Currently showing National Level or with State-wise Aggregated Figures
Data at National Level - India
Data at State Level - Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Odisha Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Telangana Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal
Data at Union Territory Level - Andaman & Nicobar Islands Chandigarh Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu Delhi Jammu & Kashmir Ladakh Lakshadweep Puducherry
Data at Regional Level - Eastern Hindi Belt North East Northern Southern Western & Central
This section has covered the detail data about Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and above Received Vocational Training in different in different Fields (Formal) and Main Activity Pursued in India, Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed by Board Groups of Industry for Different NSS Rounds (Rural/Urban Areas) in India etc.
Labour and Workforce Data Table being Added or Updated during current month
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Persons with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (April-June, 2024)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Persons with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (January-March, 2024)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling in Industry of Work and Gender in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling in Industry of Work and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling in Industry of Work and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Average Wage Earnings Per Day from Casual Labour Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008), Gender and Residence in India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part I
- Average Wage Earnings Per Day from Casual Labour Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008), Gender and Residence in India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part II
- Average Wage Earnings Per Day from Casual Labour Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008), Gender and Residence in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part II
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2015), Gender and Residence in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Estimated Number of Employments in India (2017-2018 to 2023-2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of All Ages by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of All Ages by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of All Ages by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Area of India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education and Gender in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-29 Years by Vocational/Technical Training Received, Gender and Residence in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years by Vocational/Technical Training Received, Gender and Residence in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) and Gender in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age Group 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training for Each Broad Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) by Gender and Residence in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of All Ages by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of All Ages by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) According to Broad Status in Employment for Major Religious Groups by Gender and Residence in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) According to Broad Status in Employment by Social Groups, Gender and Residence in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) and Gender in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Occupation Group/Sub-Division/Division of National Classification of Occupation (NCO) 2015 by Gender and Residence in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size and Gender in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Average Gross Earnings During Last 30 Days from Self-Employment Among Self-Employed Persons in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2024) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2024) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2024) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2024) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2024) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2024) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2024) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2024) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2024) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2024) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2024) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2024) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2024) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2024) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2024) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2024) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2024) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2024) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2024) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2024) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2024) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2024) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2024) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2024) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2024) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2024) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2024) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2024) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2024) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2024) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2024) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2024) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2024) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2024) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2024) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2024) - Part II
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings Per Day from Casual Labour Work Other Than Public Works in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage/Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage/Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households, Average Household Size and Sex Ratio by Residence in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part I
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part II
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part I
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024) - Part II
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Households by Household Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Households by Household Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person (Female) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person (Female) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person (Female) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person (Female) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person (Male) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person (Male) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person (Male) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Industry of Work and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Industry of Work and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Industry of Work and Gender in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (Female) Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (Female) Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (Female) Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (Female) Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (Male) Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (Male) Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (Male) Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (Janury-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (Janury-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (Janury-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (Janury-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (Janury-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees in Usual Status (PS+SS) in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) Without Written Job Contract, Not Eligible for Paid Leave and Any Specified Social Security Benefit (SSB) in India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees in Usual Status (PS+SS) in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) Without Written Job Contract, Not Eligible for Paid Leave and Any Specified Social Security Benefit (SSB) in Rural Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- State-wise Percentage of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees in Usual Status (PS+SS) in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) Without Written Job Contract, Not Eligible for Paid Leave and Any Specified Social Security Benefit (SSB) in Urban Areas of India (July 2023-June 2024)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Persons with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (July-September, 2023)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Persons with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (October-December, 2023)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Persons with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (April-June, 2023)
- Estimated Number of Establishments and Workers under Annual Survey of Unincorporated Sector Enterprises (ASUSE) in India (2021-2022 and 2022-2023)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-29 Years by Vocational/Technical Training Received, Gender and Residence in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years by Vocational/Technical Training Received, Gender and Residence in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Occupation Group/Sub-Division/Division of National Classification of Occupation (NCO) 2015 by Gender and Residence in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Average Gross Earnings During Last 30 Days from Self-Employment Among Self-Employed Persons in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (April-June, 2024)
- State-wise Average Gross Earnings During Last 30 Days from Self-Employment Among Self-Employed Persons in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Average Gross Earnings During Last 30 Days from Self-Employment Among Self-Employed Persons in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (October-December, 2023)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings Per Day from Casual Labour Work Other Than Public Works in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (October-December, 2023)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage/Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage/Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (October-December, 2023)
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households, Average Household Size, Sex Ratio and Dependency Ratio by Residence in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023) - Part I
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023) - Part II
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Households by Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Households by Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person (Female) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person (Female) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person (Female) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person (Male) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person (Male) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person (Male) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Industry of Work by Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Industry of Work by Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Industry of Work by Gender in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (October-December, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Rural Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Urban Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (October-December, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Rural Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Urban Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (October-December, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Rural Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed in Urban Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Urban Areas in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Rural Areas in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Urban Areas in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Rural Areas in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Rural Areas in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Female Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Male Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in Rural Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in Urban Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (October-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (October-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Atually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (October-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-Septebmer, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees in Usual Status (PS+SS) in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) Without Written Job Contract, Not Eligible for Paid Leave and Any Specified Social Eecurity Benefit (SSB) in India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees in Usual Status (PS+SS) in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) Without Written Job Contract, Not Eligible for Paid Leave and Any Specified Social Eecurity Benefit (SSB) in Rural Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- State-wise Percentage of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees in Usual Status (PS+SS) in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) Without Written Job Contract, Not Eligible for Paid Leave and Any Specified Social Eecurity Benefit (SSB) in Urban Areas of India (July 2022-June 2023)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Person with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (April-June, 2022)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Person with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (January-March, 2022)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Persons with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (July-September, 2022)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Persons with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (January-March, 2023)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Persons with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (October-December, 2022)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed by Broad Groups of Industry for Different NSS Rounds (Rural/Urban Areas) in India (1983, 1987-1988, 1989-1990 to 2007-2008, 2011-2012 and 2017-2018 to 2021-2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Others in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Others in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Others in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Caste in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Caste in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Caste in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribe in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribe in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribe in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of All Ages by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of All Ages by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of All Ages by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of All Religious by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Others in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Others in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Others in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Caste in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Caste in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Caste in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribe in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribe in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribe in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of All Ages by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of All Ages by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of All Ages by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of All Religious by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Marital Status, Residence and Gender in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Others in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Others in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Others in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Caste in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Caste in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Caste in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribe in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribe in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribe in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons Not in Labour Force According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Main Reason for Not Being in Labour Force and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons Not in Labour Force According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Main Reason for Not Being in Labour Force and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons Not in Labour Force According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Main Reason for Not Being in Labour Force and Gender in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-29 Years by Vocational/Technical Training Received by Residence and Gender in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years by Vocational/Technical Training Received by Residence and Gender in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Broad Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) by Residence and Gender in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of All Ages by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of All Ages by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of All Ages by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of All Religious by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons who are not Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) but Ever Worked Before Last 365 Days by Reasons for not Working and Gender in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons who are not Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) but Ever Worked Before Last 365 Days by Reasons for not Working and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons who are not Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) but Ever Worked Before Last 365 Days by Reasons for not Working and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Self Employed Persons According to Usual Status (PS+SS) Engaged in Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Mining and Quarrying (Industry Divisions 01-09 of NIC 2008) by Use of Product of Economic Activity and Gender in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Self Employed Persons According to Usual Status (PS+SS) Engaged in Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Mining and Quarrying (Industry Divisions 01-09 of NIC 2008) by Use of Product of Economic Activity and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Self Employed Persons According to Usual Status (PS+SS) Engaged in Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Mining and Quarrying (Industry Divisions 01-09 of NIC 2008) by Use of Product of Economic Activity and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Self Employed Workers Engaged in Non Agriculture (Industry Division 05-99 of NIC 2008) According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Whether Product Specification, Nature of Product Specification Received from a User Enterprise and Gender in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Self Employed Workers Engaged in Non Agriculture (Industry Division 05-99 of NIC 2008) According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Whether Product Specification, Nature of Product Specification Received from a User Enterprise and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Self Employed Workers Engaged in Non Agriculture (Industry Division 05-99 of NIC 2008) According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Whether Product Specification, Nature of Product Specification Received from a User Enterprise and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Duration of Engagement in Economic Activity and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Duration of Engagement in Economic Activity and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Duration of Engagement in Economic Activity and Gender in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) According to Broad Status in Employment by Social Groups, Gender and Residence in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Occupation Group/Sub-Division/Division of National Classification of Occupation (NCO) 2004 by Residence and Gender in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Major Religious Groups According to Broad Status in Employment by Residence and Gender in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) who Ever Worked Before Last 365 Days for Each Broad Status in Employment by Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) who Ever Worked Before Last 365 Days for Each Broad Status in Employment by Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Percentage of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) who Ever Worked before Last 365 Days for each Broad Status in Employment by Gender in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Selected State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above in Usual Status (PS+SS) in Million Plus Cities of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Selected State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above in Usual Status (PS+SS) in Million Plus Cities of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Selected State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above in Usual Status (PS+SS) in Million Plus Cities of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings Per Day from Casual Labour (Female) Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008) in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings per Day from Casual Labour (Female) Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008) in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings per Day from Casual Labour (Female) Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008) in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings per Day from Casual Labour (Male) Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008) in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings per Day from Casual Labour (Male) Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008) in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings per Day from Casual Labour (Male) Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008) in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings per Day from Casual Labour Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008) in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings per Day from Casual Labour Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008) in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings Per Day from Casual Labour Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008) in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2015) in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2015) in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2015) in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2015) in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2015) in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2015) in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2015) in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2015) in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2015) in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households, Average Household Size and Sex Ratio by Residence in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Gender in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Gender in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Households by Household Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Households by Household Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Educational Level in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Educational Level in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by General Educational Level in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Industry of Work by Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Industry of Work by Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Industry of Work by Gender in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Female (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Female (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Female (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Female (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Female (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Female (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Male (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Male (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Male (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Male (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Male (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part I
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Male (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in India (July 2021-June 2022) - Part II
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2022)
- State-wise Percentage of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees According to Usual Status (PS+SS) in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) without Written Job Contract, Not Eligible for Paid Leave, without any Social Security Benefit by Gender in India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees According to Usual Status (PS+SS) in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) without Written Job Contract, Not Eligible for Paid Leave, without any Social Security Benefit by Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- State-wise Percentage of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees According to Usual Status (PS+SS) in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) without Written Job Contract, Not Eligible for Paid Leave, without any Social Security Benefit by Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2021-June 2022)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Person with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (April-June, 2021)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Person with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (January-March, 2021)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Person with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (July-September, 2021)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Person with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (October-December, 2021)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Others in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Others in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Others in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Caste in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Caste in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Caste in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribe in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribe in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribe in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of All Regions by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of All Regions by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of All Regions by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Others in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Others in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Others in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Caste in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Caste in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Caste in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribe in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribe in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribe in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of All Regions by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of All Regions by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of All Regions by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Marital Status, Gender and Residence in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Others in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Others in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Others in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Caste in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Caste in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Caste in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribe in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribe in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribe in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons Not in Labour Force According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Main Reason for Not Being in Labour Force and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons Not in Labour Force According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Main Reason for Not Being in Labour Force and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons Not in Labour Force According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Main Reason for Not Being in Labour Force and Gender in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-29 Years by Vocational/Technical Training Received by Residence and Gender in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years by Vocational/Technical Training Received by Residence and Gender in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Broad Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) by Residence and Gender in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of All Regions by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of All Regions by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of All Regions by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons Who are Not Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) But Ever Worked Before Last 365 Days by Reasons for Not Working and Gender in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons Who are Not Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) But Ever Worked Before Last 365 Days by Reasons for Not Working and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons Who are Not Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) But Ever Worked Before Last 365 Days by Reasons for Not Working and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Self Employed Persons According to Usual Status (PS+SS) Engaged in Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Mining and Quarrying (Industry Divisions 01-09 of NIC 2008) by Use of Product of Economic Activity and Gender in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Self Employed Persons According to Usual Status (PS+SS) Engaged in Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Mining and Quarrying (Industry Divisions 01-09 of NIC 2008) by Use of Product of Economic Activity and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Self Employed Persons According to Usual Status (PS+SS) Engaged in Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing, Mining and Quarrying (Industry Divisions 01-09 of NIC 2008) by Use of Product of Economic Activity and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Duration of Engagement in Economic Activity and Gender in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Duration of Engagement in Economic Activity and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Duration of Engagement in Economic Activity and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) According to Broad Status in Employment by Social Groups, Gender and Residence in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Occupation Group/Sub-Division/Division of National Classification of Occupation (NCO) 2004 by Residence and Gender in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Major Religious Groups According to Broad Status in Employment by Residence and Gender in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) who Ever Worked Before Last 365 Days for Each Broad Status in Employment by Gender in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) Who Ever Worked Before Last 365 Days for Each Broad Status in Employment by Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Percentage of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) Who Ever Worked Before Last 365 Days for Each Broad Status in Employment by Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Selected State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above in Usual Status (PS+SS) in Million Plus Cities of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Selected State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above in Usual Status (PS+SS) in Million Plus Cities of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- Selected State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above in Usual Status (PS+SS) in Million Plus Cities of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings per Day from Casual Labour (Female) Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008) in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings per Day from Casual Labour (Female) Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008) in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings per Day from Casual Labour (Female) Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008) in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings per Day from Casual Labour (Male) Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008) in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings per Day from Casual Labour (Male) Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008) in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings per Day from Casual Labour (Male) Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008) in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings per Day from Casual Labour Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008) in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings per Day from Casual Labour Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008) in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings per Day from Casual Labour Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008) in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2004) in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2004) in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2004) in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2004) in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2004) in Urban Ar
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2004) in Rural Areas of
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2004) in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households, Average Household Size and Sex Ratio by Residence in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Gender in India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Gender in India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part I
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021) - Part II
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Famale Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Households by Household Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Households by Household Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Unemployed in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Industry of Work by Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Industry of Work by Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Industry of Work by Gender in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Females (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Females (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Females (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Males (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Males (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Males (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in Rural Areas of India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in Urban Areas of India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons (Female) of Age 15-24 Years having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons (Female) of Age 15-24 Years having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in Rural Areas of India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons (Female) of Age 15-24 Years having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in Urban Areas of India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons (Female) of Age 15-29 Years having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons (Female) of Age 15-29 Years having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in Rural Areas of India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons (Female) of Age 15-29 Years having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in Urban Areas of India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in Rural Areas of India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in Urban Areas of India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons (Male) of Age 15-24 Years having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons (Male) of Age 15-24 Years having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in Rural Areas of India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons (Male) of Age 15-24 Years having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in Urban Areas of India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons (Male) of Age 15-29 Years having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons (Male) of Age 15-29 Years having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in Rural Areas of India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons (Male) of Age 15-29 Years having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in Urban Areas of India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in Rural Areas of India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in Urban Areas of India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons of Age 15-24 Years having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons of Age 15-24 Years having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in Rural Areas of India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons of Age 15-24 Years having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in Urban Areas of India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons of Age 15-29 Years having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons of Age 15-29 Years having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in Rural Areas of India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons of Age 15-29 Years having Ability to Perform Different Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Skills in Urban Areas of India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Persons of Age 15-29 Years Not in Education, Employment and Training (NEET) by Gender and Residence in India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees According to Usual Status (PS+SS) in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) without Written Job Contract, Not Eligible for Paid Leave, without any Social Security Benefit by Gender in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees According to Usual Status (PS+SS) in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) without Written Job Contract, Not Eligible for Paid Leave, without any Social Security Benefit by Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Percentage of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees According to Usual Status (PS+SS) in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) without Written Job Contract, Not Eligible for Paid Leave, without any Social Security Benefit by Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Quarterly Unemployment Rate (UR) of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above According to Current Weekly Status in India (2018-2019 to 2020-2021)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Person with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (July-September, 2020)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Person with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (October-December, 2020)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Person with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (April-June 2020)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Person with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (January-March, 2020)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and Above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Social Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Social Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Others in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Castes in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Castes in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Castes in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribe in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribes in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribes in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of All Regions by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of All Regions by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of All Regions by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Social Groups in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Social Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Social Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Caste in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Castes in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Castes in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribes in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribes in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribes in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of All Regions by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of All Regions by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of All Regions by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Marital Status, Gender and Residence in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for All Social Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Backward Classes in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Social Groups in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Social Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Other Social Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Caste in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Castes in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Castes in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribe in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribes in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group for Scheduled Tribes in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above who Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-29 Years by Vocational/Technical Training Received by Gender and Residence in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years by Vocational/Technical Training Received by Gender and Residence in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Broad Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) by Gender and Residence in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of All Regions by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of All Regions by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of All Regions by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) According to Broad Status in Employment by Social Groups, Gender and Residence in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Occupation Group/Sub-Division/Division of National Classification of Occupation (NCO) 2004 by Gender and Residence in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Major Religious Groups According to Broad Status in Employment by Gender and Residence in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Selected State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above in Usual Status (PS+SS) in Million Plus Cities of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Selected State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above in Usual Status (PS+SS) in Million Plus Cities of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Selected State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above in Usual Status (PS+SS) in Million Plus Cities of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2019) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings per Day from Casual Labour (Female) Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008) in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings per Day from Casual Labour (Male) Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008) in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings per Day from Casual Labour Work by Industry of Work (Industry Sections of NIC-2008) in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2004) in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2004) in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2004) in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2004) in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2004) in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2004) in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2004) in India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees (Female) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2004) in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees (Male) in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2004) in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2004) in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Occupation Divisions (1- Digit Code of NCO 2004) in Urban Areas of India (July 2020-June 2021)
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households, Average Household Size and Sex Ratio by Residence in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Gender in India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Gender in India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part I
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020) - Part II
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Sex in Rural and Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Households by Household Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Households by Household Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Industry of Work by Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Industry of Work by Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Industry of Work by Gender in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Females (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Females (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Females (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Males (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Males (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Males (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification-2008 (NIC-2008) in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2020)
- State-wise Percentage of Population of Age 25 Years and Above with at Least Secondary Education as Highest Level of Education Successfully Completed by Sex and Residence in India (July 2019-July 2020)
- State-wise Percentage of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees According to Usual Status (PS+SS) in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) without Written Job Contract, Not Eligible for Paid Leave, without Any Social Security Benefit by Gender in India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees According to Usual Status (PS+SS) in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) without Written Job Contract, Not Eligible for Paid Leave, without Any Social Security Benefit by Gender in Rural Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- State-wise Percentage of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees According to Usual Status (PS+SS) in Non-Agriculture Sector (NIC-2008 Divisions 05-99) without Written Job Contract, Not Eligible for Paid Leave, without Any Social Security Benefit by Gender in Urban Areas of India (July 2019-June 2020)
- Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of Andaman and Nicobar Islands (January-March, 2019)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Person with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (July-September, 2019)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Person with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Gender and Residence in India (October-December, 2019)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Persons with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Sex and Residence in India (April-June, 2019)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Persons with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Sex and Residence in India (January-March, 2019)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Age 15 Years and above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Current Weekly Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Current Weekly Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Current Weekly Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for All Social Groups in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for All Social Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for All Social Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Other Backward Class (OBC) in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Other Backward Class (OBC) in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Other Backward Class (OBC) in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Others (Social Group) in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Others (Social Group) in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Others (Social Group) in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Caste (SC) in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Caste (SC) in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Caste (SC) in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Tribe (ST) in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Tribe (ST) in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Tribe (ST) in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) of Usual Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) of Usual Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity and Industry Sector in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity and Industry Sector in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of Age 15 Years and Above in Usual Status (PS+SS) in Million Plus Cities of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of Age 15 Years and above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of Age 15 years and above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of All Age Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of All Age Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of All Age Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of All Religious Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of All Religious Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of All Religious Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Female Persons of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons by Current Weekly Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons by Current Weekly Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons by Current Weekly Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for All Social Groups in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Other Backward Class (OBC) in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Other Backward Class (OBC) in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Others (Social Group) in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Others (Social Group) in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Others (Social Group) in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Caste (SC) in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Caste (SC) in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Caste (SC) in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Tribe (ST) in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Tribe (ST) in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Tribe (ST) in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) of Usual Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) of Usual Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity and Industry Sector in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity and Industry Sector in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Age 15 Years and Above in Usual Status (PS+SS) in Million Plus Cities of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Age 15 Years and above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of All Age Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of All Age Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of All Religious Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of All Religious Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of All Religious Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Male Persons of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education Level in Jammu and Kashmir (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for All Social Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for All Social Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Other Backward Class (OBC) in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 years and above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of All Age Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for All Social Groups in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for All Social Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for All Social Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Other Backward Class (OBC) in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Other Backward Class (OBC) in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Other Backward Class (OBC) in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Others (Social Group) in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Others (Social Group) in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Others (Social Group) in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Caste (SC) in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Caste (SC) in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Caste (SC) in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Tribe (ST) in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Tribe (ST) in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Tribe (ST) in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) of Usual Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) of Usual Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity and Industry Sector in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons in Usual Status (PS+SS) by Occupation/Group/Sub-Division/Division of National Classification of Occupation (NCO) 2004 by Residence and Sex in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 years and Above by Technical Education Level in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above in Usual Status (PS+SS) in Million Plus Cities of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and above who are Literate through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Different Number of Years Spent in Formal Education in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-29 Years Who Received Vocational/Technical Training in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Broad Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of All Age Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of All Age Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of All Religious Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of All Religious Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of All Religious Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Christianity by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Hinduism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Islam by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Sikhism by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of Puducherry (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Female Persons Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (Industry Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Female Persons Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (Industry Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Male Persons Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (Industry Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Male Persons Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (Industry Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Non-Agriculture Sector (Industry Divisions 05-99) by Enterprise Size in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Female) According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Female) According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Female) According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Male) According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Male) According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Male) According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (PS+SS) by Industry/Division/Section of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 by Residence and Sex in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Haryana (April-June, 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of Andaman and Nicobar Islands (October-December, 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) for Scheduled Tribe (ST)/Scheduled Class (SC)/Others/All Social Groups by Residence and Sex in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Major Religious Groups According to Broad Status in Employment by Sex and Residence in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Average Gross Earnings (In Rs.) During Last 30 Days from Self Employment Among Self Employed Persons in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Sex and Residence in India (April-June, 2019)
- State-wise Average Gross Earnings (In Rs.) During Last 30 Days from Self Employment Among Self Employed Persons in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Sex and Residence in India (January-March, 2019)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2019) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2019) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2019) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2019) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2019) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2019) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2019) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2019) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2019) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2019) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2019) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2019) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2019) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2019) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2019) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2019) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2019) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2019) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2019) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2019) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2019) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2019) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2019) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2019) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2019) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2019) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2019) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2019) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2019) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2019) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2019) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2019) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2019) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2019) - Part I
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2019) - Part II
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2019)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2019)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2019)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2019)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2019)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2019)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2019)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2019)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2019)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2019)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed during Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2019)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (April-June, 2019)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (January-March, 2019)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed during Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2019)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2019)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2019)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2019)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings (In Rs.) Per Day from Casual Labour Work Other than Public Works in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Sex and Residence in India (April-June, 2019)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings (In Rs.) Per Day from Casual Labour Work Other than Public Works in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Sex and Residence in India (January-March, 2019)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings (In Rs.) During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Sex and Residence in India (April-June, 2019)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings (In Rs.) During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Sex and Residence in India (January-March, 2019)
- State-wise Estimated (000) Number of Persons by Age Group and Sex in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households, Average Household Size and Sex Ratio by Residence in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Sex in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Sex in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Sex in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Sex in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households Surveyed and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Sex in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-July 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Households by Household Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Households by Household Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education Level in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Aged 15 Years and Above by General Education Level in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Aged 15 Years and Above by General Education Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons of Aged 15 Years and Above by General Education Level in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Industry of Work and Sex in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Industry of Work and Sex in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Industry of Work and Sex in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usaully Working Female (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usaully Working Female (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usaully Working Male (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usaully Working Male (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usaully Working Male (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usaully Working Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usaully Working Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usaully Working Persons (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of National Industrial Classification (NIC) 2008 in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Female Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Female Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Female Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Female Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Female Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Male Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Male Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Male Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Male Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Male Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Male Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Male Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Days Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (April-June, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (January-March, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (April-June, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (January-March, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (April-June, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (January-March, 2019)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2018)
- State-wise Percentage of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees According to Usual Status (PS+SS) in Non-Agriculture Sector (Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99) without Written Job Contract, Not Eligible for Paid Leave, without any Social Security Benefit by Sex in India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees According to Usual Status (PS+SS) in Non-Agriculture Sector (Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99) without Written Job Contract, Not Eligible for Paid Leave, without any Social Security Benefit by Sex in Rural Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- State-wise Percentage of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees According to Usual Status (PS+SS) in Non-Agriculture Sector (Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99) without Written Job Contract, Not Eligible for Paid Leave, without any Social Security Benefit by Sex in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Urban Areas of India (July 2018-June 2019)
- Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of Jammu and Kashmir (October-December, 2018)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Persons with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Sex and Residence in India (July-September, 2018)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Persons with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Sex and Residence in India (October-December, 2018)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Aged 15 Years and Above Who Literate Through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Aged 15 Years and Above Who Literate Through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Female Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Aged 15 Years and Above Who Literate Through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Aged 15 Years and Above Who Literate Through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Aged 15 Years and Above Who Literate Through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Male Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Aged 15 Years and Above Who Literate Through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Aged 15 Years and Above Who Literate Through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Aged 15 Years and Above Who Literate Through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Average Number of Years Spent in Formal Education by Workers in Usual Status (PS+SS) of Aged 15 Years and Above Who Literate Through Formal Schooling by Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- City-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Aged 15 Years and Above in Usual Status (PS+SS) of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- City-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Aged 15 Years and Above in Usual Status (PS+SS) of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- City-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons of Aged 15 Years and Above in Usual Status (PS+SS) of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Female by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Female by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Male by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Male by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Person by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Person by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Decile Class of Usual Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure (UMPCE) in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) Aged 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) Aged 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Other Backward Class in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Other Backward Class in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Other Backward Class in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Others in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Others in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Others in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Caste in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Caste in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Caste in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Tribe in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Tribe in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Tribe in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Christianity and Age Groups in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Christianity and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Christianity and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Hinduism and Age Groups in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Hinduism and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Hinduism and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Islam and Age Groups in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Islam and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Islam and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Sikhism and Age Groups in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Sikhism and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Sikhism and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity and Industry Sector in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity and Industry Sector in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity and Industry Sector in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Aged 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Aged 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Aged 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Aged 15 Years and Above Who Literate Through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Number of Years of Years Spent in Formal Education in India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Aged 15 Years and Above Who Literate Through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Number of Years of Years Spent in Formal Education in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Aged 15 Years and Above Who Literate Through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Number of Years of Years Spent in Formal Education in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Aged 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Aged 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Aged 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of All Age Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of All Age Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of All Age Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) Aged 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) Aged 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Other Backward Class in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Other Backward Class in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Other Backward Class in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Others in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Others in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Others in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Caste in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Caste in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Caste in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Tribe in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Tribe in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Tribe in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Christianity and Age Groups in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Christianity and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Christianity and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Hinduism and Age Groups in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Hinduism and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Hinduism and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Islam and Age Groups in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Islam and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Islam and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Sikhism and Age Groups in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Sikhism and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Sikhism and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity and Industry Sector in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity and Industry Sector in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity and Industry Sector in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Aged 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Aged 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Aged 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Aged 15 Years and Above Who Literate Through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Number of Years of Years Spent in Formal Education in India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Aged 15 Years and Above Who Literate Through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Number of Years of Years Spent in Formal Education in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Aged 15 Years and Above Who Literate Through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Number of Years of Years Spent in Formal Education in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Aged 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Aged 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Aged 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of All Age Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of All Age Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of All Age Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons Aged 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons Aged 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons Aged 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Usual Activity (PS+SS) for Each Age Groups in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Usual Activity (PS+SS) for Each Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Usual Activity (PS+SS) for Each Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Other Backward Class in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Other Backward Class in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Other Backward Class in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Others in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Others in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Others in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Caste in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Caste in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Caste in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Tribe in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Tribe in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) and Age Groups for Scheduled Tribe in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Christianity and Age Groups in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Christianity and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Christianity and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Hinduism and Age Groups in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Hinduism and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Hinduism and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Islam and Age Groups in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Islam and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Islam and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Sikhism and Age Groups in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Sikhism and Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Sikhism and Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity and Industry Sector in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity and Industry Sector in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity and Industry Sector in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons Female Aged 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons Female by Current Weekly Usual Activity (PS+SS) for Each Age Groups in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons Female by Current Weekly Usual Activity (PS+SS) for Each Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons Female by Current Weekly Usual Activity (PS+SS) for Each Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons Male Aged 15-59 Years who Received Formal Vocational/Technical Training by Field of Training for Each Broad Usual Status (PS+SS) in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons Male by Current Weekly Usual Activity (PS+SS) for Each Age Groups in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons Male by Current Weekly Usual Activity (PS+SS) for Each Age Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons Male by Current Weekly Usual Activity (PS+SS) for Each Age Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Different Activity Status in Current Weekly Status, Sex in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End December 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Different Activity Status in Current Weekly Status, Sex in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End September 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Aged 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Aged 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Aged 15 Years and Above by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Aged 15 Years and Above Who Literate Through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Number of Years of Years Spent in Formal Education in India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Aged 15 Years and Above Who Literate Through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Number of Years of Years Spent in Formal Education in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Aged 15 Years and Above Who Literate Through Formal Schooling by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Number of Years of Years Spent in Formal Education in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Aged 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Aged 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of Aged 15-29 Years by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of All Age Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of All Age Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons of All Age Groups by Usual Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Industry Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Size in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Industry Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Size in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) Engaged in Industry Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Size in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Industry Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Size in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Industry Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Size in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) Engaged in Industry Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Size in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Industry Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Size in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Industry Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Size in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons Engaged in Industry Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Size in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Female) According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Female) According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Female) According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Male) According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Male) According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Male) According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Persons According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment for Each Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Maharashtra (July-September, 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above in Current Weekly Status by Broad Industry of Work, Sex in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End December 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above in Current Weekly Status by Broad Industry of Work, Sex in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End September 2018)
- Selected State-wise Number of Blocks, Households and Persons by Age Group and Sex in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End December 2018)
- Selected State-wise Number of Blocks, Households and Persons by Age Group and Sex in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- Selected State-wise Number of Blocks, Households and Persons by Age Group and Sex in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End September 2018)
- Selected State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Working of Age 15 Years and Above According to Current Weekly Status by Broad Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End December 2018)
- Selected State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Working of Age 15 Years and Above According to Current Weekly Status by Broad Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- Selected State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Working of Age 15 Years and Above According to Current Weekly Status by Broad Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End September 2018)
- Selected State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Working of Age 15 Years and Above According to Current Weekly Status by Broad Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End December 2018)
- Selected State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Working of Age 15 Years and Above According to Current Weekly Status by Broad Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- Selected State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Working of Age 15 Years and Above According to Current Weekly Status by Broad Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End September 2018)
- Selected State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working of Age 15 Years and Above According to Current Weekly Status by Broad Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End December 2018)
- Selected State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working of Age 15 Years and Above According to Current Weekly Status by Broad Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- Selected State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working of Age 15 Years and Above According to Current Weekly Status by Broad Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End September 2018)
- State-wise Average Gross Earnings (In Rs.) During Last 30 Days from Self Employment Among Self Employed Persons in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Sex and Residence in India (July-September, 2018)
- State-wise Average Gross Earnings (In Rs.) During Last 30 Days from Self Employment Among Self Employed Persons in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Sex and Residence in India (October-December, 2018)
- State-wise Average Gross Earnings (In Rs.) During Last 30 Days from Self-Employed Among Self-Employed Persons in Current Weekly Status by Residence and Sex in India (Quarter End June 2018)
- State-wise Average Gross Earnings (In Rs.) During Last 30 Days from Self-Employed Among Self-Employed Persons in Current Weekly Status by Residence and Sex in India (Quarter End March, 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Areas of India (Quarter End March 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End March 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End March 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Areas of India (Quarter End March 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End March 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End March 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Person Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Person Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Areas of India (Quarter End March 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Person Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Person Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End March 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Person Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Person Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End March 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (July-September, 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Male) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2018)
- State-wise Average Number of Days Worked and Number of Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Workers (Female) According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) in India (October-December, 2018)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings (In Rs.) Per Day from Casual Labour Work in Public Works by Sex in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End June, 2018)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings (In Rs.) Per Day from Casual Labour Work in Public Works by Sex in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End March, 2018)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings (In Rs.) Per Day from Casual Labour Work Other than Public Works in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Sex and Residence in India (July-September, 2018)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings (In Rs.) Per Day from Casual Labour Work Other than Public Works in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Sex and Residence in India (October-December, 2018)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings (In Rs.) Per Day from Casual Labour Work Other than Public Works in Current Weekly Status by Residence and Sex in India (Quarter End June, 2018)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings (In Rs.) Per Day from Casual Labour Work Other than Public Works in Current Weekly Status by Residence and Sex in India (Quarter end March, 2018)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings (In Rs.) During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Sex and Residence in India (July-September, 2018)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings (In Rs.) During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Sex and Residence in India (October-December, 2018)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings (In Rs.) During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status by Residence and Sex in India (Quarter Ended June, 2018)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings (In Rs.) During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status by Residence and Sex in India (Quarter Ended March, 2018)
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households, Average Household Size and Sex Ratio by Residence in India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Sex in India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Estimated Number of Persons by Age Group and Sex in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Sex in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households and Persons Enumerated by Age Group and Sex in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Areas of India (Quarter End March 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End March 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End March 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Working According to Current Weekly Status by Broad Status in Employment in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Working According to Current Weekly Status by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Working According to Current Weekly Status by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Households by Household Type Surveyed in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Households by Household Type Surveyed in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Areas of India (Quarter End March 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End March 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End March 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (July-September, 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Working According to Current Weekly Status by Broad Status in Employment in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Working According to Current Weekly Status by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Working According to Current Weekly Status by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Workers According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Areas of India (Quarter End March 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End March 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End March 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Working According to Current Weekly Status by Broad Status in Employment in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Working According to Current Weekly Status by Broad Status in Employment in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Working According to Current Weekly Status by Broad Status in Employment in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Aged 15 Years and Above by General Education Level in India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Aged 15 Years and Above by General Education Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) of Aged 15 Years and Above by General Education Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Aged 15 Years and Above by General Education Level in India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Aged 15 Years and Above by General Education Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) of Aged 15 Years and Above by General Education Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons of Aged 15 Years and Above by General Education Level in India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons of Aged 15 Years and Above by General Education Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons of Aged 15 Years and Above by General Education Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status by Broad Industry of Work and Sex in India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status by Broad Industry of Work and Sex in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status by Broad Industry of Work and Sex in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Female Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 2017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Female Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 2017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Female Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 2017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Female Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Female Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Female Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Male Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 2017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Male Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 2017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Male Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 2017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Male Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Male Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Male Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Person Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 2017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Person Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 2017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Person Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 014, 016, 2017, 02-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Person Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Person Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Person Engaged in Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99 by Enterprise Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Female (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Female (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Female (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Male (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Male (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Male (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Person (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 in Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Person (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Usually Working Person (PS+SS) by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (July-September, 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in India (October-December, 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (July-September, 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (October-December, 2018)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers in Current Weekly Status by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (October-December, 2018)
- State-wise Percentage of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees According to Usual Status (PS+SS) in Non-Agriculture Sector (Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99) by Without Written Job Contact, Not Eligible for Paid Leave, Without any Social Security Benefit and Sex in India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees According to Usual Status (PS+SS) in Non-Agriculture Sector (Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99) by Without Written Job Contact, Not Eligible for Paid Leave, Without any Social Security Benefit and Sex in Rural Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- State-wise Percentage of Regular Wage/Salaried Employees According to Usual Status (PS+SS) in Non-Agriculture Sector (Industry Groups/Divisions 05-99) by Without Written Job Contact, Not Eligible for Paid Leave, Without any Social Security Benefit and Sex in Urban Areas of India (July 2017-June 2018)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Persons with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Residence and Sex in India (Quarter End December 2017)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Persons with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Residence and Sex in India (Quarter End June 2018)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Persons with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Residence and Sex in India (Quarter End March, 2018)
- Average Number of Hours Available for Additional Work in a Week for Persons with Different Broad Activity Status in Employment According to Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Residence and Sex in India (Quarter End September 2017)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons aged 15 years and above Received Vocational Training in Different Fields (Formal) and Main Activity Pursued in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above Received Vocational Training in Different Fields (Informal) and Main Activity Pursued in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons aged 15 years and above Received Vocational Training in Different Fields (Formal) and Main Activity Pursued in India (2016-2017)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons aged 15 years and above Received Vocational Training in Different Fields (Formal) and Main Activity Pursued in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above Received Vocational Training in Different Fields (Informal) and Main Activity Pursued by Sex in India (2016-2017)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above Received Vocational Training in Different Fields (Informal) and Main Activity Pursued in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above who Received by Type of Vocational Training in Different Fields (Formal) and Pursuing Different Economic Activities Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in India (2016-2017)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above who Received by Type of Vocational Training in Different Fields (Formal) and Pursuing Different Economic Activities Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above who Received by Type of Vocational Training in Different Fields (Formal) and Pursuing Different Economic Activities Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above who Received by Type of Vocational Training in Different Fields (Informal) and Pursuing Different Economic Activities Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in India (2016-2017)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above who Received by Type of Vocational Training in Different Fields (Informal) and Pursuing Different Economic Activities Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Urban Areas of India (2016
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above who Received by Type of Vocational Training in Different Fields Different Fields (Informal) and Pursuing Different Economic Activities Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural Areas of
- State-wise Average Gross Earnings (In Rs.) During Last 30 Days from Self-Employed Among Self-Employed Persons in Current Weekly Status by Residence and Sex in India (Quarter End December, 2017)
- State-wise Average Gross Earnings (In Rs.) During Last 30 Days from Self-Employed Among Self-Employed Persons in Current Weekly Status by Residence and Sex in India (Quarter End September, 2017)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Areas of India (Quarter End December 2017)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Areas of India (Quarter End September 2017)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End December 2017)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End September 2017)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End December 2017)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Female Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End September 2017)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Areas of India (Quarter End December 2017)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Areas of India (Quarter End September 2017)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End December 2017)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End December 2017)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End September 2017)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Male Workers According Current Weekly Status in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End September 2017)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Person Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Areas of India (Quarter End December 2017)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Person Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Areas of India (Quarter End September 2017)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Person Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End December 2017)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Person Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End September 2017)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Person Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End December 2017)
- State-wise Average Number of Days and Hours Actually Worked Per Week Considering All Economic Activities Performed During Week for Person Workers According Current Weekly Status (CWS) in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End September 2017)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings (In Rs.) Per Day from Casual Labour Work in Public Works by Sex in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End December, 2017)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings (In Rs.) Per Day from Casual Labour Work in Public Works by Sex in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End September, 2017)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings (In Rs.) Per Day from Casual Labour Work Other than Public Works in Current Weekly Status by Residence and Sex in India (Quarter end December, 2017)
- State-wise Average Wage Earnings (In Rs.) Per Day from Casual Labour Work Other than Public Works in Current Weekly Status by Residence and Sex in India (Quarter End September, 2017)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings (In Rs.) During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status by Residence and Sex in India (Quarter Ended December, 2017)
