Currently showing National Level or with State-wise Aggregated Figures
Data at National Level - India
This section has provide the detail data on Amount Spent by Government under Duty Drawback Scheme, Import Duty Collected on Capital Goods and Articles of Gold Jewellery and Goldsmiths Wares, Month-wise Yield from Customs Export Duties, Regional Authority-wise Number and Value of Duty Entailment Pass Books (DEPBs) Issued, Customs Duty Forgone Under Export Promotion Schemes and Duty Drawback Scheme, Duty Concession and Payment Made under Major Export Promotion Schemes, Value of Imports/Duty Credit Allowed and Payment Made under Various Major Export Promotion Schemes, Major Commodity-wise Value of Exports and Gross Duty Released and Net Export Duty Collections and Refunds and Gross Export Duty Collections by Customs/Central Excise Commission rates (By Sea and Air Only) in India.
Foreign Trade Data Table being Added or Updated during current month
Bilateral Trade - India | Bilateral Trade - India |
Bullion Rate - India | Bullion Rate - India |
Customs Export Duties - India | Customs Export Duties - India |
Customs Import Duties - India | Customs Import Duties - India |
Exchange Rate - India | Exchange Rate - India: Foreign Exchange Market - India Month-wise Exchange Rate - India |
Foreign Trade - India | Foreign Trade - India: Miscellaneous - India Monthly Foreign Trade - India Yearly Foreign Trade - India |
ITC(HS) Code - India | ITC(HS) Code - India |