Specimen Data Tables : Per Capita Availability
State-wise Per Capita Net State Domestic Product (NSDP) at Factor Cost in India
(At Current Prices Based on 2011-2012 Series) (2022-2023 and 2023-2024)
(In Rs.)
States/UTs 2022-2023 2023-2024
Andaman & Nicobar Islands NA NA
Andhra Pradesh 219881 242479
Arunachal Pradesh 228650 NA
Assam 120336 135787
Bihar 54111 NA
Chandigarh 393649 NA
Chhattisgarh 137329 147361
Delhi 430120 461910
Goa 532854 NA
Gujarat 273558 NA
Haryana 296592 325759
Himachal Pradesh 218788 235199
Jammu & Kashmir* 133743 146447
Jharkhand 91874 NA
Karnataka 304474 332926
Kerala 263945 NA
Madhya Pradesh 132010 142565
Maharashtra NA NA
Manipur NA NA
Meghalaya 112737 124379
Mizoram NA NA
Nagaland 138633 NA
Odisha 145202 161437
Puducherry 274902 NA
Punjab 182515 195621
Rajasthan 151559 167614
Sikkim 519964 NA
Tamil Nadu 275583 313955
Telangana 311649 347299
Tripura 159419 NA
Uttar Pradesh 83636 93514
Uttarakhand 230994 260201
West Bengal 139442 154119
India 169496 (1st RE) 183236 (SAE)

Abbr. : NA : Not Available.
           : RE : Revised Estimates.
           : SAE : Second Advance Estimates.
Note : * : For the years 2011-2012 to 2018-2019, information relates to Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh and for the years 2019-2020
           to 2023-2024, relates to UT of Jammu & Kashmir.


Per Capita Net Availability of Foodgrains (Per Annum) in India
(1951 to 2023)
(Kgs. per Year)
Year Rice Wheat Other
Cereals Gram Pulses Food
1951 58 24 40 122 8.2 22.1 144.1
1952 58 21.1 40 119.1 7.3 21.6 140.7
1953 60.6 22.8 44.3 127.7 8.8 22.9 150.6
1954 70.9 21.2 49.6 141.7 10 25.4 167.1
1955 65.6 21.3 49.2 136.1 11.3 25.9 162
1956 68.7 22.5 40.7 131.9 10.6 25.7 157.6
1957 70.4 26.1 40.5 137 12 26.2 163.2
1958 60.2 24.3 43.4 127.9 9.2 21.3 149.2
1959 69.7 28.6 45.3 143.6 13 27.3 170.9
1960 68.8 28.6 43.2 140.6 10.1 24 164.6
1961 73.4 28.9 43.6 145.9 11 25.2 171.1
1962 74.2 30.7 40.7 145.6 10 22.6 168.2
1963 68.2 28.9 43.1 140.2 9 21.8 162
1964 73.7 33 40.1 146.8 7.4 18.6 165.4
1965 76.7 34.2 41.9 152.8 9.3 22.5 175.3
1966 59.1 34.8 37.5 131.4 6.7 17.6 149
1967 56.2 33 42.8 132 5.6 14.5 146.5
1968 67.2 35.1 45.6 147.9 9 20.5 168.4
1969 69.5 36.7 39 145.2 6.4 17.3 162.5
1970 69.4 37.4 40.4 147.2 8 18.9 166.1
1971 70.3 37.8 44.3 152.4 7.3 18.7 171.1
1972 72.4 46.1 34.9 153.4 7 17.2 170.6
1973 62.8 43.1 33 138.9 6.1 15 153.9
1974 69.5 39.7 40.6 149.8 5.4 14.9 164.7
1975 58 40.9 34.6 133.5 5.2 14.5 148
1976 68.5 29.1 39.2 136.8 7.4 18.5 155.3
1977 61.6 41.8 37.6 141 6.7 15.8 156.8
1978 71.6 46.1 36.5 154.2 6.5 16.6 170.8
1979 73.1 48.3 36.2 157.6 6.8 16.3 173.9
1980 60.8 46.4 31.7 138.9 3.9 11.3 150.2
1981 72.2 47.3 32.8 152.3 4.9 13.7 166
1982 70.5 46.7 34.6 151.8 5.1 14.3 166.1
1983 62 52.7 30.4 145.1 5.7 14.4 159.5
1984 72.2 51.4 36.1 159.7 5 15.3 175
1985 68.9 50.6 32.1 151.6 4.7 13.9 165.5
1986 77.4 55.1 25.8 158.3 5.9 16 174.3
1987 75.2 57.6 25.9 158.7 4.5 13.3 172
1988 68.7 56.3 25.1 150.1 3.5 13.3 163.4
1989 78.5 57 29.3 164.8 4.9 15.3 180.1
1990 77.4 48.4 31.7 157.5 3.9 15 172.5
1991 80.9 60 29.2 171 4.9 15.2 186.2
1992 79.2 57.9 21.5 158.6 3.7 12.5 171.1
1993 73.4 51.2 31.6 156.2 3.9 13.2 169.4
1994 75.7 58.2 24.5 158.4 4.3 13.6 172
1995 80.3 63 23.7 167 5.4 13.8 180.8
1996 74.6 64.3 22.6 161.5 4.1 12 173.5
1997 78.1 65.4 26.6 170.1 4.5 13.5 183.6
1998 73.1 55.3 22.8 151.2 4.9 12 163.2
1999 74.2 59.2 23.1 156.7 5.3 13.3 170
2000 74.3 58.4 21.5 154.3 3.9 11.6 165.9
2001 69.5 49.6 20.5 141 2.9 10.9 151.9
2002 83.5 60.8 23.1 167.4 3.9 12.9 180.4
2003 66.2 65.8 17.1 149.1 3.1 10.6 159.7
2004 71.3 59.2 25.3 155.8 4.1 13.1 168.9
2005 64.7 56.3 21.7 142.7 3.9 11.5 154.2
2006 72.3 56.3 22.1 150.7 3.9 11.8 162.5
2007 70.8 57.6 20.3 148.7 4.3 12.9 161.6
2008 64 53 19.7 143.9 3.9 15.3 159.2
2009 68.8 56.5 23.3 148.6 4.7 13.5 162.1
2010 66.4 61.4 18.8 146.6 4.9 12.9 159.5
2011 66.3 59.7 23.9 149.9 5.3 15.7 165.6
2012 69.4 57.8 21.9 149.1 4.9 15.2 169.3
2013 72.1 66.8 19.2 158.1 5.6 15.8 179.5
2014 72.3 66.8 22.6 161.6 6 16.9 178.6
2015 67.9 61.3 28.4 153.8 5.1 16 169.8
2016 67.2 72.9 26.1 162 4.8 15.9 177.9
2017 66.8 66.7 29.4 158.4 6.3 20 178.4
2018 69.2 61.5 30.6 161.3 - 18.7 180.1
2019 70.1 64.6 28.6 163.3 - 17.2 180.5
2020 72 64.2 30.9 167.2 - 16 183.1
2021 73.3 67 30.2 170.5 - 16.3 186.8
2022 (P) 69.6 68.8 29.8 168.2 - 19.8 188
2023 82.7 74.1 33.7 190.4 - 17.2 207.6

