
Currently Showing Assam State Level Aggregated Figures

Data at National Level - India

Data at State Level - Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Mizoram Odisha Punjab Tamil Nadu Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal

Data at Union Territory Level - Delhi

Industries Data Table being Added or Updated during current month

Industries - Assam [Hide]
Annual Survey of Industries - Assam Annual Survey of Industries - Assam: Absenteeism, Labour Turnover, Employment and Labour Cost - Assam Absenteeism, Labour Turnover, Employment and Labour Cost - Assam: Employment and Emoluments by Major Industry Group - Assam Employment and Emoluments by Major Industry Group - Assam: At 2 Digit Level - Assam At 3 Digit Level - Assam At 4 Digit Level - Assam Miscellaneous - Assam Fuels Consumed by Major Industry Group - Assam Others - Assam Principal Characteristics of Annual Survey of Industries - Assam Some Important Characteristics of Annual Survey of Industries - Assam Some Important Characteristics of Annual Survey of Industries - Assam: At 2 Digit Level - Assam At 3 Digit Level - Assam At 4 Digit Level - Assam
Export Oriented Units (EOUs) - AssamExport Oriented Units (EOUs) - Assam
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) - Assam Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) - Assam: Country-wise Foreign Direct Investment - Assam Country-wise Foreign Direct Investment - Assam: Country-wise Annual Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflows Received - Assam Country-wise Monthly/Quarterly Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflows Received - Assam Country-wise Monthly/Quarterly Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflows Received - Assam: Country-wise Monthly/Quarterly FDI Inflows Received - Assam Country-wise Monthly/Quarterly FDI Inflows Received under Acquisition of Existing Shares Route - Assam Country-wise Monthly/Quarterly FDI Inflows Received under Automatic (RBI) Route - Assam Country-wise Monthly/Quarterly FDI Inflows Received under FIPB/SIA Route - Assam Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Entities - Assam Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflows - Assam Foreign Portfolio Investors (FPI) / Foreign Institutional Investors (FII) Investment - Assam International Investment Position (IIP) - Assam Month-wise Foreign Direct Investment - Assam NRI Investment - Assam RBI Region-wise Foreign Direct Investment - Assam RBI Region-wise Foreign Direct Investment - Assam: Housing Price Index (HPI) - Assam RBI Regional Office-wise Annual Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflows Received - Assam RBI Regional Office-wise Monthly/Quarterly Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflows Received - Assam Sector-wise Foreign Direct Investment - Assam Sector-wise Foreign Direct Investment - Assam: Sector-wise Annual Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflows Received - Assam Sector-wise Monthly/Quarterly Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflows Received - Assam State-wise Foreign Direct Investment - Assam State-wise Foreign Direct Investment - Assam: State-wise Annual Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflows Received - Assam State-wise Monthly/Quarterly Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Inflows Received - Assam
Growth Centre/Industrially Backward Districts - AssamGrowth Centre/Industrially Backward Districts - Assam
Industrial Accidents - Assam Industrial Accidents - Assam: Industrial Accidents in Factories - Assam Persons Injured and Killed by Factory/Machine Accidents - Assam
Industrial Finance - AssamIndustrial Finance - Assam
Industrial Growth - Assam Industrial Growth - Assam: Industrial Growth - Assam Month-wise Industrial Growth - Assam Performance of Infrastructure Sector - Assam Selected Characteristics of Registered Working Factories - Assam Size of Establishments/Employment - Assam Startup India - Assam Startup India - Assam: Fund of Funds for Startups (FFS) Scheme - Assam Startup India Initiatives - Assam Startup India Seed Fund Scheme (SISFS) - Assam
Industrial Parks/Special Economic Zones (SEZs) - AssamIndustrial Parks/Special Economic Zones (SEZs) - Assam
Industrial Production - Assam Industrial Production - Assam: Industrial Production by Industry Groups - Assam Month-wise Industrial Production - Assam Month-wise Industrial Production - Assam: Automobiles and Bicycles - Assam Basic Industrial Inorganic Chemicals - Assam Basic Industrial Organic Chemicals - Assam Beverages and Tobacco - Assam Cables Wires and Batteries - Assam Casting and Forging - Assam Cosmetics and Toiletries - Assam Cotton Textiles - Assam Drugs and Medicines - Assam Earth Moving Equipments - Assam Edible Oil - Assam Electrical Appliances - Assam Electrical Heavy Machinery - Assam Electronic Goods and Telecommunication Equipments - Assam Fabricated Metal Products and General Hardware - Assam Ferro Alloys - Assam Fertilisers and Pesticides - Assam Films and Chemical Products - Assam Food Products - Assam Glass