Currently Showing Jharkhand State Level Aggregated Figures
Data at National Level - India
Data at State Level - Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Odisha Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Telangana Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal
Data at Union Territory Level - Andaman & Nicobar Islands Chandigarh Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu Delhi Jammu & Kashmir Ladakh Lakshadweep Puducherry
Data at Regional Level - Eastern Hindi Belt North East Northern Southern Western & Central
Housing Data Table being Added or Updated during current month
- Number of Persons (Female) per Lakh who Indebted to Any Institutional/Non-Institutional Agency by Residence in Jharkhand (2020-2021)
- Number of Persons (Male) per Lakh who Indebted to Any Institutional/Non-Institutional Agency by Residence in Jharkhand (2020-2021)
- Number of Persons per Lakh who Indebted to Any Institutional/Non-Institutional Agency by Residence in Jharkhand (2020-2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Female) with Account Individually/Jointly At Any of Bank/Other Financial Institution/Mobile Money Service Provider by Residence in Jharkhand (2020-2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons (Male) with Account Individually/Jointly At Any of Bank/Other Financial Institution/Mobile Money Service Provider by Residence in Jharkhand (2020-2021)
- Percentage Distribution of Persons with Account Individually/Jointly At Any of Bank/Other Financial Institution/Mobile Money Service Provider by Residence in Jharkhand (2020-2021)
- Per 1000 Number of Households, Average Value of Assets and Amount of Cash Loan per Household by Social Group in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Proportion of Households Reporting, Average Area and Value of Rural and Urban Land per Household in Each Household Asset Holding Class in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Average Value of Assets (AVA), Amount of Debt (AOD), Amount of Debt per Indebted Household (AODL), Incidence of Indebtedness (IOI) and Debt-Asset Ratio (DAR) by Occupational Category of Household in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Average Value of Assets (AVA), Amount of Debt (AOD), Amount of Debt per Indebted Household (AODL), Incidence of Indebtedness (IOI) and Debt-Asset Ratio (DAR) by Occupational Category of Household in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Average Value of Fixed Capital Expenditure on Different Items of Farm Business and Financing from Borrowings for Such Expenditure in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December 2019)
- Average Value of Fixed Capital Expenditure on Different Items of Farm Business and Financing from Borrowings for Such Expenditure in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December 2019)
- Average Value of Fixed Capital Expenditure on Different Items of Non-Farm Business and Financing from Borrowings for Such Expenditure in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Average Value of Fixed Capital Expenditure on Different Items of Non-Farm Business and Financing from Borrowings for Such Expenditure in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Gini Coefficient of State Level Asset Distribution and Rank by Average Asset Value in Rural and Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Incidence of Indebtedness (IOI) by Credit Agencies and Occupational Category of Household in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Incidence of Indebtedness (IOI) by Credit Agencies and Occupational Category of Household in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Number of Households Reporting Purchase of Land for Residential Purpose, Farm/Non-Farm Business per 1000 Households and Average Value of Such Expenditure per Household by Occupational Category of Household in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Number of Households Reporting Purchase of Land for Residential Purpose, Farm/Non-Farm Business per 1000 Households and Average Value of Such Expenditure per Household by Occupational Category of Household in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Number per 1000 Persons (Female) of Age 18 Years and Above having Deposit Account in Banks/Post Offices/NBFC, Contributing in Cooperatives Credit Society/SHG/JLG, Deposit Account in Non-Institutional Agency, Holding Credit/Debit Card/E-wallet and Proportion of Persons Owning Land in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Number per 1000 Persons (Female) of Age 18 Years and Above having Deposit Account in Banks/Post Offices/NBFC, Contributing in Cooperatives Credit Society/SHG/JLG, Deposit Account in Non-Institutional Agency, Holding Credit/Debit Card/E-Wallet and Proportion of Persons Owning Land in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Number per 1000 Persons (Male) of Age 18 Years and Above having Deposit Account in Banks/Post Offices/NBFC, Contributing in Cooperatives Credit Society/SHG/JLG, Deposit Account in Non-Institutional Agency, Holding Credit/Debit Card/E-wallet and Proportion of Persons Owning Land in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Number per 1000 Persons (Male) of Age 18 Years and Above having Deposit Account in Banks/Post Offices/NBFC, Contributing in Cooperatives Credit Society/SHG/JLG, Deposit Account in Non-Institutional Agency, Holding Credit/Debit Card/E-Wallet and Proportion of Persons Owning Land in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Number