Abbr. : P : Provisional.


State-wise Per Capita Consumption of Petroleum Products in India
(2017-2018 to 2022-2023)
(In Kilogram)
States/UTs 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022 2022-2023*
Andaman & Nicobar Islands 530.9 558 571.5 451.3 474.5 548.3
Andhra Pradesh 140.8 158.4 155.9 147.2 143 151.7
Arunachal Pradesh 175.3 179.7 190.5 199.5 197.1 223.4
Assam 80.8 88 90.6 86.9 83.4 87.7
Bihar 47.9 50.5 52 53.2 43.6 44.6
Chandigarh 404.5 412.6 413.3 295.9 305.9 340.3
Chhattisgarh 140.4 160.9 143.6 133.9 122 139.3
Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Diu 1086.7 1056.5 973.7 924.7 484.3 457.9
Delhi 298.4 291.9 275.9 173.8 165.5 206.2
Goa 534.5 547.1 541.9 381.1 436.2 496.8
Gujarat 316.9 351.4 373.2 363.3 347 363.8
Haryana 432.9 415 403.2 388.6 357.7 316.7
Himachal Pradesh 230.2 227.4 247 222.8 260.2 286.6
Jammu & Kashmir 108.1 112.3 111.9 106.1 111.8 123.5
Jharkhand 96.6 103.4 103.6 95.2 80.4 86.8
Karnataka 205.3 216 213.8 181.9 182.8 223.1
Kerala 184.1 189.9 195.7 163.6 165.7 193.1
Ladakh 409 435.9 441.8 484.1 534.9 587.6
Lakshadweep 225.7 235 256.6 274.6 258.8 266.2
Madhya Pradesh 101.9 110.3 108.3 100.3 89.1 97.6
Maharashtra 183.5 187 185.1 158.8 152.8 167.1
Manipur 76.2 88.5 93.6 86.9 80.2 98.3
Meghalaya 163.4 166 185.7 138.1 143.7 169.2
Mizoram 114.1 127.2 129.2 119.5 120.1 142.5
Nagaland 72.2 77.9 86.6 82.1 87 91.7
Odisha 135.6 141.4 143.7 141.3 134.7 144.4
Puducherry 445.5 435.6 415.2 331.7 337.5 510.1
Punjab 245 255 256.8 215.3 216.8 214.8
Rajasthan 164.2 166.2 159.1 133.8 129.2 134.4
Sikkim 192.7 207.1 214.1 178 191.5 222
Tamil Nadu 193.2 199.9 195.7 169 170.9 189.5
Telangana 186 198.4 197 176.3 181.8 192.3
Tripura 64 64 63.1 62.6 58.3 60.7
Uttar Pradesh 84.6 91.1 92.2 90.6 81.4 83.2
Uttarakhand 150.8 170.6 163.7 151.6 142 152.9
West Bengal 90.3 96.2 101.9 92.9 88.3 90.2
India 149.7 157.3 157.5 142.6 149.8 162.1

Note : * : Provisional.
         : Total may not tally due to rounding off. (Consumption data is excluding Pvt. Imports & SEZ sales).


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