and Ceramic Products - Assam Industrial Machinery - Assam Iron and Steel - Assam Jute Products - Assam Leather Products - Assam Machine Tools - Assam Matches and Explosives - Assam Medical and Consumer Items Manufacturing Industries - Assam Metal Products - Assam Non-electrical Machinery - Assam Non-ferrous Metals - Assam Non-metallic Mineral Products - Assam Paints and Dyestuffs - Assam Petroleum Refinery Products - Assam Plastics and Polymers - Assam Prime Movers - Assam Pumps and Compressors - Assam Refrigerators and Air-conditioners - Assam Rubber Products and Rubber Chemicals - Assam Switches Power Capacitors and Stampings - Assam Synthetic Fibres - Assam Transport Equipment - Assam Tyres and Tubes - Assam Washed Coal and Hard Coke Products - Assam Wood and Paper Products - Assam
Industrial Proposals - AssamIndustrial Proposals - Assam
Industrial Research and Development - AssamIndustrial Research and Development - Assam
Industrial Sector - Assam Industrial Sector - Assam: Agro-based and Food Processing Industries - Assam Agro-based and Food Processing Industries - Assam: Financial Budget for Agro-based Food Processing Industries - Assam Mega Food Parks (MFP) - Assam Physical Performance of Agro-based and Food Processing Industries - Assam Pradhan Mantri Kisan Sampada Yojana (PMKSY) - Assam Performance (Production, Sales, Employment and Earnings) of Khadi and Village Industries - Assam: Earnings of Khadi and Village Industries - Assam Production of Khadi and Village Industries - Assam Sales of Khadi and Village Industries - Assam Automobiles - Assam Cloth/Fabrics by Mill Sector - Assam: Performance of Cloth/Fabrics by Mill Sector - Assam Cement - Assam Cement - Assam: Cement Capacity and Production - Assam Cement Consumption - Assam Cement Prices and Taxes - Assam Coal Linkage and Receipts in Cement Industry - Assam Despatches of Cement - Assam Interstate/Interregional Movement of Cement - Assam Performance of Cement Companies - Assam Wagon Supply and Cement Dispatch Modes - Assam Chemicals and Allied Products - Assam Chemicals and Allied Products - Assam: Alcohol - Assam Alkali Chemiclas - Assam Ethanol - Assam Inorganic Chemicals - Assam Organic Chemicals - Assam Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP) - Assam: Jan Aushadhi Kendras (JAK) - Assam Jan Aushadhi Suvidha Sanitary Napkin - Assam Others - Assam Production of Chemicals and Allied Products - Assam Soda - Assam Consumption of Cotton/Fibre/Yarn - Assam: Consumption of Cotton - Assam Per Capita Purchase and Consumption of Textile - Assam Performance of Cotton/Fibre/Yarn - Assam Drugs and Pharmaceuticals - Assam Drugs and Pharmaceuticals - Assam: Bulk Drug Parks - Assam Ceiling Prices of Drugs/Medicines - Assam Growth of Pharmaceutical Sectors - Assam Pradhan Mantri Bhartiya Janaushadhi Pariyojana (PMBJP) - Assam Prices - Assam: Market Prices of Steel - Assam Steel Prices of Companies - Assam Electric Mobility - Assam Electronics and IT Industries - Assam Electronics and IT Industries - Assam: Communication and Broadcasting Equipments - Assam Consumer Electronics - Assam Control Instrumentation and Industrial Electronics - Assam Data Processing Systems - Assam Electronic Components - Assam Electronic Materials - Assam E-Readiness Assessment - Assam Miscellaneous Electronic Items - Assam Parts of Electronic Components - Assam Software Technology Parks - Assam Strategic Electronics - Assam Total Electronics - Assam Production - Assam: Category-wise Steel Production - Assam Mill-wise Steel Production - Assam Performance of Steel Industries - Assam Production of Steel Plants - Assam Micro, Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Census - Assam: Registered Sector - Assam Total MSMEs Sectors - Assam Unregistered Sector - Assam Handloom - Assam: Financial Assistance to Handloom Sector - Assam Handloom Census - Assam Performance of Handloom Sector - Assam Engineering Goods - Assam Engineering Goods - Assam: Production of Engineering Goods - Assam Raw Materials - Production and Consumption - Assam: Analysis of Raw Materials at Steel Plants - Assam Consumption and Productivity of Raw Materials at Steel Plants - Assam Explosive Industries - Assam Sales - Assam: Sales of Steel - Assam Fertilisers and Pesticides Production - Assam Fertilisers and Pesticides Production - Assam: Bio Fertilisers Production - Assam Capacity and Production of Chemicals and Fertilisers - Assam Capacity and Production of Fertilisers - Assam Dispatches of Fertilisers - Assam Production of Pesticides and Insecticides - Assam Plan and Budget - Assam: Plan and Budget for Textile Sector - Assam Progress under Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (TUFS) for Textile Sector - Assam Progress under Textile Workers Rehabilitation Fund Scheme (TWRFS) - Assam Handicrafts - Assam Handicrafts - Assam: Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojana (AHVY) - Assam National Handicraft Development Programme (NHDP) and Comprehensive Handicrafts Cluster Development Scheme (CHCDS) - Assam Pahachan Initiative Scheme - Assam