- State-wise Average Wage/Salary Earnings (In Rs.) During Preceding Calendar Month from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment Among Regular Wage Salaried Employees in Current Weekly Status by Residence and Sex in India (Quarter Ended September, 2017)
- State-wise Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Number of Households and Persons Surveyed by Residence in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Number of Villages/Urban Frame Survey (UFS) Blocks Allocated and Actually Surveyed by Residence in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution for Persons of Aged 15 Years and Above by Main Activity, Educational Classification According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach and Residence in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Contract Workers (Female) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Workers (Female) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Workers (Female) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Workers (Female) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Workers (Male) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Workers (Male) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Contract Workers (Female) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Contract Workers (Male) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Contract Workers (Male) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Type of Job Contract in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Type of Job Contract in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Type of Job Contract in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employed Persons in Different Activities by Various Age Groups According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employed Persons in Different Activities by Various Age Groups According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employed Persons in Different Activities by Various Age Groups According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employed Persons of Various Age Group by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employed Persons of Various Age Group by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employed Persons of Various Age Group by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employers (Female) aged 15 years and above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings according to Usual Principal Status Approach (ps) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employers (Male) aged 15 years and above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings according to Usual Principal Status Approach (ps) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employers (Male) aged 15 years and above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings according to Usual Principal Status Approach (ps) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employers aged 15 years and above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings according to Usual Principal Status Approach (ps) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employers aged 15 years and above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings according to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Employers aged 15 years and above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings according to Usual Principal Status Approach (ps) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) In Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above for Wage Salaried/Contract workers who Received Social Security Benefits by Various Schemes in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above for Wage Salaried/Contract Workers who Received Social Security Benefits by Various Schemes in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above for Wage Salaried/Contract Workers who Received Social Security Benefits by Various Schemes in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) Benefited from Employment Generating Schemes in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Average Monthly Earnings in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Average Monthly Earnings Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Average Monthly Earnings Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Members of Aged 15 Years and Above in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Members of Aged 15 Years and Above in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Members of Aged 15 Years and Above in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Number of Employed Persons Aged 15 Years and Above Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Number of Employed Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Number of Employed Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Number of Wage/Salaried Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Number of Wage/Salaried Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Number of Wage/Salaried Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Social Group in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Social Group in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Social Group in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) having Four and Above Earners Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach and their Average Monthly Earnings in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) having No Earner Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach and their Average Monthly Earnings in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) having One Earner Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach and their Average Monthly Earnings in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) having Saving Bank Account in Banks/Post Office by Various Categories of Average Monthly Earnings in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) having Saving Bank Account in Banks/Post Office by Various Categories of Average Monthly Earnings in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) having Saving Bank Account in Banks/Post Office by Various Categories of Average Monthly Earnings in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) having Three Earner Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach and their Average Monthly Earnings in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) having Two Earner Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach and their Average Monthly Earnings in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Number of Employed Persons (Other Backward Classes) Aged 15 Years and Above India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Number of Employed Persons (Others) Aged 15 Years and Above India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Number of Employed Persons (Scheduled Caste) Aged 15 Years and Above India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Number of Employed Persons (Scheduled Tribe) Aged 15 Years and Above India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households having Wage/Salaried Persons Aged 15 Years Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach and their Average Monthly Earnings in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households having Wage/Salaried Persons Aged 15 Years Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach and their Average Monthly Earnings in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households having Wage/Salaried Persons Aged 15 Years Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach and their Average Monthly Earnings in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Employers aged 15 years and above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings according to Usual Principal Status Approach (ps) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) In Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Division based on NCO 2004 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above for Wage Salaried/Contract Workers who Received Social Security Benefits by Various Schemes in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 years and above for Wage Salaried/Contract Workers who Received Social Security Benefits by Different Schemes in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 years and above for Wage Salaried/Contract workers who Received Social Security Benefits by Different Schemes in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Other Backward Classes Households (HHs) Benefited from Employment Generating Schemes in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Others Households (HHs) Benefited from Employment Generating Schemes in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Own Account Persons aged 15 years and above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings according to Usual Principal Status Approach (ps) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Own Account Persons aged 15 years and above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings according to Usual Principal Status Approach (ps) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Own Account Persons (Female) aged 15 years and above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings according to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Own Account Persons (Female) aged 15 years and above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings according to Usual Principal Status Approach (ps) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Own Account Persons (Female) aged 15 years and above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings according to Usual Principal Status Approach (ps) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Own Account Persons (Male) aged 15 years and above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings according to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Own Account Persons (Male) aged 15 years and above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings according to Usual Principal Status Approach (ps) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Own Account Persons (Male) aged 15 years and above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings according to Usual Principal Status Approach (ps) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Own Account Persons aged 15 years and above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings according to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity who Received Vocational Training According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach, Social Group and Residence in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above by Gender and Status of Vocational Training in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 years and above by Type of Formal and Informal Vocational Training in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 years and above by Type of Formal and Informal Vocational Training in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above who Received Vocational Training Pursuing in Various Activities Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above who Received Vocational Training Pursuing in Various Activities Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above who Received Vocational Training Pursuing in Various Activities Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above with Graduate Degree and Above in Different Field of Education and Main Activity Pursued by them According to Usual Principal Status (PS) and Residence in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Regular Wage/Salaried Workers Aged 15 Years and Above who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Regular Wage/Salaried Workers Aged 15 Years and Above who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Regular Wage/Salaried Workers Aged 15 Years and Above who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Scheduled Caste Households (HHs) Benefited from Employment Generating Schemes in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Scheduled Tribe Households (HHs) Benefited from Employment Generating Schemes in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Persons (Female) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Persons (Female) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Persons (Female) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Persons (Male) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Persons (Male) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Persons (Male) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Total Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Total Employers aged 15 years and above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings according to Usual Principal Status Approach (ps) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Unemployed Persons (Female) Aged 15 Years and Above by Methods Adopted to Seek Work According to Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Unemployed Persons (Female) Aged 15 Years and Above by Methods Adopted to Seek Work According to Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Unemployed Persons (Female) Aged 15 Years and Above by Methods Adopted to Seek Work According to Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Unemployed Persons (Female) having Graduate Level Qualification Aged 15 Years and Above by Reasons of Unemployment in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Unemployed Persons (Female) having Post-Graduate Level Qualification Aged 15 Years and Above by Reasons of Unemployment in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Unemployed Persons (Female) having Post-Graduate Level Qualification Aged 15 Years and Above by Reasons of Unemployment in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Unemployed Persons (Male) Aged 15 Years and Above by Methods Adopted to Seek Work According to Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Unemployed Persons (Male) Aged 15 Years and Above by Methods Adopted to Seek Work According to Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Unemployed Persons (Male) Aged 15 Years and Above by Methods Adopted to Seek Work According to Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Unemployed Persons (Male) having Graduate Level Qualification Aged 15 Years and Above by Reasons of Unemployment in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Unemployed Persons (Male) having Post-Graduate Level Qualification Aged 15 Years and Above by Reasons of Unemployment in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Unemployed Persons Aged 15 Years and Above by Methods Adopted to Seek Work According to Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Unemployed Persons Aged 15 Years and Above by Methods Adopted to Seek Work According to Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Unemployed Persons Aged 15 Years and Above by Methods Adopted to Seek Work According to Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Unemployed Persons having Graduate Level Qualification Aged 15 Years and Above by Reasons of Unemployment in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Unemployed Persons having Graduate Level Qualification Aged 15 Years and Above by Reasons of Unemployment in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Unemployed Persons having Graduate Level Qualification Aged 15 Years and Above by Reasons of Unemployment in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Unemployed Persons having Post-Graduate Level Qualification Aged 15 Years and Above by Reasons of Unemployment in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Unemployed Persons having Post-Graduate Level Qualification Aged 15 Years and Above by Reasons of Unemployment in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Unemployed Persons having Post-Graduate Level Qualification Aged 15 Years and Above by Reasons of Unemployment in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Wage/Salaried Persons (Female) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Wage/Salaried Persons (Female) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Wage/Salaried Persons (Female) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Wage/Salaried Persons (Male) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Wage/Salaried Persons (Male) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Wage/Salaried Persons (Male) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Wage/Salaried Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Wage/Salaried Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Wage/Salaried Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Age Group 15 Years and Above by Occupation Division (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Age Group 15-17 Years by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Age Group 15-17 Years by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Age Group 18-24 Years by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Age Group 18-24 Years by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Age Group 18-24 Years by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Age Group 25-29 Years by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Age Group 25-29 Years by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Age Group 25-29 Years by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Age Group 30 Years and Above by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above for Wage Salaried/Contract Workers who Received Social Security Benefits by Various Schemes in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above for Wage Salaried/Contract workers who Received Social Security Benefits by Various Schemes in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above for Wage Salaried/Contract Workers who Received Social Security Benefits by Various Schemes in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers aged 15 years and above who Sought/Available for Additional Work during Last 12 months in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers aged 15 years and above who Sought/Available for Additional Work during Last 12 months in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers aged 15 years and above who Sought/Available for Additional Work during Last 12 months in Urban Areas India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers aged 15 years and above who Sought/Available for Alternative Work During Last 12 Months in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers aged 15 years and above who Sought/Available for Alternative Work during Last 12 months in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers aged 15 years and above who Sought/Available for Alternative Work During Last 12 Months in Urban Areas India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers aged 15 years and above who Sought/Available for Additional Work during Last 12 months in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-17 Years by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) of Various Sectors in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 30 Years and Above by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 30 Years and Above by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Section based on NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Casual Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Casual Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Casual Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Areas of India (Quarter End December 2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Areas of India (Quarter End September 2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End December 2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End September 2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End December 2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End September 2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status (PS+SS) Approach in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status (PS+SS) Approach in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status (PS+SS) Approach in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Areas of India (Quarter End December 2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Areas of India (Quarter End September 2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End December 2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End September 2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End December 2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End September 2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status (PS+SS) Approach in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status (PS+SS) Approach in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status (PS+SS) Approach in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Areas of India (Quarter End December 2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Areas of India (Quarter End September 2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End December 2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Rural Areas of India (Quarter End September 2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End December 2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Person Workers in Current Weekly Status (CWS) by Number of Hours Actually Worked in a Week in Urban Areas of India (Quarter End September 2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Self Employed of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Self Employed of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Self Employed of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in India (2016-2017)
- State-wise Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed by Type of Job Contract in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Regular Wage/Salaried Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Type of Job Contract in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed by Type of Job Contract in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed by Type of Job Contract in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Wage/Salaried Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed by Type of Job Contract in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- Per 1000 Distribution for Persons of Aged 15 Years and Above by Main Activity and Educational Classification According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach, Social Group in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- Per 1000 Distribution for Persons of Aged 15 Years and Above by Main Activity and Educational Classification According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach, Social Group in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- Per 1000 Distribution for Persons of Aged 15 Years and Above by Main Activity and Educational Classification According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach, Social Group in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- Per 1000 Distribution for Persons of Various Age Groups by Educational Classification and Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- Per 1000 Distribution for Persons of Various Age Groups by Educational Classification and Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural+Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- Per 1000 Distribution for Persons of Various Age Groups by Educational Classification and Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity who Received Vocational Training According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach, Social Group and Residence in India (2015-2016)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above Received/Receiving Vocational Training in Different Fields and Main Activity Pursued in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above Received/Receiving Vocational Training in Different Fields and Main Activity Pursued in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above Received/Receiving Vocational Training in Different Fields and Main Activity Pursued in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above who Received/Receiving Vocational Training in Different Fields and Pursuing Different Economic Activities Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above who Received/Receiving Vocational Training in Different Fields and Pursuing Different Economic Activities Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above who Received/Receiving Vocational Training in Different Fields and Pursuing Different Economic Activities Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above with Graduate Degree and Above in Different Field of Education and Main Acticity Pursued by them According to Usual Principal Status (PS) by Residence in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Distribution of Transgender Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Average Number of Months Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Number of Households and Persons Surveyed by Residence in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Number of Villages/Urban Frame Survey (UFS) Blocks Allocated and Surveyed For Employment and Unemployment Situation in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of (Male) Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of (Male) Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Type of Job Contract in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Type of Job Contract in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Type of Job Contract in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Workers Aged 15 Years and Above who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Workers Aged 15 Years and Above who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Workers Aged 15 Years and Above who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Type of Job Contract in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Type of Job Contract in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Type of Job Contract in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employed Persons in Different Activities by Various Age Groups According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employed Persons in Different Activities by Various Age Groups According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employed Persons in Different Activities by Various Age Groups According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Casual Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Casual Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Casual Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed by Type of Job Contract in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed by Type of Job Contract in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed by Type of Job Contract in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Social Security Benefits by Different Schemes in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Social Security Benefits by Different Schemes in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Social Security Benefits by Different Schemes in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) Benefited from Employment Generating Schemes for Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Average Monthly Earnings in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Average Monthly Earnings in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Average Monthly Earnings in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Members of Aged 15 Years and Above in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Members of Aged 15 Years and Above in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Members of Aged 15 Years and Above in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Number of Employed Persons Aged 15 Year and Above in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Number of Employed Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Number of Wage/Salaried Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Number of Wage/Salaried Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Number of Wage/Salaried Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Social Group in Rural and Urban Area of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Social Group in Rural Area of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Social Group in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) having Four and Above Earners Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach and their Average Monthly Earnings in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) having No Earner Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach and their Average Monthly Earnings in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) having One Earner Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach and their Average Monthly Earnings in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) having Saving Bank Account by Average Monthly Earnings in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) having Saving Bank Account by Average Monthly Earnings in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) having Saving Bank Account by Average Monthly Earnings in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) having Three Earners Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach and their Average Monthly Earnings in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) having Two Earners Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach and their Average Monthly Earnings in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Number of Employed Persons (Other Backward Classes) Aged 15 Years and Above in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Number of Employed Persons (Other Backward Classes) Aged 15 Years and Above in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Number of Employed Persons (Other Backward Classes) Aged 15 Years and Above in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Number of Employed Persons (Others) Aged 15 Years and Above in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Number of Employed Persons (Others) Aged 15 Years and Above in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Number of Employed Persons (Others) Aged 15 Years and Above in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Number of Employed Persons (Scheduled Caste) Aged 15 Years and Above in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Number of Employed Persons (Scheduled Caste) Aged 15 Years and Above in Urban and Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Number of Employed Persons (Scheduled Caste) Aged 15 Years and Above in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Number of Employed Persons (Scheduled Tirbe) Aged 15 Years and Above in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Number of Employed Persons (Scheduled Tribe) Aged 15 Years and Above in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Number of Employed Persons (Scheduled Tribe) Aged 15 Years and Above in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Social Group in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Social Group in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Social Group in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households having Wage/Salaried Persons Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach and their Average Monthly Earnings in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households having Wage/Salaried Persons Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach and their Average Monthly Earnings in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households having Wage/Salaried Persons Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach and their Average Monthly Earnings in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Casual Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Casual Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Casual Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed by Type of Job Contract in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed by Type of Job Contract in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Social Security Benefits by Different Schemes in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Social Security Benefits by Different Schemes in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Social Security Benefits by Different Schemes in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Other Backward Classes Households (HHs) Benefited from Employment Generating Schemes for Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Other Households (HHs) Benefited from Employment Generating Schemes for Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above by Status of Vocational Training in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above by Status of Vocational Training in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above by Status of Vocational Training in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above who Received/Receiving Vocational Training Pursuing Different Activities Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above who Received/Receiving Vocational Training Pursuing Different Activities Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons Aged 15 Years and Above who Received/Receiving Vocational Training Pursuing Different Activities Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Regular Wage/Salaried Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Type of Job Contract in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Regular Wage/Salaried Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Type of Job Contract in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Regular Wage/Salaried Workers Aged 15 Years and Above who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Regular Wage/Salaried Workers Aged 15 Years and Above who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Regular Wage/Salaried Workers Aged 15 Years and Above who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Scheduled Caste Households (HHs) Benefited from Employment Generating Schemes for Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Scheduled Tribe Households (HHs) Benefited from Employment Generating Schemes for Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Persons (Female) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Persons (Female) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Persons (Female) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Persons (Male) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Persons (Male) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Persons (Male) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Persons (Transgender) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Persons (Transgender) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Persons (Transgender) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Casual Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Casual Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Casual Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Contract Workers Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed by Type of Job Contract in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Social Security Benefits by Different Schemes in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Social Security Benefits by Different Schemes in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Social Security Benefits by Different Schemes in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Wage/Salaried Persons (Female) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Wage/Salaried Persons (Female) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Wage/Salaried Persons (Female) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Wage/Salaried Persons (Male) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Wage/Salaried Persons (Male) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Wage/Salaried Persons (Male) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Wage/Salaried Persons (Transgender) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Wage/Salaried Persons (Transgender) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Wage/Salaried Persons (Transgender) Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Wage/Salaried Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Wage/Salaried Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Labour Force by Average of Monthly Earnings According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Year and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed by Type of Job Contract in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed by Type of Job Contract in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Paid Leave and Availing Social Security Benefits in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Social Security Benefits by Different Scheme in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Social Security Benefits by Different Schemes in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15 Years and Above Except Self Employed who Received Social Security Benefits by Different Schemes in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-17 Years Employed in Different Industries by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-17 Years Employed in Different Industries by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-17 Years Employed in Different Industries by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 18-29 Years Employed in Different Industries by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 18-29 Years Employed in Different Industries by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 18-29 Years Employed in Different Industries by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 30 Years and Above Employed in Different Industries by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Area of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Casual Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Casual Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Casual Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Contract Worker of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Contract Worker of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Contract Worker of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Others) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Others) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Caste) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Caste) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Caste) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Caste) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Caste) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Tribe) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Other Backward Classes) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Other Backward Classes) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Others) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Female Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Other Backward Classes) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Others) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Others) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Caste) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Caste) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Caste) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Tribe) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Tribe) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Tribe) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Other Backward Classes) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Other Backward Classes) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Other Backward Classes) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Male Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Others) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Self Employed of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Self Employed of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Self Employed of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Total Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Others) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Total Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Caste) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Total Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Caste) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Total Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Caste) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Total Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Tribe) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Total Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Tribe) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Total Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Tribe) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Total Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Other Backward Classes) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Total Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Other Backward Classes) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Total Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Other Backward Classes) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Total Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Others) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Total Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Others) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Others) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Others) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Caste) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Caste) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Caste) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Tribe) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Tribe) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Scheduled Tribe) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Other Backward Classes) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Other Backward Classes) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Other Backward Classes) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Transgender Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Social Group (Others) Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Wage/Salaried Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Wage/Salaried Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Wage/Salaried Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Unemployment Rate (per 1000) for Persons of Different Age Groups According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Unemployment Rate (per 1000) for Persons of Different Age Groups According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Unemployment Rate (Per 1000) for Persons of Different Age Groups According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Unemployment Rate (Per 1000) for Persons of Different Age Groups According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Unemployment Rate (Per 1000) for Persons of Different Age Groups According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Unemployment Rate (Per 1000) for Persons of Different Age Groups According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- Airline-wise Status of Passenger Complaints About Basic Facilities and their Disposal in India (July 2015 to October 2015)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- Per 1000 Distribution for Persons of Various Age Groups by Educational Classification According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- Per 1000 Distribution for Persons of Various Age Groups by Educational Classification According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- Per 1000 Distribution for Persons of Various Age Groups by Educational Classification According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-Wise Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Average Months Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (ps) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-Wise Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Average Months Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-Wise Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Average Months Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (ps) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-Wise Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Average Months Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (ps) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Average Months Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (ps) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-Wise Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Average Months Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-Wise Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Average Months Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (ps) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-Wise Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Number of Months Available and Average Months Actually Worked According to Usual Principal Status Approach (ps) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Number of Households and Persons Surveyed in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Number of Villages/Urban Frame Survey (UFS) Blocks Allocated and Surveyed for Employment and Unemployment Situation in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Number of Villages/Urban Frame Survey (UFS) Blocks Allocated and Surveyed for Employment and Unemployment Situation in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employed Persons in Different Activities by Various Age Groups Based on Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employed Persons of Various Age Group by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employed Persons of Various Age Group by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employed Persons of Various Age Group by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employed Persons of Various Age Group by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Social Group in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Social Group in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (hhs) by Number of Employed Persons Aged 15 years and above in Rural and Urban Area in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Number of Employed Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Urban Area in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Number of Wage/Salaried Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Number of Wage/Salaried Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Number of Wage/Salaried Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (Scheduled Caste) Benefited from Employment Generating Schemes in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (Scheduled Tribe) Benefited from Employment Generating Schemes in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Members of Age 15 years and Above in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Members of Age 15 years and Above in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Members of Age 15 years and Above in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Number of Employed Persons Aged 15 Years and Above in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Social Group in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Social Group in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households(Other Backward Classes) Benefited from Employment Generating Schemes in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Others Households Benefited from Employment Generating Schemes in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Total Households (HHs) Benefited from Employment Generating Schemes in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions(NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-17 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-17 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-17 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-17 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-17 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-17 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 18-29 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 18-29 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 18-29 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 18-29 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 18-29 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 18-29 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 30 Years and Above by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 30 Years and Above by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 30 Years and Above by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Aged 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Casual Worker of Age 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal & Subsidiary Status Approach (ps+ss) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Casual Worker of Age 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal & Subsidiary Status Approach (ps+ss) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Casual Worker of Age 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Contract Worker of Age 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Self Employed of Age 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal & Subsidiary Status Approach (ps+ss) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Self Employed of Age 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal & Subsidiary Status Approach (ps+ss) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Self Employed of Age 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Wage/Salaried Worker of Age 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (ps+ss) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Wage/Salaried Worker of Age 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Wage/Salaried Worker of Age 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (ps+ss) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female ) of Age 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Percentage distribution of workers (Male ) age 15 years and above available for 12 months but actually worked according to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (ps+ss) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (2013-2014)
- State-wise Percentage Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above Available for 12 Months but Actually Worked According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (2013-2014)