per 1000 Persons of Age 18 Years and Above having Deposit Account in Banks/Post Offices/NBFC, Contributing in Cooperatives Credit Society/SHG/JLG, Deposit Account in Non-Institutional Agency, Holding Credit/Debit Card/E-Wallet and Proportion of Persons Owning Land in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Number per 1000 Persons of Age 18 Years and Above having Deposit Account in Banks/Post Offices/NBFC, Contributing in Cooperatives Credit Society/SHG/JLG, Deposit Account in Non-Institutional Agency, Holding Credit/Debit Card/E-Wallet and Proportion of Persons Owning Land in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Households Reporting Fixed Capital Expenditure (FCE) on Broad Item Categories and Average Value of Such Expenditure per Household by Occupational Category of Household (Cultivator) in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Households Reporting Fixed Capital Expenditure (FCE) on Broad Item Categories and Average Value of Such Expenditure per Household by Occupational Category of Household (Non-Cultivator) in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Households Reporting Fixed Capital Expenditure (FCE) on Broad Item Categories and Average Value of Such Expenditure per Household by Occupational Category of Household (Self-Employed) in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Households Reporting Fixed Capital Expenditure (FCE) on Broad Item Categories and Average Value of Such Expenditure per Household by Occupational Category of Household (All) in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Households Reporting Fixed Capital Expenditure (FCE) on Broad Item Categories and Average Value of Such Expenditure per Household by Occupational Category of Household (All) in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Households Reporting Fixed Capital Expenditure (FCE) on Broad Item Categories and Average Value of Such Expenditure per Household by Occupational Category of Household (Others) in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households and Average Value of Assets per Household by Quintile Class of Household Expenditure for Each of Occupational Category of Household in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households and Average Value of Assets per Household by Quintile Class of Household Expenditure for Each of Occupational Category of Household in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reported having Bullion/Ornaments and Average Amount of Bullion/Ornaments per Household for Each Occupational Category of Household in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reported having Bullion/Ornaments and Average Amount of Bullion/Ornaments per Household for Each Occupational Category of Household in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Cash Debt and per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Outstanding Amount of Cash Debt for Institutional Credit by Nature of Interest in Rural and Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Cash Loans Outstanding by Size Class of Cash Loan Outstanding for Each Household Asset Holding Class in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Cash Loans Outstanding by Size Class of Cash Loan Outstanding for Each Household Asset Holding Class in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Fixed Capital Expenditure (FCE) on Broad Item Categories and Average Value of Such Expenditure per Household by Occupational Category of Household in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Fixed Capital Expenditure (FCE) on Broad Item Categories and Average Value of Such Expenditure per Household by Occupational Category of Household in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households, Average Value of Assets and Amount of Cash Loan per Household by Household Type and Gender of Head of Household in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households, Average Value of Assets and Amount of Cash Loan per Household by Household Asset Holding Class and Gender of Head of Household in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households, Average Value of Assets and Amount of Cash Loan per Household by Household Asset Holding Class and Gender of Head of Household in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households, Average Value of Assets and Amount of Cash Loan per Household by Household Type and Gender of Head of Household in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households, Average Value of Assets and Amount of Cash Loan per Household by Social Group in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households, Proportions of Households Reporting Fixed Capital Expenditure and Expenditure on Purchase of Land per Household by Household Type in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households, Proportions of Households Reporting Fixed Capital Expenditure, Expenditure on Purchase of Land per Household by Household Type in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per Rs. 1000 Amount of Cash Loans Outstanding by Size Class of Loan for Each Household Asset Holding Class in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Amount of Cash Loans Outstanding by Size Class of Loan for Each Household Asset Holding Class in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Rural Households by Household Asset Holding Class for Each Household Type in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Urban Households by Household Asset Holding Class for Each Household