 50.39 49.74

Note : * : UptoNovember2022


Company-wise Number of Executives and Non-Executive Employees
in Subsidiaries of Coal India Limited (CIL) in India
(As on 01.10.2024)
Companies Executive Non-Executive Total Male Employees Total Female Employees Grand Total
Monthly Rated Daily Rated Piece Rated Total
Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL) 2192 7516 38379 0 - 44413 3674 48087
Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL) 1890 6179 24976 0 - 30281 2764 33045
Central Coalfields Limited (CCL) 2130 9545 22237 0 - 30213 3499 33712
Western Coalfields Limited (WCL) 2109 8974 21554 0 - 29644 2993 32637
South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL) 2606 8400 27488 1 - 35704 2791 38495
Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL) 1800 6092 13303 0 - 18496 2699 21195
Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) 1622 3642 8312 0 - 12953 623 13576
North Eastern Coalfields Limited (NEC) 66 287 213 0 - 506 60 566
Central Mine Planning and Design Institute (CMPDI) 812 934 1012 1 - 2507 252 2759
Coal India Limited (CIL) (HQ) 381 222 37 0 - 509 131 640
Total (CIL) 15608 51591 157511 2 - 205226 19486 224712


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