- Per 1000 Distribution for Persons of Various Age Groups by Educational Classification According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- Per 1000 Distribution for Persons of Various Age Groups by Educational Classification According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- Per 1000 Distribution for Persons of Various Age Groups by Educational Classification According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Social Group in Rural and Urban Areas in Jammu and Kashmir (October 2012-May 2013)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Educational Classification According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Educational Classification According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Educational Classification According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- Social Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Broad Activity Who Received Vocational Training According to Usual Principal Status Approach for Age 15 Years and Above Persons in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Number of Households and Persons Surveyed in Rural/Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Number of Villages/Urban Frame Survey (UFS) Blocks Allocated and Surveyed For Employment and Unemployment Situation in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employed Persons of Various Age Group by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employed Persons of Various Age Group by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employed Persons of Various Age Group by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employed Persons of Various Age Group by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employed Persons of Various Age Group by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Employed Persons of Various Age Group by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Household Type in Rural Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Household Type in Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Social Group in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Social Group in Rural Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Social Group in Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Daily Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Daily Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Daily Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012-May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Transgender Workers Aged 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas of India (2015-2016)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Daily Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Daily Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-24 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-24 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-24 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-24 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-24 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-24 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-29 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-29 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-29 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-29 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-29 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 15-29 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 18-29 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 18-29 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 18-29 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 18-29 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 18-29 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 18-29 Years by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 30 Years and Above by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 30 Years and Above by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers Aged 30 Years and Above by NIC 2008 Classification at One Digit Level According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Daily Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (October 2012 - May 2013)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (2011-2012) - Part I
- City-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Current Weekly Activity Status Status for Class 1 Cities in Urban Areas of India
- City-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Current Weekly Activity Status for Class 1 Cities in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- City-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Current Weekly Activity Status Status for Class 1 Cities in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- City-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) of Age Group 15 Years and Above by Broad Industry Division (NIC-08) in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- City-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) of Age Group 15 Years and Above by Broad Industry Division (NIC-08) in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- City-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons of Age Group 15 Years and Above by Broad Industry Division (NIC-08) in Urban Areas of India (July 2011- June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution for Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity Status According to Different Approaches in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution for Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity Status According to Different Approaches in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution for Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity Status According to Different Approaches in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution for Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Educational Classification According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution for Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Educational Classification According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution for Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Educational Classification According to Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually (Principal Status) Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93 ) and Willing to Accept Work by Marital Status and Nature of Work Acceptable for Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually (Principal Status) Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and Willing to Accept Work by Marital Status and Nature of Work Acceptable for Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually (Principal Status) Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and Willing to Accept Work by Marital Status and Nature of Work Acceptable for Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually (Principal Status) Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and Willing to Accept Work by Marital Status and Nature of Work Acceptable for Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually (Principal Status) Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and Willing to Accept Work by Marital Status and Nature of Work Acceptable in India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually (Principal Status) Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and Willing to Accept Work by Marital Status and Nature of Work Acceptable in India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties ( 92 & 93 ) and Willing to Accept Work at Household Premises by Type of Assistance Required for Each Type of Work Acceptable without Subsidiary Status Work for Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and having Required Skill Willing to Accept Specified Work at Household Premises with or without Subsidiary Status in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and having Required Skill Willing to Accept Specified Work at Household Premises with or without Subsidiary Status in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and having Required Skill Willing to Accept Specified Work at Household Premises with or without Subsidiary Status in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and having Required Skill Willing to Accept Specified Work at Household Premises with Subsidiary Status in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and having Required Skill Willing to Accept Specified Work at Household Premises with Subsidiary Status in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and having Required Skill Willing to Accept Specified Work at Household Premises with Subsidiary Status in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and having Required Skill Willing to Accept Specified Work at Household Premises without Subsidiary Status in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and having Required Skill Willing to Accept Specified Work at Household Premises without Subsidiary Status in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and having Required Skill Willing to Accept Specified Work at Household Premises without Subsidiary Status in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and Willing to Accept Work at Household Premises by Type of Assistance Required for Each Type of Work Acceptable with or without Subsidiary Status Work for Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and Willing to Accept Work at Household Premises by Type of Assistance Required for Each Type of Work Acceptable with or without Subsidiary Status Work in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and Willing to Accept Work at Household Premises by Type of Assistance Required for Each Type of Work Acceptable with Subsidiary Status Work for Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and Willing to Accept Work at Household Premises by Type of Assistance Required for Each Type of Work Acceptable with Subsidiary Status Work for Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and Willing to Accept Work at Household Premises by Type of Assistance Required for Each Type of Work Acceptable with Subsidiary Status Work in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and Willing to Accept Work at Household Premises by Type of Assistance Required for Each Type of Work Acceptable without Subsidiary Status Work for Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and Willing to Accept Work at Household Premises by Type of Assistance Required for Each Type of Work Acceptable without Subsidiary Status Work in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged of Domestic Duties (92 & 93) and Willing to Accept Work at Household Premises by Type of Assistance Required for Each Type of Work Acceptable with or without Subsidiary Status Work for Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (2011-2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (2011-2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (2011-2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (2011-2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (2011-2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (2011-2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (2011-2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (2011-2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-day by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (2011 - 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-day by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (2011-2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in India (2011-2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (2011-2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (2011-2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (2011-2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (2011-2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in India (2011-2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persondays (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in India (2011-2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (2011-2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (2011-2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (2011-2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) By Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (2011-2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in India (2011-2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in India (2011-2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (2011-2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Principal Usual Activity Category in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Principal Usual Activity Category in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized Not Working in Principal status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity taking also Into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in India (July 2011-June 2012 - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Principal Usual Activity Category in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Principal Usual Activity Category in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Division NIC 2008 According to Different Approaches in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Social Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Broad Activity Who Received Vocational Training According to Usual Principal Status Approach for Age 15 Years and Above Persons in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State/Category-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties and Willing to Accept Work in Household by Type of Assistance Required in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State/Category-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties and Willing to Accept Work in Household by Type of Assistance Required in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State/Category-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties and Willing to Accept Work in Household by Type of Assistance Required in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Employment Rates on Usual Status Basis in India (1999-2000, 2004-2005, 2009-2010 and 2011-2012)
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households and Persons by Age Group and Sex in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households and Persons by Age Group and Sex in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households and Persons by Age Group and Sex in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Principal Status) who were Willing to Accept Work at Household Premises for Different Types of Work Acceptable in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Principal Status) who were Willing to Accept Work at Household Premises for Different Types of Work Acceptable in Rural of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Principal Status) who were Willing to Accept Work at Household Premises for Different Types of Work Acceptable in Urban of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part IV
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part V
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part III
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part VI
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part VII
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part VIII
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part VIII
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part III
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part IV
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part V
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part VI
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part VII
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part I
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part II
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part III
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part IV
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part V
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part VI
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part VII
- State-wise Number of Females (Per 1000 Females of Age 5 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties in Usual Principal Status) who Carried out Specified Activities in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012) - Part VIII
- State-wise Number of Females of Age 15 Years and Above who Spent Most of their Time on Domestic Duties per 1000 Females Engaged in Domestic Duties and their Distribution by Reason for Spending Most of their Time on Domestic Duties in India (July 2011-July 2012)
- State-wise Number of Females of Age 15 Years and Above who Spent Most of their Time on Domestic Duties per 1000 Females Engaged in Domestic Duties and their Distribution by Reason for Spending Most of their Time on Domestic Duties in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-July 2012)
- State-wise Number of Females of Age 15 Years and Above who Spent Most of their Time on Domestic Duties per 1000 Females Engaged in Domestic Duties and their Distribution by Reason for Spending Most of their Time on Domestic Duties in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-July 2012)
- State-wise Number of Households and Persons Surveyed by Age Group and Sex in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Number of Households and Persons Surveyed by Age Group and Sex in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Number of Households and Persons Surveyed by Age Group and Sex in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households and Persons Surveyed in Rural and Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Engaged in Domestic Duties (According to the Usual Principal Status) who were Not Required to Spend Most of their Time on Domestic Duties by Reason for Still Pursuing Domestic Duties in India (July 2011-July 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Engaged in Domestic Duties (According to the Usual Principal Status) who were Not Required to Spend Most of their Time on Domestic Duties by Reason for Still Pursuing Domestic Duties in Rural Areas of India (July 2011-July 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Engaged in Domestic Duties (According to the Usual Principal Status) who were Not Required to Spend Most of their Time on Domestic Duties by Reason for Still Pursuing Domestic Duties in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-July 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually (Principal Status) Engaged in Domestic Duties and Willing to Accept Work on Household Premises by Nature of Work Acceptable in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually (Principal Status) Engaged in Domestic Duties and Willing to Accept Work on Household Premises by Nature of Work Acceptable in Rural of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually (Principal Status) Engaged in Domestic Duties and Willing to Accept Work on Household Premises by Nature of Work Acceptable in Urban of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Household Type in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households (HHs) by Household Type in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Social Group in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Social Group in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Social Group in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Daily Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Current Weekly Activity Status for Different Size Class of Town in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Daily Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Current Weekly Activity Status for Different Size Class of Town in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons for Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Daily Status Approach who Employed Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons for Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Daily Status Approach who Employed Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons for Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Daily Status Approach who Employed Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons for Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Weekly Status Approach who Employed Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons for Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Weekly Status Approach who Employed Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons for Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Weekly Status Approach who Employed Based on Usual Principal Status (PS) Approach in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Daily Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Activity According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Current Weekly Activity Status for Different Size Class of Town in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Female) of Age Group 15 Years and Above by Broad Industry Division (NIC-08) for Different Size Class of Towns in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Male) of Age Group 15 Years and Above by Broad Industry Division (NIC : 08) for Different Size Class of Towns in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons of Age Group 15 Years and Above by Broad Industry Division (NIC-08) for Different Size Class of Towns in Urban Areas of India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Daily Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) for Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Daily Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) for Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Daily Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Daily Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Industry Sections of NIC 2008 According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Current Weekly Status Approach in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Principal Status Approach (PS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Workers of Age 15 Years and Above by Occupation Divisions (NCO 2004) According to Usual Status Approach (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2011-June 2012)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009 -June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principa Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Age Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers by Occupation Sub-division/Division in India (July 2009-June 2010)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers by Occupation Sub-division/Division in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers by Occupation Sub-division/Division in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Labour Employed in Broad Industry Group for Rural (PS) Female in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Labour Employed in Broad Industry Group for Rural (PS) in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Labour Employed in Broad Industry Group for Rural (PS) Male in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Labour Employed in Broad Industry Group for Rural+Urban (PS) Female in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Labour Employed in Broad Industry Group for Rural+Urban (PS) in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Labour Employed in Broad Industry Group for Rural+Urban (PS) Male in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Labour Employed in Broad Industry Group for Urban (PS) Female in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Labour Employed in Broad Industry Group for Urban (PS) in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Casual Labour Employed in Broad Industry Group for Urban (PS) Male in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Employed in Co-operative Society Type of Enterprises in Various Industry Group for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Employed in Employer Household Type of Enterprises in Various Industry Group for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Employed in Enterprises Having 10-19 Workers in Various Industry Group for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Employed in Enterprises Having 20 and More Workers in Various Industry Group for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Employed in Enterprises Having Less Than 10 Workers in Various Industry Group for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Employed in Enterprises Perennial in Nature Group for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Employed in Enterprises Seasonal in Nature for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Employed in Govt./Public Sector Type of Enterprises in Various Industry Group for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Employed in Other Type of Enterprises in Various Industry Group for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Employed in Proprietary Type of Enterprises in Various Industry Group for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Employed in Public/Private Limited Corporation Type of Enterprises in Various Industry Group for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Employed in Various Types of Enterprises by Usual Principal Status in Rural Areas in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Employed in Various Types of Enterprises by Usual Principal Status in Rural+Urban Areas in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Employed in Various Types of Enterprises by Usual Principal Status in Urban Areas in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 5 Years and Above by Broad Usual Principal (Employment Activities) for Rural (PS) Female in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 5 Years and Above by Broad Usual Principal (Employment Activities) for Rural (PS) in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 5 Years and Above by Broad Usual Principal (Employment Activities) for Rural (PS) Male in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 5 Years and Above by Broad Usual Principal (Employment Activities) for Rural+Urban (PS) Female in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 5 Years and Above by Broad Usual Principal (Employment Activities) for Rural+Urban (PS) in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 5 Years and Above by Broad Usual Principal (Employment Activities) for Rural+Urban (PS) Male in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 5 Years and Above by Broad Usual Principal (Employment Activities) for Urban (PS) Female in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 5 Years and Above by Broad Usual Principal (Employment Activities) for Urban (PS) in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 5 Years and Above by Broad Usual Principal (Employment Activities) for Urban (PS) Male in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 5 Years and Above in Principal Activity (Employment Activities) by Broad Industry Group for Urban (PS) Female in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 5 Years and Above in Principal Activity by Broad Industry Group for Rural (PS) Female in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 5 Years and Above in Principal Activity by Broad Industry Group for Rural (PS) in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 5 Years and Above in Principal Activity by Broad Industry Group for Rural (PS) Male in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 5 Years and Above in Principal Activity by Broad Industry Group for Rural+Urban (PS) Female in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 5 Years and Above in Principal Activity by Broad Industry Group for Rural+Urban (PS) in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 5 Years and Above in Principal Activity by Broad Industry Group for Rural+Urban (PS) Male in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 5 Years and Above in Principal Activity by Broad Industry Group for Urban (PS) in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 5 Years and Above in Principal Activity by Broad Industry Group for Urban (PS) Male in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Regular Wage/Salaried Earner Employed in Broad Industry Group for in Rural+Urban (PS) in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Regular Wage/Salaried Earner Employed in Broad Industry Group for in Rural+Urban (PS) Male in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Regular Wage/Salaried Earner Employed in Broad Industry Group for Rural (PS) Female in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Regular Wage/Salaried Earner Employed in Broad Industry Group for Rural (PS) in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Regular Wage/Salaried Earner Employed in Broad Industry Group for Rural (PS) Male in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Regular Wage/Salaried Earner Employed in Broad Industry Group for Rural+Urban (PS) Female in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Regular Wage/Salaried Earner Employed in Broad Industry Group for Urban (PS) Female in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Regular Wage/Salaried Earner Employed in Broad Industry Group for Urban (PS) in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Regular Wage/Salaried Earner Employed in Broad Industry Group for Urban (PS) Male in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self Employed Persons Employed in Broad Industry Group for Rural (PS) Female in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self Employed Persons Employed in Broad Industry Group for Rural (PS) in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self Employed Persons Employed in Broad Industry Group for Rural (PS) Male in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self Employed Persons Employed in Broad Industry Group for Rural+Urban (PS) Female in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self Employed Persons Employed in Broad Industry Group for Rural+Urban (PS) in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self Employed Persons Employed in Broad Industry Group for Rural+Urban (PS) Male in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self Employed Persons Employed in Broad Industry Group for Urban (PS) Female in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self Employed Persons Employed in Broad Industry Group for Urban (PS) in India (2009-2010)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Self Employed Persons Employed in Broad Industry Group for Urban (PS) Male in India (2009-2010)
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households and Persons by Age Group and Sex in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households and Persons by Age Group and Sex in India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households and Persons by Age Group and Sex in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households and Persons by Age Group and Sex in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households and Persons by Age Group and Sex in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part I
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households and Persons by Age Group and Sex in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010) - Part II
- State-wise Number of Households and Persons Surveyd by Age Group and Sex in India (July 2009-June 2010)
- State-wise Number of Households and Persons Surveyed by Age Group and Sex in Rural Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010)
- State-wise Number of Households and Persons Surveyed by Age Group and Sex in Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010)
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households and Persons Surveyed in Rural and Urban Areas of India (July 2009-June 2010)
- Age Group-wise Distribution (Per 1000) of Persons (Female) of Age 5 Years and Above by Levels of General and Technical Education in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution (Per 1000) of Persons (Male + Female) of Age 5 Years and Above by Levels of General and Technical Education in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution (Per 1000) of Persons (Male) of Age 5 Years and Above by Levels of General and Technical Education in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (Incl. N.R.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (Incl. N.R.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (Incl. N.R.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (OBC) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (OBC) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (OBC) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (Others) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (Others) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (Others) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (SC) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (SC) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS)* for Each Household Social Group (SC) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category in Rural + Urban Areas in India (July 2007- June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category in Rural + Urban Areas in India (July 2007- June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) of Age 5 Years and Above by Levels of General and Technical Education in Rural + Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Female) of Age 5 Years and Above by Levels of General and Technical Education in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male + Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male + Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male + Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male + Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category in Rural + Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male + Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category in Rural Areas in India (July 2007- June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male + Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male + Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male + Female) of Age 5 Years and Above by Levels of General and Technical Education in Rural + Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male + Female) of Age 5 Years and Above by Levels of General and Technical Education in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (Incl. N.R.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (Incl. N.R.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person per 1000 (Male) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (Incl. N.R.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007- June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (OBC) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (OBC) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (Others) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (Others) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (Others) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (SC) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (SC) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007- June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007- June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) by Usual Principal Activity Category in Rural + Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) by Usual Principal Activity Category in Rural + Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) by Usual Principal Activity Category in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) by Usual Principal Activity Category in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) by Usual Principal Activity Category in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) by Usual Principal Activity Category in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) of Age 5 Years and Above by Levels of General and Technical Education in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male) of Age 5 Years and Above by Levels of General and Technical Education in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (Incl. N.R.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (Incl. N.R.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (Incl. N.R.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (OBC) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (OBC) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (OBC) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (Others) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (Others) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (Others) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (SC) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (SC) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (SC) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Usual Principal Activity (PS+SS) for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category in Rural Areas in India (July 2007- June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Person Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (OBC) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (OBC) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (OBC) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (Others) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (Others) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (Others) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (SC) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (SC) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (OBC) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (OBC) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (OBC) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (Others) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (Others) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (Others) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (SC) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (SC) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (SC) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (SC) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Current Weekly Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Current Weekly Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (OBC) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (OBC) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (OBC) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (Others) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (Others) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (Others) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (SC) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (SC) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (SC) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Household Social Group (ST) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Distribution of Persons Per 1000 (Male+Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (O.B.C.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (O.B.C.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (O.B.C.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (O.B.C.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (O.B.C.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (O.B.C.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (Others) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (Others) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (Others) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (Others) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (Others) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (Others) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (S.C.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (S.C.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (S.C.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (S.T.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current daily Activity for Household Social Group (S.T.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (S.T.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (O.B.C.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (O.B.C.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (O.B.C.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (O.B.C.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (O.B.C.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (Others) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (Others) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (Others) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (Others) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (Others) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (Others) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (S.C.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (S.C.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (S.C.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (S.T.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (S.T.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (S.T.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for All Household Social Group (Including N.R.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (O.B.C.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (O.B.C.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (O.B.C.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007- June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (O.B.C.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007- June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (O.B.C.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (O.B.C.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (Others) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (Others) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (Others) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (Others) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (Others) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (Others) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (S.C.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (S.C.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (S.C.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (S.T.) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (S.T.) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Household Social Group (S.T.) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received by Casual Wage Employment (41,42, 51) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work for Different Age-Groups (Female) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received by Casual Wage Employment (41,42, 51) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work for Different Age-Groups (Female) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received by Casual Wage Employment (41,42, 51) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work for Different Age-Groups (Female) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received by Casual Wage Employment (41,42, 51) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work for Different Age-Groups (Male) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received by Casual Wage Employment (41,42, 51) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work for Different Age-Groups (Male) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received by Casual Wage Employment (41,42, 51) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work for Different Age-Groups (Male) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received by Casual Wage Employment (41,42, 51) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work for Different Age-Groups (Male+Female) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received by Casual Wage Employment (41,42, 51) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work for Different Age-Groups (Male+Female) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received by Casual Wage Employment (41,42, 51) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work for Different Age-Groups (Male+Female) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received From Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31,71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural Areas (Female : 15+ Years) in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received From Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31,71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural Areas (Female : 15-59 Years) in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received From Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31,71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural Areas (Male : 15+ Years) in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received From Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31,71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural Areas (Male :15-59 Years) in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received From Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31,71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural Areas (Male+Female : 15+ Years) in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received From Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31,71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural Areas (Male+Female : 15-59 Years) in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received From Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31,71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas (Female : 15+ Years) in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received From Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31,71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas (Female : 15-59 Years) in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received From Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31,71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas (Male : 15+ Years) in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received From Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31,71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas (Male : 15-59 Years) in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received From Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31,71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas (Male+Female : 15-59 Years) in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received From Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31,71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Urban Areas (Female : 15+ Years) in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received From Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31,71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Urban Areas (Female :15-59 Years) in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received From Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31,71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Urban Areas (Male : 15+ Years) in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received From Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31,71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Urban Areas (Male : 15-59 Years) in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received From Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31,71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Urban Areas (Male+Female : 15+ Years) in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received From Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31,71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Urban Areas (Male+Female : 15-59 Years) in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received From Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31,71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level n Rural+Urban Areas (Male+Female : 15+ Years) in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Class Limits of MPCE Decile Classes and Average MPCE for Each Decile Class in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male and Female) by Current weekly Activity Status for Persons with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male and Female) by Current weekly Activity Status for Persons with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male and Female) by Current weekly Activity Status for Persons with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male and Female) by Current weekly Activity Status for Persons with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male and Female) by Current weekly Activity Status for Persons with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current daily Activity Status for Persons (Male and Female) with Different Current Weekly Activity Status in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current daily Activity Status for Persons (Male and Female) with Different Current Weekly Activity Status in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current daily Activity Status for Persons (Male and Female) with Different Current Weekly Activity Status in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current daily Activity Status for Persons (Male and Female) with Different Current Weekly Activity Status in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current daily Activity Status for Persons (Male and Female) with Different Current Weekly Activity Status in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current daily Activity Status for Persons (Male and Female) with Different Current Weekly Activity Status in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-Days by Current daily Activity Status for Persons (Male and Female) with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-Days by Current daily Activity Status for Persons (Male and Female) with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-Days by Current daily Activity Status for Persons (Male and Female) with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-Days by Current daily Activity Status for Persons (Male and Female) with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-Days by Current daily Activity Status for Persons (Male and Female) with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-Days by Current daily Activity Status for Persons (Male and Female) with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15+Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15+Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15+Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15+Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15+Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15+Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Household Type in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Household Type in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for each Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for each Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15+Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15+Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15+Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15+Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15+Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15+Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male and Female)/ Person-Days Working According to CWS/ CDS by Industry of Work in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Household Type in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Household Type in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for each Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for each Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for each Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for each Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level n Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level n Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15+Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15+Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15+Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15+Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15+Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15+Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Household Type in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Household Type in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for each Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for each Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female)/ Person-Days Working According to CWS/ CDS by Industry of Work in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female)/ Person-Days Working According to CWS/ CDS by Industry of Work in Urban Areas in India (July 2007- June 2008)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female: Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female: Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female: Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female: Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status (PS+SS) for Each General Educational Level in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Male+Female) by Industry of Work in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Male+Female) by Industry of Work in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Male+Female) by Industry of Work in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male and Female) by Occupation Group/Division in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male and Female) by Occupation Group/Division in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (Male and Female) by Occupation Group/Division in Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Percentage Distribution of Rural Population by Labour Force in India (1995 to 2008)
- Percentage Distribution of Urban Population by Labour Force in India (1995 to 2008)