Type in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per Thousand Number of Households, Proportions of Households Reporting Fixed Capital Expenditure and Expenditure on Purchase of Land per Household by Household Asset Holding Class in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per Thousand Number of Households, Proportions of Households Reporting Fixed Capital Expenditure and Expenditure on Purchase of Land per Household by Household Asset Holding Class in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage Break-up of Various Components of Assets in Total Value of Assets for Each Occupational Category of Household (Self-Employed) in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Amount of Outstanding Cash Debt by Rate of Interest (ROI) and Credit Agency (Non-Institutional) in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Amount of Outstanding Cash Debt by Rate of Interest (ROI) and Credit Agency (Non-Institutional) in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Amount of Outstanding Cash Debt by Rate of Interest (ROI) and Credit Agency (All) in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Amount of Outstanding Cash Debt by Rate of Interest (ROI) and Credit Agency (All) in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Amount of Outstanding Cash Debt by Rate of Interest (ROI) and Credit Agency (Institutional) in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Amount of Outstanding Cash Debt by Rate of Interest (ROI) and Credit Agency (Institutional) in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Different Components of Assets in Total Value of Assets for Each Occupational Category of Household (Non-Cultivator) in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Different Components of Assets in Total Value of Assets for Each Occupational Category of Household (Cultivator) in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Outstanding Cash Debt by Credit Agencies and Occupational Category of Household in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Outstanding Cash Debt by Credit Agencies and Occupational Category of Household in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Various Components of Assets in Total Value of Assets for Each Occupational Category of Household (All) in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Various Components of Assets in Total Value of Assets for Each Occupational Category of Household (All) in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage Distribution of Various Components of Assets in Total Value of Assets for Each Occupational Category of Household (Others) in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage of Adult Population of Age 18 Years and Above having Deposit Account in Post Offices by Social Group in Rural and Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage of Adult Population of Age 18 Years and Above having Deposit Account in Banks and Post Offices by Gender in Rural and Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage of Adult Population of Age 18 Years and Above having Deposit Account in Banks by Social Group in Rural and Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage of Households (All) Reporting Assets of Specified Categories in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage of Households (All) Reporting Assets of Specified Categories in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage of Households (Cultivator) Reporting Assets of Specified Categories in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage of Households (Non-Cultivator) Reporting Assets of Specified Categories in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December 2019)
- Percentage of Households (Others) Reporting Assets of Specified Categories in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage of Households (Self-Employed) Reporting Assets of Specified Categories in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage of Households Reporting Asset, Average Value of Assets (AVA), Amount of Debt (AOD) per Household, Incidence of Indebtedness (IOI) and Debt-Asset Ratio (DAR) of Others Household in Rural and Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage of Households Reporting Asset, Average Value of Assets (AVA), Amount of Debt (AOD) per Household, Incidence of Indebtedness (IOI) and Debt-Asset Ratio (DAR) of Other Backward Classes (OBCs) Household in Rural and Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage of Households Reporting Asset, Average Value of Assets (AVA), Amount of Debt (AOD) per Household, Incidence of Indebtedness (IOI) and Debt-Asset Ratio (DAR) of Schedule Castes (SCs) Household in Rural and Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage of Households Reporting Asset, Average Value of Assets (AVA), Amount of Debt (AOD) per Household, Incidence of Indebtedness (IOI) and Debt-Asset Ratio (DAR) of Schedule Tribes (STs) Household in Rural and Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage of Households Reporting Possession of Land and Average Land per Household in Rural and Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Percentage Shares of Assets Held by Different Decile Classes of Population in Rural and Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Proportion of Household Reporting Borrowing and Average Amount of Borrowing per Household for Capital Expenditure by Major Head of Borrowing in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Proportion of Household Reporting Borrowing and Average Amount of Borrowing per Household for Capital Expenditure by Major Head of Borrowing in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Proportion of Households Reporting Fixed Capital Expenditure on Different Items of Farm Business and Financing of Such Expenditure from Borrowings in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Proportion of Households Reporting Fixed Capital Expenditure on Different Items of Farm Business and Financing of Such Expenditure from Borrowings in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December 2019)