Physical and Financial Performance of Handicrafts Sector - Assam PM Vishwakarma Scheme - Assam Iron and Steel - Assam Iron and Steel - Assam: Availability Demand and Supply/Consumption - Assam Despatches - Assam Facilities : Major Producers - Assam Personnel - Assam Prices - Assam Private Sector - Assam Production - Assam Raw Materials - Production and Consumption - Assam Sales - Assam Jute - Assam Khadi and Village Industries - Assam Khadi and Village Industries - Assam: Performance (Production, Sales, Employment and Earnings) of Khadi and Village Industries - Assam Physical and Financial Performance of Khadi and Village Industries - Assam Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) - Assam Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) - Assam: A Scheme for Promotion of Innovation, Rural Industries and Entrepreneurship (ASPIRE) Scheme - Assam Credit Guarantee Scheme for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE) - Assam Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme (CLCSS) - Assam Financial Assistance to MSMEs - Assam Growth of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) - Assam Item Reserved for Small Scale Industries in India - Assam Micro, Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Census - Assam Textile Mills - Assam: Installed Capacity of Textile Mills - Assam Market Size of Textile Mills - Assam Performance of Textile Mills - Assam Miscellaneous - Assam Oil and Vanaspati - Assam Oil and Vanaspati - Assam: Performance of Oil and Vanaspati Industries - Assam Paper and Wood Based Products - Assam Petrochemicals - Assam Petrochemicals - Assam: Performance of Petrochemicals - Assam Rubber and Leather Products - Assam Rubber and Leather Products - Assam: Rubber - Assam Tyre and Tube - Assam Ship Building and Ship Repairing Industry - Assam Soaps Detergents and Dyes - Assam Sugar - Assam Sugar - Assam: Sugar Consumption and Prices - Assam Sugar Mills and Factories - Assam Sugar Production - Assam Tea - Assam Tea - Assam: Month-wise Quantity and Prices of Tea Sold - Assam Performance of Tea Industries - Assam Prices and Sales of Tea - Assam Textile - Assam Textile - Assam: Carpet - Assam Cloth/Fabrics by Mill Sector - Assam Coir and Coir Products - Assam Consumption of Cotton/Fibre/Yarn - Assam Consumption of Fabrics - Assam Cotton - Assam Handloom - Assam Hosiery and Garments - Assam NTC Mills - Assam Plan and Budget - Assam Powerloom - Assam Prices - Assam Sericulture - Assam Textile Machinery - Assam Textile Mills - Assam Woollen Textile - Assam Yarn/Fibre - Assam Tobacco and Beverages - Assam Trade Fairs/Exhibitions - Assam Unorganised Manufacturing Sector - Assam
Industrial Workforce - AssamIndustrial Workforce - Assam
National Industrial Classification (NIC) - AssamNational Industrial Classification (NIC) - Assam
Overseas Direct Investment (ODI) - Assam Overseas Direct Investment (ODI) - Assam: Country-wise Overseas Direct Investment (ODI) - Assam Others - Assam Overseas Direct Investment (ODI) by Components - Assam Sector-wise Overseas Direct Investment (ODI) - Assam
Patents - AssamPatents - Assam
Plan & Budget - Assam Plan & Budget - Assam: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) - Assam Financial Performance of Selected Companies - Assam Industries and Minerals - Assam
Projects - Assam Projects - Assam: Atomic Energy Projects - Assam Coal Projects - Assam Fertiliser Projects - Assam Health and Family Welfare Projects - Assam Housing Projects - Assam Infrastructure Development Projects - Assam Mines Projects - Assam Petroleum Projects - Assam Power Projects - Assam Power Projects - Assam: Hydro Electric Projects - Assam Mega Power Projects - Assam National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) Projects - Assam Non-Conventional Energy Projects - Assam Others Power Project - Assam Thermal/Nuclear Power Projects - Assam Public Private Partnership (PPP) Projects - Assam Railway Projects - Assam Shipping and Ports Projects - Assam Steel Projects - Assam Textile Projects - Assam Total Projects - Assam Transport Projects - Assam Urban Development Projects - Assam
Public Sector Undertakings - Assam Public Sector Undertakings - Assam: Capacity Utilisation by Public Sector Enterprises - Assam Foreign Exchange Earnings of Public Sector Enterprises (PSEs) - Assam Internal Resources Generated/Foreign Exchange Utilisation by Public Sector Enterprises - Assam Inventory Position by Public Sector Enterprises - Assam Investments in Public Sector Enterprises - Assam Long/Short Term Loan to Public Sector Enterprises - Assam Participation in Equity of Public Sector Enterprises - Assam Performance by Public Sector Undertaking - Assam Profit/Loss of Public Sector Enterprises - Assam Profitability of Public Sector Enterprises - Assam
Quality Certification - AssamQuality Certification - Assam
Sick Industries - Assam Sick Industries - Assam: Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR) - Assam Closed/Sick Industries - Assam Sick/Closed Textile Mills - Assam

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