- State-wise Class Limits of Quintile MPCE Quintile Class and Average MPCE for Each Quintile Class in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- State-wise Class Limits of Quintile MPCE Quintile Class and Average MPCE for Each Quintile Class in urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households and Number of Persons by Age and Sex, Average Household Size, Sex Ratio in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households and Number of Persons by Age and Sex, Average Household Size, Sex Ratio in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households and Number of Persons by Age and Sex, Average Household Size, Sex Ratio in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part I
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households and Number of Persons by Age and Sex, Average Household Size, Sex Ratio in Rural+Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households and Number of Persons by Age and Sex, Average Household Size, Sex Ratio in Urban Areas in India (July 2007- June 2008) - Part I
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households and Number of Persons by Age and Sex, Average Household Size, Sex Ratio in Urban Areas in India (July 2007- June 2008) - Part II
- State-wise Number of Villages/UFS Blocks, Households and Persons Surveyed For Employment and Unemployment Situation in Rural and Urban Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas in India (July 2007 - June 2008) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 5 Years and Above by Levels of General and Technical Education in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 5 Years and Above by Levels of General and Technical Education in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 5 Years and Above by Levels of General and Technical Education in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 5 Years and Above by Levels of General and Technical Education in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 5 Years and Above by Levels of General and Technical Education in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 5 Years and Above by Levels of General and Technical Education in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) of Age 5 Years and Above by Levels of General and Technical Education in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) of Age 5 Years and Above by Levels of General and Technical Education in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) of Age 5 Years and Above by Levels of General and Technical Education in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Number of Days Worked in Public Works by Persons of Age 15 Years and Above Who Got Work in Public Works and Average Wages Received Per Day by those Persons for Broad Household Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received by Casual Wage Employment (41, 51) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work for Different Age-Groups in Rural Areas (Female) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received by Casual Wage Employment (41, 51) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work for Different Age-Groups in Rural Areas (Male) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received by Casual Wage Employment (41, 51) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work for Different Age-Groups in Rural Areas (Male+Female) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received by Casual Wage Employment (41, 51) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work for Different Age-Groups in Rural+Urban Areas (Female) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received by Casual Wage Employment (41, 51) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work for Different Age-Groups in Rural+Urban Areas (Male) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received by Casual Wage Employment (41, 51) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work for Different Age-Groups in Rural+Urban Areas (Male+Female) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received by Casual Wage Employment (41, 51) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work for Different Age-Groups in Urban Areas (Female) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received by Casual Wage Employment (41, 51) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work for Different Age-Groups in Urban Areas (Male) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received by Casual Wage Employment (41, 51) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work for Different Age-Groups in Urban Areas (Male+Female) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31, 71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural Areas (Female : 15 Years and Above) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31, 71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural Areas (Female : Age Group 15-59 Years) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31, 71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural Areas (Male : 15 Years and Above) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31, 71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural Areas (Male : Age Group 15-59 Years) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31, 71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural Areas (Male+Female : 15 Years and Above) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31, 71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural Areas (Male+Female : Age Group 15-59 Years) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31, 71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas (Female : 15 Years and Above) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31, 71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas (Female : Age Group 15-59 Years) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31, 71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas (Male : 15 Years and Above) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31, 71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas (Male : Age Group 15-59 Years) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31, 71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas (Male+Female : 15 Years and Above) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31, 71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas (Male+Female : Age Group 15-59 Years) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31, 71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Urban Areas (Female : 15 Years and Above) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31, 71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Urban Areas (Female : Age Group 15-59 Years) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31, 71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Urban Areas (Male : 15 Years and Above) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31, 71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Urban Areas (Male : Age Group 15-59 Years) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31, 71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Urban Areas (Male+Female : 15 Years and Above) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Average Wage/Salary Earnings (Rs. 0.00) Per Day Received from Regular Wage/Salaried Employment (31, 71 & 72) According to Current Daily Status by Industry of Work and Broad Educational Level in Urban Areas (Male+Female : Age Group 15-59 Years) of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Number of Persons Made Complaint Per 1000 Persons of Age 15 Years and Above who Sought But Did not Get Work in Public Works and Average Amount of Compensation Received Per Person Who Received any Compensation for Broad Household Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Households by Type of Ration Card Possessed for Each Household Monthly Per-Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Rural and Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days (Male+Female) by Current Daily Activity for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity Status for Persons with Different Current Weekly Activity Status in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity Status for Persons with Different Current Weekly Activity Status in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity Status for Persons with Different Current Weekly Activity Status in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity Status for Persons with Different Current Weekly Activity Status in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity Status for Persons with Different Current Weekly Activity Status in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity Status for Persons with Different Current Weekly Activity Status in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity Status for Persons with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity Status for Persons with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity Status for Persons with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity Status for Persons with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity Status for Persons with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity Status for Persons with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each Household Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each Household Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Each Household Type for Each Household Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each Household Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each Household Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration the Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Each Household Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years by Level of Current Attendance in Educational Institution and Course of Study for Different Age-Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years by Level of Current Attendance in Educational Institution and Course of Study for Different Age-Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years by Level of Current Attendance in Educational Institution and Course of Study for Different Age-Groups in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years by Level of Current Attendance in Educational Institution and Course of Study for Different Age-Groups in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years by Level of Current Attendance in Educational Institution and Course of Study for Different Age-Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years by Level of Current Attendance in Educational Institution and Course of Study for Different Age-Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years who are Currently not Attending any Educational Institution by Status and Broad Reason for Non-Attendance for each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years who are Currently not Attending any Educational Institution by Status and Broad Reason for Non-Attendance for each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years who are Currently not Attending any Educational Institution by Status and Broad Reason for Non-Attendance for each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years who are Currently not Attending any Educational Institution by Status and Broad Reason for Non-Attendance for each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years who are Currently not Attending any Educational Institution by Status and Broad Reason for Non-Attendance for each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years who are Currently not Attending any Educational Institution by Status and Broad Reason for Non-Attendance for each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each Household Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each Household Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Each Household Type for Each Household Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each Household Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each Household Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration the Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Each Household Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Principal Activity Category for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Principal Activity Category for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Principal Activity Category for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Principal Activity Category for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Principal Activity Category for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Principal Activity Category for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 5 - 29 Years by Level of Current Attendance in Educational Institution and Course of Study for Different Age-Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 5 - 29 Years by Level of Current Attendance in Educational Institution and Course of Study for Different Age-Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 5 - 29 Years by Level of Current Attendance in Educational Institution and Course of Study for Different Age-Groups in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 5 - 29 Years by Level of Current Attendance in Educational Institution and Course of Study for Different Age-Groups in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 5 - 29 Years by Level of Current Attendance in Educational Institution and Course of Study for Different Age-Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 5 - 29 Years by Level of Current Attendance in Educational Institution and Course of Study for Different Age-Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 5 - 29 Years who are Currently not Attending any Educational Institution by Status and Broad Reason for Non-Attendance for each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 5 - 29 Years who are Currently not Attending any Educational Institution by Status and Broad Reason for Non-Attendance for each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 5 - 29 Years who are Currently not Attending any Educational Institution by Status and Broad Reason for Non-Attendance for each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 5 - 29 Years who are Currently not Attending any Educational Institution by Status and Broad Reason for Non-Attendance for each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 5 - 29 Years who are Currently not Attending any Educational Institution by Status and Broad Reason for Non-Attendance for each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 5 - 29 Years who are Currently not Attending any Educational Institution by Status and Broad Reason for Non-Attendance for each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 0-14 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level n Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level n Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-24 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-29 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : Age 15-59 Years) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female : All Age) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each Household Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each Household Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Each Household Type for Each Household Type in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each Household Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each Household Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration the Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Each Household Type in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category for Each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category for Each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Principal Activity Category for Each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity for Each Usual Principal Activity in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years by Level of Current Attendance in Educational Institution and Course of Study for Different Age-Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years by Level of Current Attendance in Educational Institution and Course of Study for Different Age-Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years by Level of Current Attendance in Educational Institution and Course of Study for Different Age-Groups in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years by Level of Current Attendance in Educational Institution and Course of Study for Different Age-Groups in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years by Level of Current Attendance in Educational Institution and Course of Study for Different Age-Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years by Level of Current Attendance in Educational Institution and Course of Study for Different Age-Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years who are Currently not Attending any Educational Institution by Status and Broad Reason for Non-Attendance for each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years who are Currently not Attending any Educational Institution by Status and Broad Reason for Non-Attendance for each Age-Group in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years who are Currently not Attending any Educational Institution by Status and Broad Reason for Non-Attendance for each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years who are Currently not Attending any Educational Institution by Status and Broad Reason for Non-Attendance for each Age-Group in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years who are Currently not Attending any Educational Institution by Status and Broad Reason for Non-Attendance for each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male+Female) of Age 5 - 29 Years who are Currently not Attending any Educational Institution by Status and Broad Reason for Non-Attendance for each Age-Group in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity Status for Persons with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity Status for Persons with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity Status for Persons with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity Status for Persons with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity Status for Persons with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity Status for Persons with Different Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 - 29 Years by Vocational Training Received/Receiving for Different Age-Groups in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 - 29 Years by Vocational Training Received/Receiving for Different Age-Groups in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 - 29 Years by Vocational Training Received/Receiving for Different Age-Groups in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Status of Getting Work in Public Works During Last 365 Days Preceding Date of Survey for Broad Household Monthly Per Capita Consumer Expenditure Class in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 5 - 29 Years who are Currently Attending in Educational Institutions by Type of Institution for Each Level of Current Attendance in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 5 - 29 Years who are Currently Attending in Educational Institutions by Type of Institution for Each Level of Current Attendance in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 5 - 29 Years who are Currently Attending in Educational Institutions by Type of Institution for Each Level of Current Attendance in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons/Person-days Working According to CWS/CDS by Industry of Work in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons/Person-Days Working According to CWS/CDS by Industry of Work in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Industry of Work and Sex in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Industry of Work and Sex in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Industry of Work and Sex in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households, Persons by Age and Sex, Average Household Size and Sex Ratio in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households, Persons by Age and Sex, Average Household Size and Sex Ratio in Rural Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households, Persons by Age and Sex, Average Household Size and Sex Ratio in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households, Persons by Age and Sex, Average Household Size and Sex Ratio in Rural+Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households, Persons by Age and Sex, Average Household Size and Sex Ratio in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part I
- State-wise Estimated Number of Households, Persons by Age and Sex, Average Household Size and Sex Ratio in Urban Areas of India (July 2005 - June 2006) - Part II
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks, Households and Persons Surveyed in India (July 2005 - June 2006)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (All) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (All) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (All) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (All) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (All) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (All) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Christianity) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Christianity) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Christianity) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Christianity) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Hinduism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Hinduism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Hinduism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Hinduism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Islam) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Islam) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Islam) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Islam) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Others) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Others) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Others) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Others) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Sikhism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Sikhism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Sikhism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Sikhism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (All) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (All) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (Christianity) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (Christianity) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (Hinduism) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (Hinduism) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (Islam) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (Islam) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (Others) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (Others) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (Sikhism) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (Sikhism) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (All) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (All) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (All) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (All) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Christianity) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Christianity) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Christianity) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Christianity) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Hinduism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Hinduism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Islam) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Islam) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Islam) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Islam) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Others) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Others) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Others) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Others) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Sikhism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Sikhism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Sikhism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Sikhism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (All) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (All) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (All) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (All) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Christianity) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Christianity) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Hinduism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Hinduism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Hinduism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Hinduism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Islam) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Islam) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Islam) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Islam) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Others) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Others) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Others) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Others) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Sikhism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Sikhism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Sikhism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Sikhism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (All) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (All) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (Christianity) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (Christianity) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (Hinduism) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (Islam) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (Islam) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (Others) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (Others) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (Sikhism) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each General Education Level and Religion (Sikhism) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (All) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (All) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (All) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (All) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Christianity) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Christianity) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Christianity) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Christianity) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Handuism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Handuism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Hinduism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Hinduism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Hinduism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Hinduism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Islam) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Islam) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Islam) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Islam) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Others) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Others) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Others) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Others) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Sikhism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Sikhism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (All) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (All) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (All) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (All) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (All) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (All) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Christianity) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Christianity) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Christianity) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Christianity) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Christianity) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Christianity) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Christianity) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Christianity) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Hinduism) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Hinduism) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Hinduism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Hinduism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Hinduism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Hinduism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Islam) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Islam) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Islam) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Islam) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Islam) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Islam) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Others) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Others) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Others) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Others) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Others) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Others) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Sikhism) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Sikhism) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Sikhism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Sikhism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Sikhism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'not working' in Principal Status for Each Age-Group and Religion (Sikhism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (All) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (All) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (All) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (All) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (All) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (All) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Christianity) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Christianity) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Christianity) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Christianity) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Christianity) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Christianity) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Hinduism) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Hinduism) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Hinduism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Hinduism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Hinduism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Hinduism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Islam) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Islam) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Islam) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Islam) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Islam) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Islam) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Others) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Others) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Others) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Others) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Others) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Others) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Sikhism) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Sikhism) for Rural Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Sikhism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Sikhism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Sikhism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Sikhism) for Rural+Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Sikhism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised as 'Not Working' in Principal Status for each General Educational Level and Religion (Sikhism) for Urban Areas in India (2004-2005) - Part II
- State-wise Percentage of Workers in Population on Usual Status Basis by Sex/Areas of India (1999-2000 and 2004-2005)
- State-wise Percentage of Workers in Population on Usual Status Basis in India (1999-2000 and 2004-2005)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Rural Persons in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Rural Females in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Rural Females in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Rural Males in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Rural Males in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Rural Persons in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Rural+Urban Females in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Rural+Urban Females in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Rural+Urban Males in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Rural+Urban Males in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Rural+Urban Persons in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Rural+Urban Persons in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Urban Females in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Urban Females in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Urban Males in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Urban Males in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Urban Persons in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Urban Persons in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Females by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Females by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Females by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Females by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Males by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Males by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Males by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Males by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Persons by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Persons by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural+Urban Females by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural+Urban Females by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural+Urban Females by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural+Urban Females by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural+Urban Males by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural+Urban Males by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural+Urban Males by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural+Urban Males by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural+Urban Persons by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural+Urban Persons by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural+Urban Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural+Urban Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Females by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Females by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Females by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Males by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Males by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Males by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Persons by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Persons by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Each Household Type for Urban Females in India (January-December 2003)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Each Household Type for Rural Female in India (January-December 2003)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Each Household Type for Rural Males in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Each Household Type for Rural Persons in India (January-December 2003)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Each Household Type for Urban Males in India (January-December 2003)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Each Household Type for Urban Persons in India (January-December 2003)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status for Rural Females in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status for Rural Females in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status for Rural Males in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status for Rural Males in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status for Rural Persons in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status for Rural Persons in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status for Urban Females in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status for Urban Females in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status for Urban Males in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status for Urban Males in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status for Urban Persons in India (January-December 2003) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status for Urban Persons in India (January-December 2003) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Person Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Rural Persons in India (January-June 1993)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Males, Females and Persons by Industry Division (NIC 1998 Tabulation Category) for Rural Areas in India (January-December 2003)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Males, Females and Persons by Industry Division (NIC 1998 Tabulation Category) for Urban Areas in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Broad Current Weekly Activity for Rural Female in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Broad Current Weekly Activity for Rural Male in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Broad Current Weekly Activity for Rural Person in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Broad Current Weekly Activity for Urban Female in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Broad Current Weekly Activity for Urban Male in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Broad Current Weekly Activity for Urban Person in India (January-December 2003
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) for Rural Female in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) for Rural Male in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) for Rural Persons in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) for Urban Female in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) for Urban Male in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) for Urban Persons in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) for Rural Female in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) for Rural Male in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) for Rural Persons in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) for Urban Female in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) for Urban Male in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) for Urban Person in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Broad Group of Industry for Rural Female in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Broad Group of Industry for Rural Male in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Broad Group of Industry for Rural Person in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Broad Group of Industry for Urban Female in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Broad Group of Industry for Urban Male in India (January-December 2003)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Broad Group of Industry for Urban Person in India (January-December 2003)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Rural + Urban) by Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Rural + Urban) by Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Rural + Urban) by Principal Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Rural + Urban) by Principal Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Rural + Urban) by Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Rural + Urban) by Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Rural) by Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Rural) by Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Rural) by Principal Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Rural) by Principal Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Rural) by Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Rural) by Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Urban) by Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Urban) by Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Urban) by Principal Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Urban) by Principal Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Urban) by Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Urban) by Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Rural + Urban) by Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Rural + Urban) by Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Rural + Urban) by Principal Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Rural + Urban) by Principal Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Rural + Urban) by Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Rural + Urban) by Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Rural) by Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Rural) by Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Rural) by Principal Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Rural) by Principal Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Rural) by Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Rural) by Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Urban) by Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Urban) by Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Urban) by Principal Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Urban) by Principal Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Urban) by Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Urban) by Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Rural + Urban) by Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Rural + Urban) by Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Rural + Urban) by Principal Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Rural + Urban) by Principal Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Rural + Urban) by Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Rural + Urban) by Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Rural) by Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Rural) by Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Rural) by Principal Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Rural) by Principal Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Rural) by Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Rural) by Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Urban) by Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Urban) by Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Urban) by Principal Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Urban) by Principal Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Urban) by Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Urban) by Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002) - Part II
- Number of Persons Employed Per 1000 Persons According to Usual Status and Current Weekly Status Approaches for Different NSS Rounds for Rural and Urban Areas in India (1983, 1987-1988, 1989-1990 to 2001-2002)
- Number of Persons Usually Employed (PS+SS) Per 1000 Persons by Broad Age-groups for Different NSS Rounds (Rural/Urban Areas) in India (1999 to 2002)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Female (15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity for Rural Areas in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Female (15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity for Urban Areas in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Rural) by Current Weekly Activity for each Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Urban) by Current Weekly Activity for each Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group for Rural Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group for Rural+Urban Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group for Urban Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group for Rural Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group for Rural+Urban Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group for Urban Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females by Usual Activity Category Taking Also Into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Person Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Age Group for Rural Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females by Usual Activity Category Taking Also Into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Person Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Age Group for Rural+Urban Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females by Usual Activity Category Taking Also Into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Person Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Age Group for Urban Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Male (15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity for Rural Areas in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Male (15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity for Urban Areas in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Rural) by Current Weekly Activity for each Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Urban) by Current Weekly Activity for each Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Males by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group for Rural Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part I
- Per 1000 Distribution of Males by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group for Rural+Urban Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Males by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group for Urban Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Males by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group for Rural Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Males by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group for Rural+Urban Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Males by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group for Urban Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Males by Usual Activity Category Taking Also Into Consideration the Subsidiary Economic Status of Person Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Age Group for Rural Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Males by Usual Activity Category Taking Also Into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Person Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Age Group for Rural+Urban Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Males by Usual Activity Category Taking Also Into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Person Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Age Group for Urban Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Males) by Enterprise Type Separately for Each Location of Workplace for Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person (15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity for Rural Areas in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person (15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity for Urban Areas in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Rural) by Current Weekly Activity for each Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Urban) by Current Weekly Activity for each Usual Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group for Rural Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group for Rural+Urban Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Age Group for Urban Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group for Rural Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group for Rural+Urban Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Each Age Group for Urban Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also Into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Person Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Age Group for Urban Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also Into Consideration the Subsidiary Economic Status of Person Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Age Group for Rural Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also Into Consideration the Subsidiary Economic Status of Person Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Age Group for Rural+Urban Areas in India (July-December 2002) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed (PS+SS) by their Broad Current Weekly Status for Different NSS Round for Rural and Urban Areas in India (1987-1988, 1989-1990 to 2001-2002)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed by Status of Employment for Different NSS Rounds (Rural Males/Females) in India (1983, 1987-1988, 1989-1990 to 2001-2002)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed by Status of Employment for Different NSS Rounds (Urban Males/Females) in India (1983, 1987-1988, 1989-1990 to 2001-2002)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Male, Female and Persons (Urban) by Industry Division in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- Percentage Distribution of Rural Employment by Broad Economic Sector (Male) in India (1972-1973, 1977-1978, 1983, 1987-1988, 1993-1994, 1999-2000 to 2001-2002)
- Percentage Distribution of Rural Employment by Broad Economic Sector (Persons) in India (1972-1973, 1977-1978, 1983, 1987-1988, 1993-1994, 1999-2000 to 2001-2002)
- Percentage Distribution of Urban Employment (Male) by Broad Economic Sector in India (1972-1973, 1977-1978, 1983, 1987-1988, 1993-1994, 1999-2000 to 2001-2002)
- Percentage Distribution of Urban Employment (Person) by Broad Economic Sector in India (1972-1973, 1977-1978, 1983, 1987-1988, 1993-1994, 1999-2000 to 2001-2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Female by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Male by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Person by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Person by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Person by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Female by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Male by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Person by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Person by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Person by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Broad Group of Industry (Rural Female) in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Broad Group of Industry (Rural Male) in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Broad Group of Industry (Rural Person) in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Broad Group of Industry (Urban Female) in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Broad Group of Industry (Urban Male) in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Broad Group of Industry (Urban Person) in India (July 2001-June 2002)
- Percentage Distribution of Workers (Main+Marginal) According to Categories of Worker by Sex and Sector in India (2001)
- Population by Activity Status (Labour and out of Labours force) in India ( 1977-1978,1983,1987-1988,1993-1994, 1999-2000 and 2000-2001)
- Selected Country-wise Annual Growth Rate of Employment (1995-2001)
- Activity/ Major State-wise Number of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Household Duties (Principal Status) and Also Participating in Specified Activities per 1000 Women (Age 15 Years and Above) Usually Engaged in Household Duties for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)- Part III
- Activity/Major State-wise Number of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Household Duties (Principal Status) and Also Participating in Specified Activities Per 1000 Women (Age 15 Years and Above) Usually Engaged in Household Duties for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000) - Part I
- Activity/Major State-wise Number of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Household Duties (Principal Status) and Also Participating in Specified Activities Per 1000 Women (Age 15 Years and Above) Usually Engaged in House-hold Duties for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000) - Part II
- Activity/Major State-wise Number of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Household Duties (Principal Status) and Also Participating in Specified Activities Per 1000 Women (Age 15 Years and Above) Usually Engaged in Household Duties for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)- Part IV
- Activity/Major State-wise Number of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Household Duties (Principal Status) and Also Participating in Specified Activities Per 1000 Women (Age 15 Years and Above) Usually Engaged in Household Duties for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)- Part V
- Activity/Major State-wise Number of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Household Duties (Principal Status) and Also Participating in Specified Activities Per 1000 Women (Age 15 Years and Above) Usually Engaged in Household Duties for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)- Part VI
- Activity/Major State-wise Number of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Household Duties (Principal Status) and Also Participating in Specified Activities Per 1000 Women (Age 15 Years and Above) Usually Engaged in Household Duties for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)- Part IV
- Activity/Major State-wise Number of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Household Duties (Principal Status) and Also Participating in Specified Activities Per 1000 Women (Age 15 Years and Above) Usually Engaged in Household Duties for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)- Part VI
- Activity/Major State-wise Number of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Household Duties (Principal Status) and Also Participating in Specified Activities Per 1000 Women (Age 15 Years and Above) Usually Engaged in Household Duties for Urban Areas in India(July 1999-June 2000) - Part I
- Activity/Major State-wise Number of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Household Duties (Principal Status) and Also Participating in Specified Activities Per 1000 Women (Age 15 Years andAbove) Usually Engaged in Household Duties for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)- Part III
- Activity/Major State-wise Number of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Household Duties (Principal Status) and Also Participating in Specified Activities per 1000 Women (Age 15 Years andAbove) Usually Engaged in Household Duties for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)- Part V
- Activity/Major State-wise Number of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Household Duties (Principal Status) and AlsoParticipating in Specified Activities per 1000 Women (Age 15 Years and Above) Usually Engaged in Household Duties for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)- Part II
- Activity-wise Number of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Household Duties (Principal Status) and Also Participating in Specified Activities Per 1000 Women (Age 15 Years and Above) Usually Engaged in Household in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Age Group-wise Number of Women Engaged in Household Duties According to Usual Principal Status by Reason Spending Most of their Days in Domestic Duties in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Age Group-wise Number of Women Engaged in Household Duties According to Usual Principal Status in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Female for Major Religious Groups in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Male for Major Religious Groups in India (1993-94 and 1999-2000)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Female for Major Religious Groups in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban male for Major Religious Groups in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Age Group-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Urban Person in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Age Group-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) for Each Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized 'not Working' in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Age Group-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also in to Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Person Categorised 'Not Working' in India (July 1999-June 2000) Part - II
- Age Group-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) for Each Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized 'not Working' in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Age Group-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Female) for Each Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized 'not Working' in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Age Group-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Male) for Each Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized 'not Working' in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Age Group-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Female by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000) Part - II
- Age Group-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Female for Each Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Age Group-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Male by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999-June2000) Part-II
- Age Group-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Male for Each Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Age Group-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Person for Each Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Age Group-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Person for Each Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized 'not Working' in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Age Group-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000) Part - II
- Age Group-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Female by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000) Part - II
- Age Group-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Female for Each Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Age Group-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Male by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000) Part - II
- Age Group-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Male for Each Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Age Group-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000) Part - II
- Age Group-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Persons for Each Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Age Group-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Persons for Each Usual Activity Category taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorized 'not Working' in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Average Number of Days Not Worked by Usually Occupied Workers Among All Classes for Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Average Number of Days Not Worked by Usually Occupied Workers Among Other Backward Classes for Rural Labour Households in India (1999-2000)
- Average Number of Days Not Worked by Usually Occupied Workers Among Scheduled Castes for Rural Labour Households in India (1999-2000)
- Average Number of Days Not Worked by Usually Occupied Workers Among Scheduled Tribes for Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Average Number of Days Worked by Usually Occupied Workers Among All Classes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part I
- Average Number of Days Worked by Usually Occupied Workers Among All Classes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- Average Number of Days Worked by Usually Occupied Workers Among Other Backward Classes for Rural Labour Households in India (1999-2000) - Part I
- Average Number of Days Worked by Usually Occupied Workers Among Other Backward Classes for Rural Labour Households in India (1999-2000) - Part II
- Average Number of Days Worked by Usually Occupied Workers Among Scheduled Castes for Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part I
- Average Number of Days Worked by Usually Occupied Workers Among Scheduled Castes for Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- Average Number of Days Worked by Usually Occupied Workers Among Scheduled Tribes for Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- Average Number of Days Worked by Usually Occupied Workers Among Scheduled Tribes for Rural Labour Households in India (1999-2000) - Part I
- City-wise per Thousand Distribution of Usually 'Working' (Principal and Subsidiary Status Taken Together) Urban Female of Age-Group 15 Years and Above by Broad Industry Division for Each Size Class of Town in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- City-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Usually 'Working' (Principal and Subsidiary Status Taken Together) Urban Persons of Age-Group 15 Years and Above by Broad Industry Division for each Size Class of Town in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- City-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Usually 'Working' (Principal and Subsidiary Status Taken Together) Urban Male of Age-Group 15 Years and Above by Broad Industry Division for for each Size Class in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Distribution of Working Person-days (Estimated) of Current Daily Status Workers Who are Either Regular Wage/Salaried or Casual Wage Labourers by Periodicity of Payment for Each Current Daily Status Work for Rural Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Distribution of Working Person-days (Estimated) of Current Daily Status Workers Who are Either Regular Wage/Salaried or Casual Wage Labourers by Periodicity of Payment for Each Current Daily Status Work for Rural Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Distribution of Working Person-days (Estimated) of Current Daily Status Workers Who are Either Regular Wage/Salaried or Casual Wage Labourers by Periodicity of Payment for Each Current Daily Status Work for Rural Persons in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Distribution of Working Person-days (Estimated) of Current Daily Status Workers Who are Either Regular Wage/Salaried or Casual Wage Labourers by Periodicity of Payment for Each Current Daily Status Work for Urban Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Distribution of Working Person-days (Estimated) of Current Daily Status Workers Who are Either Regular Wage/Salaried or Casual Wage Labourers by Periodicity of Payment for Each Current Daily Status Work for Urban Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Distribution of Working Person-days (Estimated) of Current Daily Status Workers Who are Either Regular Wage/Salaried or Casual Wage Labourers by Periodicity of Payment for Each Current Daily Status Work for Urban Persons in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Major State-wise Number of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Household Duties (Principal Status) and Willing to Accept Work in Household Premises Per 1000 Women Usually Engaged in Household Duties for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000) - Part II
- Major State-wise Number of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Household Duties (Principal Status) and Willing to Accept Work in Household Premises per 1000 Women Usually Engagedin Household Duties for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000) - Part I
- Major State-wise Number of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Household Duties (Principal Status) and Willing to Accept Work in the Household Premises per 1000 Women Usually Engaged inHousehold Duties for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000) - Part II
- Major State-wise Number of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Household Duties (Principal Status) and Willing to Accept Workin Household Premises per 1000 Women Usually Engaged in Household Duties for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000) - Part I
- Major State-wise Number of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Willing to Accept Work in Household Premises per 1000 Females and their per 1000 Distribution by Nature of Work Acceptable for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Major State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Household Duties and Willing to Accept Work in Household by Type of Assistance Required for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Major State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Household Duties and Willing to Accept Work in the Household by Type of Assistance Required for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Major State-wise Proportion (Per 1000 Households) of Households Reporting Land Cultivated Upto 1.00 Hectares by Major Religion for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Major State-wise Proportion (Per 1000 Households) of Persons Reporting Land Cultivated Upto 1.00 Hectares by Major Religion for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Major State-wise Proportion (Per 1000 Persons) of Persons Employed According to the Usual Principal and Subsidiary Statuses Taken Together for Each Major Religion (Urban Male) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Major State-wise Proportion (Per 1000 Persons) of Persons Employed According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Statuses Taken Together for Each Major Religion (Rural Female) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Major State-wise Proportion (Per 1000 Persons) of Persons Employed According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Statuses Taken Together for Each Major Religion (Rural Male) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Major State-wise Proportion (Per 1000 Persons) of Persons Employed According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Statuses Taken Together for Each Major Religion (Urban Female) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Major State-wise Proportion (Per 1000 Persons) of Persons Employed According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Statuses Taken Together for Each Major Religion (Urban Person) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Major State-wise Proportion (Per 1000 Persons) of Persons Employed According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Statuses Taken Together for Each Major Religion for Rural Person in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Major State-wise Proportion (Per 1000 Persons) of Persons in Labour Force According to usual Principal and Subsidiary Statuses Taken Together for Each Major Religion (Urban Male) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Major State-wise Proportion (Per 1000 Persons) of Persons in Labour Force According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Statuses Taken Together for Each Major Religion (Rural Female) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Major State-wise Proportion (Per 1000 Persons) of Persons in Labour Force According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Statuses Taken Together for Each Major Religion (Urban Person) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Major State-wise Proportion (Per 1000 Persons) of Persons in Labour Force According to Usual Principal and Subsidiary Statuses Taken Together for Each Major Religion (Urban) Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Major State-wise Proportion (Per 1000 Persons) of Persons in the Labour Force According to the Usual Principal and Subsidiary Statuses Taken Together for Each Major Religion (Rural Persons) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Major State-wise Proportion (per 1000) of Persons Belonging to Self-Employed and Rural Labour Households by Major Religion (Urban) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Major State-wise Proportion (Per 1000) of Persons Belonging to Self-Employed and Rural Labour Households by Major Religion for (Rural) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Major State-wise Proportion (Per 1000) of Persons Reporting Monthly per Capita Expenditure Less than Rs. 4.25 and Rs. 1120 or More by Major Religion for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Major State-wise Proportion (Per 1000) of Persons Reporting Monthly per Capita Expenditure Less than Rs.300 and Rs. 615 or More by Major Religion for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Days Worked in a Week by Usual Status Casual Wage Labourer (PS+SS) and Average Wages Receivable per Person Day Worked in a Week for Each Casual Work Status for Rural Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Days Worked in a Week by Usual Status Casual Wage Labourer (PS+SS) and Average Wages Receivable per Person Day Worked in a Week for Each Casual Work Status for Rural Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Days Worked in a Week by Usual Status Casual Wage Labourer (PS+SS) and Average Wages Receivable per Person Day Worked in a Week for Each Casual Work Status for Rural Persons in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Days Worked in a Week by Usual Status Casual Wage Labourer (PS+SS) and Average Wages Receivable per Person Day Worked in a Week for Each Casual Work Status for Urban Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Days Worked in a Week by Usual Status Casual Wage Labourer (PS+SS) and Average Wages Receivable per Person Day Worked in a Week for Each Casual Work Status for Urban Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Days Worked in a Week by Usual Status Casual Wage Labourer (PS+SS) and Average Wages Receivable per Person Day Worked in a Week for Each Casual Work Status for Urban Persons in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Female Employed per 1000 Persons Aged 15 Years and Above According to Current Weekly and Daily Status for selected Cities/Size Class of Town in India (1999-2000 and 1993-1994)
- Number of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties and Willing to Accept Work At Household Premises per 1000 Females and Number of Females having Required Skill per 1000 Females Willing to Accept Specified Work At Household Premises by Age-Group and Type of Work Acceptable without Subsidiary Status for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties and Willing to Accept Work At Household Premises per 1000 Females and Number of Females having the Required Skill per 1000 Females Willing to Accept theSpecified Work At Household Premises by Age-Group and Type of with Subsidiary Status Work Acceptable for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties and Willing to Accept Work At Household Premises per 1000 Females and Number of Females having Required Skill per 1000 Females Willing to Accept Specified Work At Household Premises by Age-Group and Type of Work Acceptable with Subsidiary Status for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties and Willing to Accept Work At Household Premises per 1000 Females and Number of Females having the Required Skill per 1000 Females Willing to Accept Specified Work At Household Premises by Age-Group and Type of Work Acceptable for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Male Employed Per 1000 Persons Aged 15 Years and Above According to Current Weekly and Daily Status for selected Cities/Size Class of Town in India (1999-2000 and 1993-1994)
- Number of Persons Employed per 1000 Persons (WFPR) According to Usual, Current Weekly and Current Daily Statuses in India (1999-2000)
- Number of Persons Employed per 1000 Persons According to Usual Status (PS+SS) in India (1972-1973, 1977-1978, 1983, 1987-1988,1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Number of Persons Unemployed Per 1000 Persons in Labour Force (Unemployment Rate) for Main Religious Groups in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Number of Usual Principal Status Employed per 1000 Persons (Rural Female) of Age 15 Years and Above who Changed Establishment of Work, Status of Work During Last Two Years and per 1000 Distribution of those who Changed their Status of Work by the Last Work Activity Status for Each Broad General Education Standard and Usual Activity Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of usual Principal Status Employed per 1000 Persons (Rural Female) of Age 15 Years and Above who Changed Industry (Division) of Work During Last Two Years and per 1000 Distribution of those who Changed their Industry of Work by Industry of Last Usual Work Activity for Each Broad Present Usual Principal Status and Broad Industry (Division) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Usual Principal Status Employed per 1000 Persons (Rural Female) of Age 15 Years and Above who Changed Occupation (Division) of Work During Last Two Years and per 1000 Distribution of those who Changed their Occupation of Work by the Occupation of Last Usual Work Activity for Each Broad Present Usual Principal Status and Occupation Division in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Usual Principal Status Employed per 1000 Persons (Rural Male) of Age 15 Years and Above who Changed Establishment of Work, Status of Work During Last Two Years and per 1000 Distribution of those who Changed their Status of Work by the Last Work Activity Status for Each Broad General Education Standard and Usual Activity Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of usual Principal Status Employed per 1000 Persons (Rural Male) of Age 15 Years and Above who Changed Industry (Division) of Work During Last Two Years and per 1000 Distribution of those who Changed their Industry of Work by Industry of Last Usual Work Activity for Each Broad Present Usual Principal Status and Broad Industry (Division) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Usual Principal Status Employed per 1000 Persons (Rural Male) of Age 15 Years and Above who Changed Occupation (Division) of Work During Last Two Years and per 1000 Distribution of those who Changed their Occupation of Work by the Occupation of Last Usual Work Activity for Each Broad Present Usual Principal Status and Occupation Division in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Usual Principal Status Employed per 1000 Persons (Urban Female) of Age 15 Years and Above who Changed Establishment of Work, Status of Work During Last Two Years and per 1000 Distribution of those who Changed their Status of Work by the Last Work Activity Status for Each Broad General Education Standard and Usual Activity Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of usual Principal Status Employed per 1000 Persons (Urban Female) of Age 15 Years and Above who Changed Industry (Division) of Work During Last Two Years and per 1000 Distribution of those who Changed their Industry of Work by Industry of Last Usual Work Activity for Each Broad Present Usual Principal Status and Broad Industry (Division) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Usual Principal Status Employed per 1000 Persons (Urban Female) of Age 15 Years and Above who Changed Occupation (Division) of Work During Last Two Years and per 1000 Distribution of those who Changed their Occupation of Work by the Occupation of Last Usual Work Activity for Each Broad Present Usual Principal Status and Occupation Division in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Usual Principal Status Employed per 1000 Persons (Urban Male) of Age 15 Years and Above who Changed Establishment of Work, Status of Work During Last Two Years and per 1000 Distribution of those who Changed their Status of Work by the Last Work Activity Status for Each Broad General Education Standard and Usual Activity Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of usual Principal Status Employed per 1000 Persons (Urban Male) of Age 15 Years and Above who Changed Industry (Division) of Work During Last Two Years and per 1000 Distribution of those who Changed their Industry of Work by Industry of Last Usual Work Activity for Each Broad Present Usual Principal Status and Broad Industry (Division) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Usual Principal Status Employed per 1000 Persons (Urban Male) of Age 15 Years and Above who Changed Occupation (Division) of Work During Last Two Years and per 1000 Distribution of those who Changed their Occupation of Work by the Occupation of Last Usual Work Activity for Each Broad Present Usual Principal Status and Occupation Division in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Usual Principal Status Employed per 1000 Rural Persons of Age 15 Years and Above who Changed Establishment of Work, Status of Work During Last Two Years and per 1000 Distribution of those who Changed their Status of Work by the Last Work Activity Status for Each Broad General Education Standard and Usual Activity Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of usual Principal Status Employed per 1000 Rural Persons of Age 15 Years and Above who Changed Industry (Division) of Work During Last Two Years and per 1000 Distribution of those who Changed their Industry of Work by Industry of Last Usual Work Activity for Each Broad Present Usual Principal Status and Broad Industry (Division) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Usual Principal Status Employed per 1000 Rural Persons of Age 15 Years and Above who Changed Occupation (Division) of Work During Last Two Years and per 1000 Distribution of those who Changed their Occupation of Work by the Occupation of Last Usual Work Activity for Each Broad Present Usual Principal Status and Occupation Division in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Usual Principal Status Employed per 1000 Urban Persons of Age 15 Years and Above who Changed Establishment of Work, Status of Work During Last Two Years and per 1000 Distribution of those who Changed their Status of Work by the Last Work Activity Status for Each Broad General Education Standard and Usual Activity Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of usual Principal Status Employed per 1000 Urban Persons of Age 15 Years and Above who Changed Industry (Division) of Work During Last Two Years and per 1000 Distribution of those who Changed their Industry of Work by Industry of Last Usual Work Activity for Each Broad Present Usual Principal Status and Broad Industry (Division) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Usual Principal Status Employed per 1000 Urban Persons of Age 15 Years and Above who Changed Occupation (Division) of Work During Last Two Years and per 1000 Distribution of those who Changed their Occupation of Work by the Occupation of Last Usual Work Activity for Each Broad Present Usual Principal Status and Occupation Division in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Household Duties (Principal Status) and Willing to Accept Work in Household Premises Per 1000 Women (Age 15 Years and Above) Usually Engaged in Household Duties by Marital Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Workers Engaged in Enterprises Maintaining Written Accounts per 1000 Non-Agricultural Workers According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Workers Using Electricity per 1000 Non-Agricultural Workers in the Manufacturing Enterprises According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) for Broad Enterprise Types in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Number of Workers Working Wholly or Mainly Under Product Specification per 1000 Self-Employed Non-Agricultural Workers According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) for Each Location of Workplace in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties and Willing to Accept Work At Household Premises by Type of Assistance Required for Each Type of Work Acceptable with Subsidiary Status Work for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties # and Willing to Accept Work At Household Premises by Type of Assistance Required for Each Type of Work Acceptable without Subsidiary Status Work for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties and Willing to Accept Work At Household Premises by Type of Assistance Required for Each Type of with Subsidiary Status Work Acceptable with Subsidiary Status for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties and Willing to Accept Work At Household Premises by Type of Assistance Required for Each Type of Work Acceptable without Subsidiary Status Work for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Females of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Domestic Duties and Willing to Accept Work At the Household Premises by Type of Assistance Required for Each Type of All Work Acceptable all for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Female) by Location of Workplace Separately for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Female) by Location of Workplace Separately for Each Enterprise Type for Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Female) by NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal And Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Female) by NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Female) by Number of Workers in their Enterprise Separately for Each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Female) by Status of Accounts of Enterprise Separately for Each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Female) Engaged in Manufacturing Sector by Enterprise Size and Use of Electricity Separately for Each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Females) by Activity Status for each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Females) by Enterprise Type for Each NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Usual Principal Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Females) by Enterprise Type for Each Activity Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Females) by Enterprise Type for Each NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Females) by Enterprise Type for Each NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Usual Subsidiary Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Females) by Enterprise Type Separately for Each Location of Workplace for Usual Principal Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Females) by Enterprise Type Separately for Each Location of Workplace for Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Females) by NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Male) by Enterprise Type for Each Activity Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Male) by Location of Workplace Separately for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Male) by Location of Workplace Separately for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Male) by Number of Workers in their Enterprise Separately for Each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Male) by Status of Accounts of Enterprise Separately for Each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Male) Engaged in Manufacturing Sector by Enterprise Size and Use of Electricity Separately for Each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Males) by Activity Status for each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Males) by Enterprise Type for Each NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Males) by Enterprise Type for Each NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Usual Principal Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Males) by Enterprise Type for Each NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Usual Subsidiary Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Males) by Enterprise Type Separately for Each Location of Workplace for Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Males) by Enterprise Type Separately for Each Location of Workplace for Usual Principal Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Males) by NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal And Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Persons) by Activity Status for each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Persons) by Enterprise Type for Each Activity Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Persons) by Enterprise Type for Each NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Persons) by Enterprise Type for Each NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Usual Principal Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Persons) by Enterprise Type for Each NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Usual Subsidiary Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Persons) by Enterprise Type Separately for Each Location of Workplace for Usual Principal Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Persons) by Enterprise Type Separately for Each Location of Workplace for Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Persons) by Location of Workplace Separately for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Persons) by Location of Workplace Separately for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Persons) by NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal And Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Persons) by NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Persons) by NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Persons) by Number of Workers in their Enterprise Separately for Each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Persons) by Status of Accounts of Enterprise Separately for Each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Persons) by Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status of Accounts of Enterprise Separately for Each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Persons) Engaged in Manufacturing Sector by Enterprise Size and Use of Electricity Separately for Each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Female) by Location of Workplace Separately for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Female) by Location of Workplace Separately for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Female) by NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal And Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Female) by NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Female) by NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Female) by Number of Workers in their Enterprise Separately for Each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Female) by Status of Accounts of Enterprise Separately for Each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Female) Engaged in Manufacturing Sector by Enterprise Size and Use of Electricity Separately for Each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Females) by Activity Status for each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Females) by Enterprise Type for Each Activity Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Females) by Enterprise Type Separately for Each Location of Workplace for Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Females)by Enterprise Type Separately for Each Location of Workplace for Usual Principal Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Male) by Location of Workplace Separately for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Male) by Location of Workplace Separately for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Male) by NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal And Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Male) by NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Male) by Number of Workers in their Enterprise Separately for Each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Male) by Status of Accounts of Enterprise Separately for Each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Male) Engaged in Manufacturing Sector by Enterprise Size and Use of Electricity Separately for Each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Males) by Activity Status for each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Males) by Enterprise Type for Each Activity Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Males) by Enterprise Type for Each NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Usual Principal Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Males) by Enterprise Type for Each NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Usual Subsidiary Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Males) by Enterprise Type Separately for Each Location of Workplace for Usual Principal Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Persons) by Activity Status for each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Persons) by Enterprise Type for Each Activity Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Persons) by Enterprise Type Separately for Each Location of Workplace for Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Persons) by Enterprise Type Separately for Each Location of Workplace for Usual Principal Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Persons) by Location of Workplace Separately for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Persons) by Location of Workplace Separately for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Persons) by NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal And Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Persons) by NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Persons) by NIC 1998 Tabulation Category for Each Enterprise Type (Usual Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Persons) by Number of Workers in their Enterprise Separately for Each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Persons) by Status of Accounts of Enterprise Separately for Each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Persons) Engaged in Manufacturing Sector by Enterprise Size and Use of Electricity Separately for Each Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) By Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) Engaged in Proprietary or Partnership Enterprises or All Enterprises by Activity Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person-Days of Usually Employed (Principal and Subsidiary Status) by Their Board Current Daily Status in India (1999-2000, 1993-1994 and 1987-1988)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) of age 15 Years and Above by Current Weekly Activity for Each Education Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Household Monthly per Capita Expenditure Class in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) of age 15 Years and Above by Current Weekly Activity for Each Education Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Household Monthly per Capita Expenditure Class in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Urban Female) of age 15 Years and Above by Current Weekly Activity for Each Education Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Urban Female) Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Household Monthly per Capita Expenditure Class in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Urban Male) of age 15 Years and Above by Current Weekly Activity for Each Education Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Urban Male) Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Household Monthly per Capita Expenditure Class in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Number of Days with Nominal Work and Number of Days Worked in a Week for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons in Labour Force According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Number of Days with Nominal Work and Number of Days Worked in a Week for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status by Number of Days with Nominal Work and Number of Days Worked in a Week for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons Working According to Current Weekly Status by Number of Days with Nominal Work and Number of Days Worked in a Week for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Principal Status Workers (Rural Female) of Age 15 Years and Above who Have Changed Industry or Occupation by Reason for Such Change of Job for Each Broad Education and Age Group in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Principal Status Workers (Rural Male) of Age 15 Years and Above who Have Changed Industry or Occupation by Reason for Such Change of Job for Each Broad Education and Age Group in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Principal Status Workers (Rural Persons) of Age 15 Years and Above who Have Changed Industry or Occupation by Reason for Such Change of Job for Each Broad Education and Age Group in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Principal Status Workers (Urban Female) of Age 15 Years and Above who Have Changed Industry or Occupation by Reason for Such Change of Job for Each Broad Education and Age Group in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Principal Status Workers (Urban Male) of Age 15 Years and Above who Have Changed Industry or Occupation by Reason for Such Change of Job for Each Broad Education and Age Group in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Principal Status Workers (Urban Persons) of Age 15 Years and Above who Have Changed Industry or Occupation by Reason for Such Change of Job for Each Broad Education and Age Group in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Persons of age 15 Years and Above by Current Weekly Activity for Each Education Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Persons Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Household Monthly per Capita Expenditure Class in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed (Rural Male) in Non-Agricultural Sectors who were Working Wholly or Mainly Under Given Product-Specifications by Number of Outlets, Basis of Payment and Type of Specifications Separately for Extent of Production Under Specifications in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed (Rural Persons) in Non-Agricultural Sectors who were Working Wholly or Mainly Under Given Product-Specifications by Number of Outlets, Basis of Payment and Type of Specifications Separately for Extent of Production Under Specifications in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed (Urban Female) in Non-Agricultural Sectors who were Working Wholly or Mainly Under Given Product-Specifications by Number of Outlets, Basis of Payment and Type of Specifications Separately for Extent of Production Under Specifications in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed (Urban Male) in Non-Agricultural Sectors who were Working Wholly or Mainly Under Given Product-Specifications by Number of Outlets, Basis of Payment and Type of Specifications Separately for Extent of Production Under Specifications in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed (Urban Persons) in Non-Agricultural Sectors who were Working Wholly or Mainly Under Given Product-Specifications by Number of Outlets, Basis of Payment and Type of Specifications Separately for Extent of Production Under Specifications in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed in Non-Agricultural Sectors who Worked wholly or Mainly Under Given Specifications by Type of Provision for Credit/Raw Material/Equipments Separately for Extent of Production Under Specifications for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed in Non-Agricultural Sectors who Worked wholly or Mainly Under Given Specifications by Type of Provision for Credit/Raw Material/Equipments Separately for Extent of Production Under Specifications for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Non-Agricultural Workers According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) by Location of Workplace in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Non-Agricultural Workers According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) who Worked Wholly or Mainly Under Given Product Specification by Number of Outlets, Basis of Payment and Type of Order Specification in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Non-Agricultural Workers According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) who Worked Wholly or Mainly Under Given Product Specification by Type of Provision for Credit/Raw Material/Equipments in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Self-employed Persons According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Number of Days with Nominal Work and Number of Days Worked in a Week for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Self-employed Persons According to Usual Status (PS+SS) by Number of Days with Nominal Work and Number of Days Worked in a Week for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Rural Female in Non-Agricultural Sector Working Under Given Specification by Extent of Production Under Specification for Each Location of Workplace in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Rural Male in Non-Agricultural Sector Working Under Given Specification by Extent of Production Under Specification for Each Location of Workplace in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Rural Persons in Non-Agricultural Sector Working Under Given Specification by Extent of Production Under Specification for Each Location of Workplace in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Urban Female in Non-Agricultural Sector Working Under Given Specification by Extent of Production Under Specification for Each Location of Workplace in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Urban Male in Non-Agricultural Sector Working Under Given Specification by Extent of Production Under Specification for Each Location of Workplace in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Self-Employed Urban Persons in Non-Agricultural Sector Working Under Given Specification by Extent of Production Under Specification for Each Location of Workplace in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Persons of age 15 Years and Above by Current Weekly Activity for Each Education Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Persons Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Household Monthly per Capita Expenditure Class in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usual Status Workers by Industry Division in India (1999-2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usual Status Workers who Were Without Work for at Least 1 Month by Availability of Work and Period Without Work for each Activity status and Broad Industry Division for Rural Female (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usual Status Workers who Were Without Work for at Least 1 Month by Availability of Work and Period Without Work for each Activity status and Broad Industry Division for Rural Female (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usual Status Workers who Were Without Work for at Least 1 Month by Availability of Work and Period Without Work for each Activity status and Broad Industry Division for Rural Male (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usual Status Workers who Were Without Work for at Least 1 Month by Availability of Work and Period Without Work for each Activity status and Broad Industry Division for Rural Male (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usual Status Workers who Were Without Work for at Least 1 Month by Availability of Work and Period Without Work for each Activity status and Broad Industry Division for Rural Persons (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usual Status Workers who Were Without Work for at Least 1 Month by Availability of Work and Period Without Work for each Activity status and Broad Industry Division for Rural Persons (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usual Status Workers who Were Without Work for at Least 1 Month by Availability of Work and Period Without Work for each Activity status and Broad Industry Division for Urban Female (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usual Status Workers who Were Without Work for at Least 1 Month by Availability of Work and Period Without Work for each Activity status and Broad Industry Division for Urban Female (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usual Status Workers who Were Without Work for at Least 1 Month by Availability of Work and Period Without Work for each Activity status and Broad Industry Division for Urban Male (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usual Status Workers who Were Without Work for at Least 1 Month by Availability of Work and Period Without Work for each Activity status and Broad Industry Division for Urban Male (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usual Status Workers who Were Without Work for at Least 1 Month by Availability of Work and Period Without Work for each Activity status and Broad Industry Division for Urban Persons (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usual Status Workers who Were Without Work for at Least 1 Month by Availability of Work and Period Without Work for each Activity status and Broad Industry Division for Urban Persons (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usual Workers (PS+SS) who Were Without Work for Atleast 1 Month and who Sought or Were Available for Work on Atleast Some Days During those Months by Nature of Efforts Made to Get Work for Each Usual Status Work Sought for Rural Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usual Workers (PS+SS) who Were Without Work for Atleast 1 Month and who Sought or Were Available for Work on Atleast Some Days During those Months by Nature of Efforts Made to Get Work for Each Usual Status Work Sought for Rural Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usual Workers (PS+SS) who Were Without Work for Atleast 1 Month and who Sought or Were Available for Work on Atleast Some Days During those Months by Nature of Efforts Made to Get Work for Each Usual Status Work Sought for Rural Persons in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usual Workers (PS+SS) who Were Without Work for Atleast 1 Month and who Sought or Were Available for Work on Atleast Some Days During those Months by Nature of Efforts Made to Get Work for Each Usual Status Work Sought for Urban Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usual Workers (PS+SS) who Were Without Work for Atleast 1 Month and who Sought or Were Available for Work on Atleast Some Days During those Months by Nature of Efforts Made to Get Work for Each Usual Status Work Sought for Urban Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usual Workers (PS+SS) who Were Without Work for Atleast 1 Month and who Sought or Were Available for Work on Atleast Some Days During those Months by Nature of Efforts Made to Get Work for Each Usual Status Work Sought for Urban Persons in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed (PS+SS) Female Aged 15 Years and Above by Status of Employment For selected Cities/Size Class of Town in India (1999-2000 and 1993-1994)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed (PS+SS) Male Aged 15 Years and Above by Status of Male Employment for Selected Cities/Size Class of Town in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed Rural Female (All Workers) by Status of Employment for Main Religious Groups in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed Rural Female of Age 15 Years (Principal and Subsidiary Taken Together) and Above by General Educational Level for Main Religion in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed Rural Male (All Workers) by Status of Employment for Main Religious Groups in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed Rural Male of Age 15 Years (Principal and Subsidiary Taken Together) and Above by General Educational Level for Main Religion in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed Urban Female (All Workers) by Status of Employment for Main Religious Groups in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed Urban Female of Age 15 Years (Principal and Subsidiary Taken Together) and Above by General Educational Level for Main Religious Groups for Urban Female in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed Urban Male (All Workers) by Status of Employment for Main Religious Groups in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed Urban Male of Age 15 Years (Principal and Subsidiary Taken Together) and Above by General Educational Level for Main Religion in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Age 15 Years and Above) by Existence of Trade Union/Associations in their Activity and Membership for Each Broad Usual Activity Status for Rural Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Age 15 Years and Above) by Existence of Trade Union/Associations in their Activity and Membership for Each Broad Usual Activity Status for Rural Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Age 15 Years and Above) by Existence of Trade Union/Associations in their Activity and Membership for Each Broad Usual Activity Status for Rural Persons in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Age 15 Years and Above) by Existence of Trade Union/Associations in their Activity and Membership for Each Broad Usual Activity Status for Urban Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Age 15 Years and Above) by Existence of Trade Union/Associations in their Activity and Membership for Each Broad Usual Activity Status for Urban Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working (PS+SS) Persons (Age 15 Years and Above) by Existence of Trade Union/Associations in their Activity and Membership for Each Broad Usual Activity Status for Urban Persons in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Rural Female) (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for each Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Rural Female) (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for each Activity Status (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Rural Female) (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Alternative Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Work for each Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Rural Female) (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Alternative Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Work for each Activity Status (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Rural Male) (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for each Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Rural Male) (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for each Activity Status (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Rural Male) (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Alternative Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Work for each Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Rural Male) (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Alternative Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Work for each Activity Status (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Urban Female) (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for each Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Urban Female) (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for each Activity Status (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Urban Female) (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Alternative Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Work for each Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Urban Female) (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Alternative Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Work for each Activity Status (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Urban Male) (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for each Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Urban Male) (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for each Activity Status (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Urban Male) (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Alternative Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Work for each Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons (Urban Male) (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Alternative Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Work for each Activity Status (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Female (15 and Above) who had Sought or were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for Each Activity Status (Principal) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Female (15 and Above) who had Sought or were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for Each Activity Status(Principal and Subsidiary) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Male (15 and Above) who had Sought or were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for Each Activity Status (Principal) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Male (15 and Above) who had Soughtor were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for Each Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Persons (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for each Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Persons (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for each Activity Status (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Persons (15 and Above) who had Sought or were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for Each Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Persons (15 and Above) who had Sought or were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for Each Activity Status (Principal) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Persons (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Alternative Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Work for each Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Persons (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Alternative Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Work for each Activity Status (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Female (15 and Above) who had Sought or were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for Each Activity Status (Principal) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Female (15 and Above) who hadSought or were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for Each Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Male (15 and Above) who had Sought or were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for Each Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Male (15 and Above) who had Sought or were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for Each Activity Status (Principal) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Persons (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for each Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Persons (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for each Activity Status (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Persons (15 and Above) who had Sought or were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for Each Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Persons (15 and Above) who had Sought or were Available for Additional Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Additional Work for Each Activity Status (Principal) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Persons (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Alternative Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Work for each Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Persons (15 and Above) who had Sought or Were Available for Alternative Work by Duration and Reason for Seeking Work/Availability for Work for each Activity Status (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Women of Age 15 Years and Above Usually Engaged in Household Duties and Willing to Accept Work in House-hold by Type of Assistance Required in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (PS+SS) (Of Age 15 Years and Above) by Their Nature of Employment and Type of Provident Fund Subscribed to for Each Broad General Education Standard and Number of Permanent Workers per 1000 Workers for Rural Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (PS+SS) (Of Age 15 Years and Above) by Their Nature of Employment and Type of Provident Fund Subscribed to for Each Broad General Education Standard and Number of Permanent Workers per 1000 Workers for Rural Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (PS+SS) (Of Age 15 Years and Above) by Their Nature of Employment and Type of Provident Fund Subscribed to for Each Broad General Education Standard and Number of Permanent Workers per 1000 Workers for Rural Persons in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (PS+SS) (Of Age 15 Years and Above) by Their Nature of Employment and Type of Provident Fund Subscribed to for Each Broad General Education Standard and Number of Permanent Workers per 1000 Workers for Urban Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (PS+SS) (Of Age 15 Years and Above) by Their Nature of Employment and Type of Provident Fund Subscribed to for Each Broad General Education Standard and Number of Permanent Workers per 1000 Workers for Urban Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Workers (PS+SS) (Of Age 15 Years and Above) by Their Nature of Employment and Type of Provident Fund Subscribed to for Each Broad General Education Standard and Number of Permanent Workers per 1000 Workers for Urban Persons in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Working Person-days (Estimated) of Workers who are Either Regular Wage/Salaried or Casual Wage Labourers by Broad Classes of Modes of Payment for Each Current Daily Status Work for Rural Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Working Person-days (Estimated) of Workers who are Either Regular Wage/Salaried or Casual Wage Labourers by Broad Classes of Modes of Payment for Each Current Daily Status Work for Rural Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Working Person-days (Estimated) of Workers who are Either Regular Wage/Salaried or Casual Wage Labourers by Broad Classes of Modes of Payment for Each Current Daily Status Work for Rural Persons in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Working Person-days (Estimated) of Workers who are Either Regular Wage/Salaried or Casual Wage Labourers by Broad Classes of Modes of Payment for Each Current Daily Status Work for Urban Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Working Person-days (Estimated) of Workers who are Either Regular Wage/Salaried or Casual Wage Labourers by Broad Classes of Modes of Payment for Each Current Daily Status Work for Urban Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Working Person-days (Estimated) of Workers who are Either Regular Wage/Salaried or Casual Wage Labourers by Broad Classes of Modes of Payment for Each Current Daily Status Work for Urban Persons in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Female (Rural + Urban) of Age 15 Years and Above by Principal Usual Activity Category for each General Education Category in India (July 1999- June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Households by Household Type for Each Household Religion for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Households by Household Type for Each Major Household Religion for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Households by Size Class of Land Possessed for Each Household Religion for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Male (Rural + Urban) of Age 15 Years and Above by Principal Usual Activity Category for each General Education Category in India (July 1999- June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person (Urban Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Activity Status and Average Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person (Urban Female) in Labour Force According to Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) and Average Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person (Urban Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Activity Status and Average Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person (Urban Male) in Labour Force According to Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) and Average Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Household Land Cultivated Class For Rural Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Household Land Cultivated Class For Rural Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Household Land Cultivated Class For Rural Persons in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Household Monthly per Capita Expenditure Class for Rural Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Household Monthly per-Capita Expenditure Class for Rural Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Household Monthly per-Capita Expenditure Class for Rural Persons in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Household Monthly per-Capita Expenditure Class for Urban Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Household Monthly per-Capita Expenditure Class for Urban Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Household Monthly per-Capita Expenditure Class for Urban Persons in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Household Type for Rural Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Household Type for Rural Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Household Type for Rural Persons in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Household Type for Urban Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Household Type for Urban Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Household Type for Urban Person in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Female in India (January-March 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Female in India (April-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Female in India (April-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Male in India (April-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Male in India (January-March 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Person in India (April-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Person in India (April-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status For Rural Person in India (January-March 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Person in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Persons in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Female in India (April-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Female in India (January-March 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Female in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Female in India (July 1999-June2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Male in India (April-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Male in India (January-March 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Person in India (April-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Person in India (January-March 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Person in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Person in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Person in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Person in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Person in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Person in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration SubsidiaryEconomic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Male in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days of Persons (Urban Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Current Daily Activity Status for Class 1 Cities in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days of Persons (Urban) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Current Daily Activity Status for Class 1 Cities in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days of Urban Male of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Current Daily Activity Status For Class 1 Cities in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons ( Rural Male) by Household Religion for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Land Cultivated Class - 1.01- 2.00 Hectare) for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural + Urban Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for each General Education Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural + Urban Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for each General Education Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural + Urban) of Age 15 Years and Above by Principal Usual Activity Category for each General Education Category in India (July 1999- June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural + Urban) of Age 15 Years and Above by usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for each General Education Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) by Household Religion for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Land Cultivated Class - 2.01-4.00 Hectare) for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) by Household Religion for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Land Cultivated Class - 0.00 Hectare) for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) by Household Religion for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Land Cultivated Class - 0.01-0.40 Hectare) for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) by Household Religion for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Land Cultivated Class - 0.41-1.00 Hectare) for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) by Household Religion for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Land Cultivated Class - 1.01 - 2.00 Hectare) for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) by Household Religion for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Land Cultivated Class - 4.01 Hectare and Above) for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) by Household Religion for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Land Cultivated Class - All) for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) by Number of Subsidiary Activities Pursued for Each Usual Principal Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) by usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Household Land Cultivated Class for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) by usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Household Type for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration the Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Major Household Religion in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (II) For each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) Having Some Subsidiary Economic Activity by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (II) for Each Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (I) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Activity Status and Average Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Activity Status and Average Number of Days Worked in a Week by Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) in Labour Force According to Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) and Average Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration the Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (All Religion Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Christianity Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Hinduism Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Islam Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for each General Education Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) by Household Religion for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Land Cultivated Class - 4.01 Hectare and Above) for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) by Household Religion for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Land Cultivated Class - 0.41-1.00 Hectare) for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) by Household Religion for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration the Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Land Cultivated Class - 0.01-0.40 Hectare) for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) by Number of Subsidiary Activities Pursued for Each Usual Principal Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) by usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Household Type for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Major Household Religion in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration the Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Household Land Cultivated Class for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (II) For each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) Having Some Subsidiary Economic Activity by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (II) for Each Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (I) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Activity Status and Average Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Activity Status and Average Number of Days Worked in a Week by Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) in Labour Force According to Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) and Average Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Christianity Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Household Hinduism) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Sikhism Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (All Religion Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Islam Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Rural Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for each General Education Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Female) by Number of Subsidiary Activities Pursued for Each Usual Principal Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Female) by usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Household Type in Urban areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' and Each Major Household Religion in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Female) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (II) For each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Female) Having Some Subsidiary Economic Activity by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (II) for Each Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (I) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Female) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Activity Status and Average Number of Days Worked in a Week by Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Hinduism Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (All Religion Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Christianity Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Islam Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Sikhism Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for each General Education Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Male) by Number of Subsidiary Activities Pursued for Each Usual Principal Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Male) by usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Household Type in Urban areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' and Each Major Household Religion in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Male) by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (II) For each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Male) Having Some Subsidiary Economic Activity by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (II) for Each Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (I) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Male) in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Activity Status and Average Number of Days Worked in a Week by Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' All Religion Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Christianity Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Hinduism Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Islam Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Sikhism Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons (Urban Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for each General Education Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Female by Household Type for Each Major Household Religion for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Female by usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (I) for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Female of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education Category for Each Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999- June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Female of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Sikhism Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Female of Age 5 Years and Above Other than Usually Unemployed who Sought/were Available for Work for Each Principal Usual Activity in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Female of Age 5 Years and AbovePer Thousand Distribution of Rural Female of Age 5 Years and Above Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Female of Age 5 Years and Above by General Education Category for Each Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Male by Household Religion for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Land Cultivated Class - All) for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Male by Household Religion for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration the Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Land Cultivated Class - 0.00 Hectare) for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Male by Household Type for Each Major Household Religion for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Male by usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (I) for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Male of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education Category for Each Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999- June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Male of Age 15 Years and Above by Principal Usual Activity Category for each General Education Category in India (July 1999- June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Male of Age 15 Years and Above by Principal Usual Activity Category for each General Education category in India (July 1999- June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Male of Age 5 Years and Above by General Education Category for Each Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Person by Household Religion for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Land Cultivated Class - 0.00 Hectare) for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Person by Household Religion for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Land Cultivated Class - 0.01- 0.40 Hectare) for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Person by Household Religion for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Land Cultivated Class - 0.41-1.00 Hectare) for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Person by Household Religion for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Land Cultivated Class - 1.01-2.00 Hectare) for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Person by Household Religion for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Land Cultivated Class - 2.01-4.00 Hectare) for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Person by Household Religion for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Land Cultivated Class - 4.01 Hectare and Above) for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Person by Household Religion for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Land Cultivated Class - All) for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Person by Household Type for Each Major Household Religion for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Person of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education Category for Each Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999- June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Person of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (All Religion Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Person of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Christianity Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Person of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Hinduism Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Person of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Islam Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Person of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Sikhism Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Persons by Number of Subsidiary Activities Pursued for Each Usual Principal Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Persons by usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Household Land Cultivated Class for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Persons by usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Household Type for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' and Each Major Household Religion in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Persons by usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (I) for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (II) For each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Persons Having Some Subsidiary Economic Activity by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (II) for Each Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (I) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Activity Status and Average Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Activity Status and Average Number of Days Worked in a Week by Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Persons in Labour Force According to Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) and Average Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Principal Usual Activity Category for each General Education Category in India (July 1999- June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for each General Education Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Persons of Age 5 Years and Above by General Education Category for Each Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Persons of Age 5 Years and Above Other than Usually Unemployed who Sought/were Available for Work for Each Principal Usual Activity in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Self-employed Persons (Rural Female) According to Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) and Average Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week by Number of days Worked in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Self-employed Persons (Rural Male) According to Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) and Average Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week by Number of days Worked in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Self-employed Persons (Urban Female) According to Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) and Average Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week by Number of days Worked in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Self-employed Persons (Urban Male) According to Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) and Average Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week by Number of days Worked in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Self-employed Rural Persons According to Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) and Average Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week by Number of days Worked in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Self-employed Urban Persons According to Usual Activity Status (PS+SS) and Average Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week by Number of days Worked in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Female by Household Type for Each Major Household Religion for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Female by usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (I) for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Female of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Current Weekly Activity Status For Class 1 Cities in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Female of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Usual Activity Status Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Class 1 Cities in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Female of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education Category for Each Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999- June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Female of Age 15 Years and Above by Principal Usual Activity Category for each General Education Category in India (July 1999- June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Female of Age 5 Years and Above by General Education Category for Each Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Male by Household Type for Each Major Household Religion for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Male by usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (I) for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Male of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Current Weekly Activity Status For Class 1 Cities in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Male of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Usual Activity Status Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Class 1 Cities in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Male of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education Category for Each Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999- June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Male of Age 15 Years and Above by Principal Usual Activity Category for each General Education Category in India (July 1999- June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Male of Age 5 Years and Above by General Education Category for Each Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Male of Age 5 Years and Above Other than Usually Unemployed who Sought/were Available for Work for Each Principal Usual Activity in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Person by Household Type for Each Major Household Religion for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Person by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' and Each Major Household Religion in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Person of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education Category for Each Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999- June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Person of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (All Religion Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Person of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Christianity Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Person of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Hinduism Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Person of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Islam Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Person of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Sikhism Household) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Persons by Number of Subsidiary Activities Pursued for Each Usual Principal Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Persons by usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for Each Household Type in Urban areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Persons by usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (I) for Each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Persons by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (II) For each Usual Principal Activity in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Persons Having Some Subsidiary Economic Activity by Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (II) for Each Usual Subsidiary Economic Activity (I) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Activity Status and Average Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week by Number of Days Worked in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Persons in Labour Force According to Current Weekly Activity Status and Average Number of Days Worked in a Week by Number of Days Seeking/Available for Work (Unemployed) in a Week in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Usual Activity Status Taking Also into Consideration the Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in the Principal Status for Class 1 Cities in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Current Weekly Activity Status for Class 1 Cities in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by General Education for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Principal Usual Activity Category for each General Education Category in India (July 1999- June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' for each General Education Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Persons of Age 5 Years and Above by General Education Category for Each Principal Usual Activity Category in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Persons of Age 5 Years and Above Other than Usually Unemployed who Sought/were Available for Work for Each Principal Usual Activity in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Usually Working Men and Women by Occupation (Rural and Urban) in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of 'Usually Working' Persons by their Industry Group and Sex for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of 'Usually Working' Persons by their Industry Group and Sex for Urban Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Working Persons-days by Type of Operation for Each Broad Current Daily Work Activity for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Per Thousand Distribution ofPersons (Rural Male) by Household Religion for Each Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' (Land Cultivated Class - 2.01- 4.00 Hectare) for Rural Areas in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Percentage Distribution of Total Employment by Occupational Division and Sex in India (1999-2000)
- Percentage Distribution of Total Employment by Occupational Division in India (1977-1978, 1983, 1987-1988, 1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Percentage Distribution of Youth Population by Broad Activity Status and Sex in India (1993-94 and 1999-2000)
- Percentage Distribution of Youth Workers by Status of Employment and Broad Industry in India (1999-2000)
- Percentage of Employed Persons (Male) with Changed Employment Status by Educational Level in India (1999-2000)
- Percentage of Employed Persons with Changed Industry Division by Location and Sex in India (1999-2000)
- Percentage of Employed Persons with Changed Ocupation by Location and Sex in India (1999-2000)
- Proportion (Per 1000) of Households and Persons Belonging to Self-Employed and Regular Salaried and Casual Labour Households by Major Religion in Urban Areas of India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Proportion (Per 1000) of Households and Persons Belonging to Self-Employed and Rural Labour Households by Major Religion for Rural Areas in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Proportion of Educated Among Employed/Unemployed (5 Years and Above) in India (1999-2000)
- Proportion of Principal Workers per 1000 Usual Status Workers of Age 15 Years and Above With Mostly Full Time Work who have Worked More or Less Regularly and by Activity Status and Broad Industry Division for Rural Male (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Proportion of Principal Workers per 1000 Usual Status Workers of Age 15 Years and Above With Mostly Full Time Work who have Worked More or Less Regularly and by Activity Status and Broad Industry Division for Rural Male (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Proportion of Principal Workers per 1000 Usual Status Workers of Age 15 Years and Above With Mostly Full Time Work who have Worked More or Less Regularly and by Activity Status and Broad Industry Division for Rural Male (Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Proportion of Principal Workers per 1000 Usual Status Workers of Age 15 Years and Above With Mostly Full Time Work who have Worked More or Less Regularly and by Activity Status and Broad Industry Division for Urban Female (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Proportion of Principal Workers per 1000 Usual Status Workers of Age 15 Years and Above With Mostly Full Time Work who have Worked More or Less Regularly and by Activity Status and Broad Industry Division for Urban Male (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Proportion of Principal Workers per 1000 Usual Status Workers of Age 15 Years and Above With Mostly Full Time Work who have Worked More or Less Regularly and by Activity Status and Broad Industry Division for Urban Male (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Proportion of Principal Workers per 1000 Usual Status Workers of Age 15 Years and Above With Mostly Full Time Work who have Worked More or Less Regularly and by Activity Status and Broad Industry Division for Urban Male (Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Proportion of Principal Workers per 1000 Usual Status Workers of Age 15 Years and Above With Mostly Full Time Work who have Worked More or Less Regularly and by Activity Status and Broad Industry Division for Rural Female (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Proportion of Principal Workers per 1000 Usual Status Workers of Age 15 Years and Above With Mostly Full Time Work who have Worked More or Less Regularly and by Activity Status and Broad Industry Division for Rural Female (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Proportion of Principal Workers per 1000 Usual Status Workers of Age 15 Years and Above With Mostly Full Time Work who have Worked More or Less Regularly and by Activity Status and Broad Industry Division for Rural Female (Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Proportion of Principal Workers per 1000 Usual Status Workers of Age 15 Years and Above With Mostly Full Time Work who have Worked More or Less Regularly and by Activity Status and Broad Industry Division for Rural Persons (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Proportion of Principal Workers per 1000 Usual Status Workers of Age 15 Years and Above With Mostly Full Time Work who have Worked More or Less Regularly and by Activity Status and Broad Industry Division for Rural Persons (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Proportion of Principal Workers per 1000 Usual Status Workers of Age 15 Years and Above With Mostly Full Time Work who have Worked More or Less Regularly and by Activity Status and Broad Industry Division for Rural Persons (Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Proportion of Principal Workers per 1000 Usual Status Workers of Age 15 Years and Above With Mostly Full Time Work who have Worked More or Less Regularly and by Activity Status and Broad Industry Division for Urban Female (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Proportion of Principal Workers per 1000 Usual Status Workers of Age 15 Years and Above With Mostly Full Time Work who have Worked More or Less Regularly and by Activity Status and Broad Industry Division for Urban Female (Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Proportion of Principal Workers per 1000 Usual Status Workers of Age 15 Years and Above With Mostly Full Time Work who have Worked More or Less Regularly and by Activity Status and Broad Industry Division for Urban Persons (Principal and Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Proportion of Principal Workers per 1000 Usual Status Workers of Age 15 Years and Above With Mostly Full Time Work who have Worked More or Less Regularly and by Activity Status and Broad Industry Division for Urban Persons (Principal Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Proportion of Principal Workers per 1000 Usual Status Workers of Age 15 Years and Above With Mostly Full Time Work who have Worked More or Less Regularly and by Activity Status and Broad Industry Division for Urban Persons (Subsidiary Status) in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- Proportion of Usual Status All Workers (PS+SS) Engaged in Non-Agricultural Sector in India (1999-2000)
- Sector-wise Annual Growth Rates of Employment for Total Economy in India (1980-1981 to 1999-2000)
- Sector-wise Average Annual Employment Elasticity in India (1980-1981 to 1999-2000)
- Sector-wise Capital Intensity (CI) at Constant Prices of 1993-94 and their Indices (Base 1981 = 100) for Total Economy in India (1981 to 2000) - Part I
- Sector-wise Capital Intensity (CI) at Constant Prices of 1993-94 and their Indices (Base 1981 = 100) for Total Economy in India (1981 to 2000) - Part II
- Sector-wise Capital Productivity (CP) and their Indices (Base 1980-81=100) for Total Economy in India (1980-1981 to 1999-2000) - Part I
- Sector-wise Capital Productivity (CP) and their Indices (Base 1980-81=100) for Total Economy in India (1980-1981 to 1999-2000) - Part II
- Sector-wise Employment and Percentage Distribution of Workers for Total Economy in India (1980-1981 to 1999-2000)
- Sector-wise Labour Productivity (LP) at Constant Prices of 1993-94 and their Indices (Base 1980-81=100) for Total Economy in India (1980-1981 to 1999-2000) - Part I
- Sector-wise Labour Productivity (LP) at Constant Prices of 1993-94 and their Indices (Base 1980-81=100) for Total Economy in India (1980-1981 to 1999-2000) - Part II
- Sector-wise Percentage Distribution of Net Domestic Product (NDP) at Constant Prices of 1993-94 for Total Economy in India (1980-1981, 1990-1991 and 1999-2000)
- Selected State-wise Employment Status of Rural Workers by Shares (%) of Self-Employed, Hired Regular and Hired Casual Workers in UPSS Workforce (Persons) in India (1977-1978, 1983, 1987-1988, 1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State/Sex-wise Percentage of Employed Persons with Changed Nature of Work in Rural india (1999-2000)
- State/Sex-wise Percentage of Employed Persons with Changed Nature of Work in Urban India (1999-2000)
- State/Size Class-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Persons of Age 15 years and above by Activity Status in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Annual Days of Wage Employment of Children Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Other Backward Classes Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Annual Days of Wage Employment of Children Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Castes Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Annual Days of Wage Employment of Children Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Tribes Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Annual Days of Wage Employment of Men Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Tribes Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Annual Days of Wage Employment of Men Agricultural Labourers Beloning to Other Backward Classes Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Annual Days of Wage Employment of Women Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Other Backward Classes Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Annual Days of Wage Employment of Women Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Tribes Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to All Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part I
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to All Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to All Classes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part I
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to All Classes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Rural Labour Households in India (1999-2000) - Part I
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Rural Labour Households in India (1999-2000) - Part II
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part I
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part I
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to All Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part I
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to All Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to All Classes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part I
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to All Classes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part I
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Agricultural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part I
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Agricultural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part I
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part I
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to All Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part I
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to All Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to All Classes of Rural Labour Households in India (1999-2000) - Part I
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to All Classes of Rural Labour Households in India (1999-2000) - Part II
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part I
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part I
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part I
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Self-Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Children Agricultural Labourers Belonging Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Children Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Children Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Other Backward Classes Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Children Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Castes Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Children Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Tribes Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Men Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Men Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Other Backward Classes Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Men Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Men Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Castes Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Men Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Castes Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Men Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Tribes Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to Agricultural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to All Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to All Classes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to Other Backward Classes Agricultural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Rural Labour Households in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to Other Backward Classes Rural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to Rural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to Scheduled Castes Agricultural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Agricultural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to Scheduled Castes Rural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to Scheduled Tribes Agricultural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Agricultural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Children Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Children Beloning to Scheduled Tribes Rural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to Agricultural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to All Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to All Classes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to Other Backward Classes Agricultural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to Other Backward Classes Rural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to Scheduled Castes Agricultural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Agricultural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-94 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to Scheduled Castes Rural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to Scheduled Tribes Agricultural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Agricultural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Men Belonging to Scheduled Tribes Rural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Men Beloning to Rural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to Agricultural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to All Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to All Classes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to Other Backward Classes Agricultural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Rural Labour Households in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to Other Backward Classes Rural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to Rural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to Scheduled Castes Agricultural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Agricultural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to Scheduled Castes Rural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to Scheduled Tribes Agricultural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Agricultural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Rural Labour Households in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Usually Occupied Women Belonging to Scheduled Tribes Rural Labour Households (With Land and Without Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Women Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Women Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Other Backward Classes Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Women Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Women Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Castes Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Women Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Castes Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Average Annual Days of Wage Employment of Women Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Tribes Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employments (With and Without Cultivated Land) in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Distribution of Employed Persons on Usual Status Basis in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Employed Persons per 1000 Population According to Principal Usual Status by Sex and Residence in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Employment Scenario on CDS Basis in India (1993-1994 to 1999-2000)
- State-wise Estimated Employment in India (1994 and 2000)
- State-wise Number of Employed per 1000 Persons According to Current Weekly Status by Sex and Residence in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Number of Employed Person-Days per 1000 Person-Days by Sex and Residence Status in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Number of Usually Working (Principal) Persons (15 Years and Above) who Sought or were Available for Additional Work per 1000 Usually Working (Principal) Persons (15 Years and Above) for Each Sex in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks Allotted and Surveyed and Number of Persons Surveyed in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks Allotted and Surveyed and Number of Persons Surveyed in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks Allotted and Surveyed and Number of Persons Surveyed in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise Number of Villages/Blocks Allotted and Surveyed and Number Persons Surveyed in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Females) According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) by Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Females) According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) Engaged in Proprietary or Partnership Enterprises by Activity Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Females) According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) Engaged in Proprietary or Partnership Enterprises by Tabulation Category of NIC 1998 in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Male) According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) by Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Males) According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) Engaged in Proprietary or Partnership Enterprises by Activity Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Males) According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) Engaged in Proprietary or Partnership Enterprises by Tabulation Category of NIC 1998 in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Persons) According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) by Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Persons) According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) Engaged in Proprietary or Partnership Enterprises by Activity Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Rural Persons) According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) Engaged in Proprietary or Partnership Enterprises by Tabulation Category of NIC 1998 in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Females) According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) by Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Females) According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) Engaged in Proprietary or Partnership Enterprises by Activity Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Females) According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) Engaged in Proprietary or Partnership Enterprises by Tabulation Category of NIC 1998 in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Males) According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) by Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Males) According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) Engaged in Proprietary or Partnership Enterprises by Activity Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Males) According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) Engaged in Proprietary or Partnership Enterprises by Tabulation Category of NIC 1998 in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Persons) According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) by Enterprise Type in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Persons) According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) Engaged in Proprietary or Partnership Enterprises by Activity Status in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Non-Agricultural Workers (Urban Persons) According to Usual Activity Category (PS+SS) Engaged in Proprietary or Partnership Enterprises by Tabulation Category of NIC 1998 in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Female in Principal Status and Subsidiary Status Taken Together by Broad Industry Division in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Female in Principal Status by Broad Industry Division in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Male in Principal Status and Subsidiary Status Taken Together by Broad Industry Division in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Male in Principal Status by Broad Industry Division in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Persons in Principal Status and Subsidiary Status Taken Together by Broad Industry Division in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Persons in Principal Status by Broad Industry Division in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Female in Principal Status and Subsidiary Status Taken Together by Broad Industry Division in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Female in Principal Status by Broad Industry Division in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Male in Principal Status and Subsidiary Status Taken Together by Broad Industry Division in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Male in Principal Status by Broad Industry Division in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Persons in Principal Status and Subsidiary Status Taken Together by Broad Industry Division in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Persons in Principal Status by Broad Industry Division in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days of Persons (Urban Female) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Current Daily Activity Status for Each Size Class of Town in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days of Persons (Urban Male) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Current Daily Activity Status for Each Size Class of Town in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days of Persons (Urban) of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Current Daily Activity Status for Each Size Class of Town in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per Thousand Distribution of Urban Female of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Current Weekly Activity Status for Each Size Class of Town in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per Thousand Distribution of Urban Female of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Usual Activity Status Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in the Principal Status for Each Size Class of Town in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise per Thousand Distribution of Urban Male of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Current Weekly Activity Status for Each Size Class of Town in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Male of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Usual Activity Status Taking Also into Consideration the Subsidiary Economics Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in the Principal Status for Each Size Class of Town in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Persons of Age 15 Years and Above by Broad Current Weekly Activity Status for Each Size Class of Town in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Persons of age 15 years and Above by Broad Usual Activity Status Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in the Principal Status for Each Size Class of Town in India (July 1999-June 2000)
- State-wise Percentage Change in Percentage Share in Employment in India (1987-1988 to 1999-2000)
- State-wise Rural Employment Growth Rates by Sector and Sub-sector in India (1993-1994 to 1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Children Agricultural Labourers Belonging to All Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Children Agricultural Labourers Belonging to All Classes of Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Children Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Children Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Children Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Children Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Children Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Children Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Men Agricultural Labourers Belonging to All Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Men Agricultural Labourers Belonging to All Classes of Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Men Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Men Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Men Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Men Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Men Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Men Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Women Agricultural Labourers Belonging to All Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Women Agricultural Labourers Belonging to All Classes of Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Women Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Women Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Women Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Women Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Women Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Agricultural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1999-2000)
- State-wise Wage-Paid Employment of Women Agricultural Labourers Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Rural Labour Households in Agricultural and Non-Agricultural Employment in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000)
- Wage-Paid Employment Per Person of Usually Occupied Men, Women and Children Belonging to All Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in Different Agricultural Operations in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- Wage-Paid Employment Per Person of Usually Occupied Men, Women and Children Belonging to All Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in Different Agricultural Operations in India (1999-2000) - Part I
- Wage-Paid Employment Per Person of Usually Occupied Men, Women and Children Belonging to All Classes of Rural Labour Households in Different Agricultural Operations in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part I
- Wage-Paid Employment Per Person of Usually Occupied Men, Women and Children Belonging to All Classes of Rural Labour Households in Different Agricultural Operations in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- Wage-Paid Employment Per Person of Usually Occupied Men, Women and Children Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in Different Agricultural Operations in India (1999-2000) - Part I
- Wage-Paid Employment Per Person of Usually Occupied Men, Women and Children Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Agricultural Labour Households in Different Agricultural Operations in India (1999-2000) - Part II
- Wage-Paid Employment Per Person of Usually Occupied Men, Women and Children Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Rural Labour Households in Different Agricultural Operations in India (1999-2000) - Part I
- Wage-Paid Employment Per Person of Usually Occupied Men, Women and Children Belonging to Other Backward Classes of Rural Labour Households in Different Agricultural Operations in India (1999-2000) - Part II
- Wage-Paid Employment Per Person of Usually Occupied Men, Women and Children Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Agricultural Labour Households in Different Agricultural Operations in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part I
- Wage-Paid Employment Per Person of Usually Occupied Men, Women and Children Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Agricultural Labour Households in Different Agricultural Operations in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- Wage-Paid Employment Per Person of Usually Occupied Men, Women and Children Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Rural Labour Households in Different Agricultural Operations in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part I
- Wage-Paid Employment Per Person of Usually Occupied Men, Women and Children Belonging to Scheduled Castes of Rural Labour Households in Different Agricultural Operations in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- Wage-Paid Employment Per Person of Usually Occupied Men, Women and Children Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Agricultural Labour Households in Different Agricultural Operations in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part I
- Wage-Paid Employment Per Person of Usually Occupied Men, Women and Children Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Agricultural Labour Households in Different Agricultural Operations in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- Wage-Paid Employment Per Person of Usually Occupied Men, Women and Children Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Rural Labour Households in Different Agricultural Operations in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part I
- Wage-Paid Employment Per Person of Usually Occupied Men, Women and Children Belonging to Scheduled Tribes of Rural Labour Households in Different Agricultural Operations in India (1993-1994 and 1999-2000) - Part II
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Person Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Male in India (October-December 1999)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Person in India (October-December 1999)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Areas in India (July-September 1999)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Female in India (July-September 1999)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Female in India (October-December 1999)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Female in India (October-December 1999)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Male in India (July-September 1999)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Male in India (October-December 1999)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Person in India (July-September 1999)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Female in India (July-September 1999)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Female in India (October-December 1999)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Male in India (July-September 1999)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Male in India (October-December 1999)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Person in India (July-September 1999)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Person-days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Person in India (October-December 1999)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Person Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Male in India (July-September 1999)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Persons-Days by Current Daily Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity for Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status For Urban Female in India (July-September 1999)
- Selected State-wise Percentage Distribution of Persons According to Activity Status (Principal + Subsidiary) by Place of Residence in India (1998-1999)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Rural) by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Rural) by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Rural) by Principal Usual Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Rural) by Principal Usual Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Urban) by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Urban) by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Urban) by Principal Usual Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Female (Urban) by Principal Usual Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Rural) by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Rural) by Principal usual Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Rural) by Principal Usual Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Urban) by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Urban) by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Urban) by Principal Usual Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Male (Urban) by Principal Usual Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Urban) by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Person (Urban) by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Areas in India (January-June 1998) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Areas in India (January-June 1998) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Areas in India (January-June 1998) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Areas in India (January-June 1998) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Areas in India (January-June 1998) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Areas in India (January-June 1998) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Areas in India (January-June 1998) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Areas in India (January-June 1998) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Rural) by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Rural) by Current Weekly Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Rural) by Principal Usual Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Rural) by Principal Usual Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Urban) by Principal Usual Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Urban) by Principal Usual Activity in India (January-June 1998) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Areas in India (January-June 1998) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Areas in India (January-June 1998) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Areas in India (January-June 1998) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Activity of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Areas in India (January-June 1998) - Part II
- Per 1000 Distribution of Female (15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary Taken Together) for Each Household Type for Rural Areas in India (January-June 1998)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Female (15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary Taken Together) for Each Household Type for Urban Areas in India (January-June 1998)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Male (15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary Taken Together) for Each Household Type for Rural Areas in India (January-June 1998)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Male (15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary Taken Together) for Each Household Type for Urban Areas in India (January-June 1998)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Person (15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary Taken Together) for Each Household Type for Rural Areas in India (January-June 1998)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Status for Each Usual Activity Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Areas in India (January-June 1998)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (15 Years and Above) by Usual Activity Status (Principal and Subsidiary Taken Together) for Each Household Type for Urban Areas in India (January-June 1998)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Status for Each Usual Activity Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Areas in India (January-June 1998)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Female) by Current Weekly Status for Each Usual Activity Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Areas in India (January-June 1998)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Status for Each Usual Activity Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Areas in India (January-June 1998)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons (Male) by Current Weekly Status for Each Usual Activity Taking also into Consideration the Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Rural Areas in India (January-June 1998)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Status for Each Usual Activity Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Economic Status of Persons Categorised 'Not Working' in Principal Status for Urban Areas in India (January-June 1998)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Industry for Rural Areas in India (January-June 1998)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Industry for Urban Areas in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Female by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Male by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Person by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Person by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Person by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Female by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Male by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Person by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Person by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Person by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Female by Broad Groups of Industry in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Male by Broad Groups of Industry in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Person by Broad Groups of Industry in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Female by Broad Groups of Industry in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Male by Broad Groups of Industry in India (January-June 1998)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Person by Broad Groups of Industry in India (January-June 1998)
- Capital Productivity, Capital Intensity and their Annual Growth Rate in Informal Trade Sector (At Constant Prices 1993-94) in India (1990-1991 and 1997)
- Capital Productivity, Capital Intensity and their Annual Growth Rates in Informal Manufacturing Sector (At Constant Prices 1993-94) in India (1978-1979, 1989-1990 and 1994-1995)
- Employment, Labour Productivity and their Annual Growth Rate in Informal Manufacturing Sector in India (1978-1979, 1989-1990 and 1994-1995)
- Growth of Employment and NDP/GVA in Manufacturing Transport Storage and Communications and Services Sector (Total vs Informal) at Constant Prices of 1993-94 in India (1983-1990 and 1994-1995)
- Employment Elasticity of Informal Manufacturing Sector in India (1978-1979 and 1989-1994)
- Employment, Labour Productivity and their Annual Growth Rates in Informal Sub-Sector of Hotel, Restaurants and Other Lodging Places (At Constant Prices 1993-94) in India (1983-1984, 1988-1989 and 1993-1994)
- Employment, Labour Productivity and their Annual Growth Rates in Informal Transport Sector at Constant Prices of 1993-94 in India (1983-1984, 1988-1989 and 1993-1994)
- Number of Usually Employed Persons Aged 15 Years and Above According to Principal and Subsidiary Status Taken Together Per 1000 Persons for selected Cities/Size Class of Town in India (1999-2000 and 1993-1994)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Men and Women by Type of Skill Prossessd for Each Broad General Education Level (Rural) in India (1993-1994)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Men and Women by Type of Skill Prossessed for Each Broad General Education Level (Urban) in India (1993-1994)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Current Weekly Activity for Rural Female in India (January-June 1993) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Current Weekly Activity for Rural Female in India (January-June 1993) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Current Weekly Activity for Rural Person in India (January-June 1993) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Current Weekly Activity for Rural Person in India (January-June 1993) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Current Weekly Activity for Urban Female in India (January-June 1993) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Current Weekly Activity for Urban Female in India (January-June 1993) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Current Weekly Activity for Urban Person in India (January-June 1993) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Current Weekly Activity for Urban Person in India (January-June 1993) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Current Weekly Activity for Urban Male in India (January-June 1993) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Current Weekly Activity for Urban Male in India (January-June 1993) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Principal Usual Activity Category for Rural Female in India (January-June 1993) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Principal Usual Activity Category for Rural Female in India (January-June 1993) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Principal Usual Activity Category for Rural Male in India (January-June 1993) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Principal Usual Activity Category for Rural Male in India (January-June 1993) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Principal Usual Activity Category for Rural Person in India (January-June 1993) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Principal Usual Activity Category for Rural Person in India (January-June 1993) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Rural Female in India (January-June 1993) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Rural Female in India (January-June 1993) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Rural Male in India (January-June 1993) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Rural Male in India (January-June 1993) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Rural Person in India (January-June 1993) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Rural Person in India (January-June 1993) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Urban Female in India (January-June 1993) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Usual Activity Category Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Urban Female in India (January-June 1993) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Urban Male in India (January-June 1993) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Urban Male in India (January-June 1993) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Urban Persons in India (January-June 1993) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Person by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Urban Persons in India (January-June 1993) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Rural Male in India (January-June 1993) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Rural Male in India (January-June 1993) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Urban Female in India (January-June 1993) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Urban Female in India (January-June 1993) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Urban Male in India (January-June 1993) - Part I
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Urban Male in India (January-June 1993) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Urban Person in India (January-June 1993) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Urban Persons in India (January-June 1993) - Part I
- Employment Elasticity of Informal Sub-Sector of Transport Sector in India (1983-1988 and 1988-1993)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Person Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Rural Female in India (January-June 1993)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Person Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Rural Male in India (January-June 1993)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Person Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Urban Female in India (January-June 1993)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Person Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Urban Male in India (January-June 1993)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Person Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Urban Persons in India (January-June 1993)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working by Broad Groups of Industry in India (1977-1978,1983,1987-1988,1989-1990 to 1993)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Industry and Sex for Rural Areas in India (January-June 1993)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Industry and Sex for Urban Areas in India (January-June 1993)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Female by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (January-June 1993)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (January-June 1993)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (January-June 1993)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Male by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (January-June 1993)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (January-June 1993)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (January-June 1993)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Female by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (January-June 1993)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (January-June 1993)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (January-June 1993)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Male by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (January-June 1993)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (January-June 1993)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (January-June 1993)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed (Principal and Subsidiary Status) By Broad Current Weekly Activity for Rural Area in India (January-June 1993)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed (Principal and Subsidiary Status) By Broad Current Weekly Activity for Urban Area in India (January-June 1993)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Female by Broad Groups of Industry in India (January-June 1993)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Male by Broad Groups of Industry in India (January-June 1993)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Female by Broad Groups of Industry in India (January-June 1993)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Male Broad Groups of Industry in India (January-June 1993)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity For Rural Female in India (January-December 1992)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity For Rural male in India (January-December 1992)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity For Rural Persons in India (January-December 1992)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity For Urban Female in India (January-December 1992)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity For Urban male in India (January-December 1992)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity For Urban Persons in India (January-December 1992)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category For Rural Female in India (January-December 1992)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category For Rural Male in India (January-December 1992)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category For Rural Persons in India (January-December 1992)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category For Urban Female in India (January-December 1992)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category For Urban Male in India (January-December 1992)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category For Urban Persons in India (January-December 1992)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status For Rural Female in India (January-December 1992)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status For Rural Male in India (January-December 1992)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status For Urban Female in India (January-December 1992)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status For Urban Male in India (January-December 1992)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status For Urban Persons in India (January-December 1992)
- Employment, Labour Productivity and their Annual Growth Rates in Informal Service Sector at Constant Prices of 1993-94 in India (1983-1984 and 1991-1992)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Person Categorised not Working in Principal Status For Rural Male in India (January-December 1992)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Person Categorised not Working in Principal Status For Rural Person in India (January-December 1992)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Person Categorised not Working in Principal Status For Urban Female in India (January-December 1992)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Person Categorised not Working in Principal Status For Urban Male in India (January-December 1992)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Person Categorised not Working in Principal Status For Urban Person in India (January-December 1992)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status For Rural Female in India (January-December 1992)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Industry for Rural Areas in India (January-December 1992)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Industry for Urban Areas in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Female by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Male by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Person by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Persons by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Persons by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Female by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Male by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Person by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Persons by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Persons by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed (Principal and Subsidiary Status) by Broad Current Weekly Activity for Rural Areas in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed (Principal and Subsidiary Status) by Broad Current Weekly Activity for Urban Areas in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Female by Broad Groups of Industry in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Male by Broad Groups of Industry in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Persons by Broad Groups of Industry in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Female by Broad Groups of Industry in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Male by Broad Groups of Industry in India (January-December 1992)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Persons by Broad Groups of Industry in India (January-December 1992)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Rural Female in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Rural Female in India (July-December 1991) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Rural Female in India (July-December 1991) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Rural Male in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Rural Male in India (July-December 1991) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Rural Male in India (July-December 1991) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Rural Persons in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Rural Persons in India (July-December 1991) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Rural Persons in India (July-December 1991) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Urban Female in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Urban Female in India (July-December 1991) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Urban Female in India (July-December 1991) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Urban Male in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Urban Male in India (July-December 1991) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Urban Male in India (July-December 1991) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Urban Persons in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Urban Persons in India (July-December 1991) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Urban Persons in India (July-December 1991) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Rural Female in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Rural Female in India (July-December 1991) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Rural Female in India (July-December 1991) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Rural Male in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Rural Male in India (July-December 1991) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Rural Male in India (July-December 1991) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Rural Persons in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Rural Persons in India (July-December 1991) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Rural Persons in India (July-December 1991) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Urban Female in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Urban Female in India (July-December 1991) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Urban Female in India (July-December 1991) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Urban Male in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Urban Male in India (July-December 1991) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Urban Male in India (July-December 1991) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Urban Persons in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Urban Persons in India (July-December 1991) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Principal Usual Activity Category for Urban Persons in India (July-December 1991) - Part II
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also Into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status for Rural Female in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also Into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status for Rural Male in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also Into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status for Rural Persons in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also Into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status for Urban Female in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Age Group-wise per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also Into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised Not Working in Principal Status for Urban Male in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Rural Female in India (July-December 1991) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Rural Female in India (July-December 1991) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Rural Male in India (July-December 1991) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Rural Male in India (July-December 1991) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Rural Persons in India (July-December 1991) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Rural Persons in India (July-December 1991) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Urban Female in India (July-December 1991) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Urban Female in India (July-December 1991) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Urban Male in India (July-December 1991) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Urban Male in India (July-December 1991) - Part II
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Urban Persons in India (July-December 1991) - Part I
- Age Group-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Usual Activity Category Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Urban Persons in India (July-December 1991) - Part II
- Employment Elasticity for Informal Service Sector in India (1983-1991)
- Employment, Labour Productivity and Their Annual Growth Rate in informal Trade Sector (At Constant Prices 1993-94) in India (1978-1979, 1979-1980, 1985-1986 and 1990-1991)
- Growth of Labour Productivity, Capital Productivity and Capital Intensity in Manufacturing, Transport and Services Sectors (Total vs Informal) in India (1978-1979, 1980-1981, 1989-19990 and 1994-1995)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also Into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Rural Female in India (July-December 1991)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also Into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Rural Male in India (July-December 1991)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also Into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Rural Persons in India (July-December 1991)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also Into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Urban Female in India (July-December 1991)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Urban Male in India (July-December 1991)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Persons by Current Weekly Activity for Each Usual Activity Taking Also into Consideration Subsidiary Gainful Status of Persons Categorised not Working in Principal Status for Urban Persons in India (July-December 1991)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working by Broad Groups of Industry in India (July-December 1991)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Industry for Rural Areas in India (July-December 1991)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Persons by Industry for Urban Areas in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Female by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Female by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) Activity in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) Activity in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Male by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Male by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) Activity in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) Activity in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Persons by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Persons by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Persons by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) Activity in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Persons by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Rural Persons by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) Activity in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Rural Persons by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Female by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Female by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) Activity in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) Activity in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Female by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Male by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) Activity in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) Activity in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Male by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Persons by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Persons by Broad Current Weekly Activity in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Persons by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) Activity in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Persons by Broad Usual Activity (Principal and Subsidiary) in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Urban Persons by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) Activity in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Urban Persons by Broad Usual Activity (Principal) in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed (Principal and Subsidiary Status) Persons by Broad Current Weekly Activity and Sex for Urban Areas in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed (Principal and Subsidiary Status) Persons by Broad Current Weekly Activity and Sex for Rural Areas in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed (Principal and Subsidiary Status) Persons by Broad Current Weekly Activity and Sex for Rural Areas in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Employed (Principal and Subsidiary Status) Persons by Broad Current Weekly Activity and Sex for Urban Areas in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Female by Broad Groups of Industry in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Female by Broad Groups of Industry in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Male by Broad Groups of Industry in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Male by Broad Groups of Industry in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Persons by Broad Groups of Industry in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Rural Persons by Broad Groups of Industry in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Female by Broad Groups of Industry in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Female by Broad Groups of Industry in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Male by Broad Groups of Industry in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Male by Broad Groups of Industry in India (July-December 1991)
- Selected State-wise per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Persons by Broad Groups of Industry in India (July 1990-June 1991)
- Selected State-wise Per 1000 Distribution of Usually Working Urban Persons by Broad Groups of Industry in India (July-December 1991)
- Employment Elasticity for Informal Trade Sector in India (1979-1985 and 1985-1990)
- Employment Elasticity for Informal Trade Sub-Sector of Hotel Restaurants and Other Lodging Places in India (1983-1988 and 1988-1993)
Child Labour - India | Child Labour - India: Distribution of Child Labour - India National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) - India |
Civil Services - India | Civil Services - India: Civil Services Examinations - India Strength of IAS Officers - India Strength of IPS Officers - India |
Labour Courts - India | Labour Courts - India |
Labour Disputes - India | Labour Disputes - India: Annual Labour Disputes - India Monthly Labour Disputes - India |
Labour Welfare - India | Labour Welfare - India: Labour Welfare under Various Labour Act/Schemes - India Maternity Benefit - India |
Professionals - India | Professionals - India |
Provident Fund - India | Provident Fund - India: Financial Performance of Employees Provident Funds Scheme - India Physical Performance of Employees Provident Funds Scheme - India |
Work Participation Rate - India | Work Participation Rate - India |
Workforce - India | Workforce - India: Main Workers - India Marginal Workers - India Non-Workers - India Total Workers - India |
Working Abroad - India | Working Abroad - India: Annual Emigration - India Monthly Emigration - India |