- Proportion of Households Reporting Fixed Capital Expenditure on Different Items of Non-Farm Business and Financing of Such Expenditure from Borrowings in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Proportion of Households Reporting Fixed Capital Expenditure on Different Items of Non-Farm Business and Financing of Such Expenditure from Borrowings in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Proportion of Households Reporting, Average Area and Value of Rural and Urban Land per Household in Each Household Asset Holding Class in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Average Value of Assets by Asset Category and Value of Cash Outstanding by Household Asset Holding Class and Occupational Category of Household in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Average Value of Assets by Asset Category and Value of Cash Outstanding by Household Asset Holding Class and Occupational Category of Household in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Average Value of Fixed Assets, Financial Assets, Valuables and Value of Cash Outstanding by Occupational Category of Household, Household Asset Holding Class and Quintile Class of Household Expenditure in Rural Areas of Arunachal Pradesh (January-December, 2019)
- Average Value of Fixed Assets, Financial Assets, Valuables and Value of Cash Outstanding by Occupational Category of Household, Household Asset Holding Class and Quintile Class of Household Expenditure in Rural Areas of Assam (January-December, 2019)
- Average Value of Fixed Assets, Financial Assets, Valuables and Value of Cash Outstanding by Occupational Category of Household, Household Asset Holding Class and Quintile Class of Household Expenditure in Rural Areas of Delhi (January-December, 2019)
- Average Value of Fixed Assets, Financial Assets, Valuables and Value of Cash Outstanding by Occupational Category of Household, Household Asset Holding Class and Quintile Class of Household Expenditure in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Average Value of Fixed Assets, Financial Assets, Valuables and Value of Cash Outstanding by Occupational Category of Household, Household Asset Holding Class and Quintile Class of Household Expenditure in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Estimated Number of Households, Total Value of Assets, Households Reporting Cash Loan and Amount of Cash Loan by Household Asset Holding Class and Occupational Category of Household in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Estimated Number of Households, Total Value of Assets, Households Reporting Cash Loan and Amount of Cash Loan by Household Asset Holding Class and Occupational Category of Household in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Loans Outstanding from Specific Types of Credit Agency per 1000 Households for Each Household Asset Holding Class in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Loans Outstanding from Specific Types of Credit Agency per 1000 Households for Each Household Asset Holding Class in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Loans Outstanding of Specific Nature of Interest, Specific Rate of Interest Ranges from Institutional Credit Agency per 1000 Households and per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Outstanding Amount of Cash Loans by Nature and Rate of Interest for Each Occupational Category of Household in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Loans Outstanding of Specific Nature of Interest, Specific Rate of Interest Ranges from Institutional Credit Agency per 1000 Households and per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Outstanding Amount of Cash Loans by Nature and Rate of Interest for Each Occupational Category of Household in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Number of Households Reporting Fixed Capital Expenditure and Expenditure on Purchase of Land by Household Asset Holding Class and Occupational Category of Household in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Number of Households Reporting Fixed Capital Expenditure and Expenditure on Purchase of Land by Household Asset Holding Class and Occupational Category of Household in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Assets of Specified Categories and Cash Loan Outstanding by Household Asset Holding Class and Occupational Category of Household in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Assets of Specified Categories and Cash Loan Outstanding by Household Asset Holding Class and Occupational Category of Household in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Cash Loans Outstanding and per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Amount of Cash Loans (Including Interest) Outstanding by Purpose of Loan for Each Occupational Category of Household in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Cash Loans Outstanding and per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Amount of Cash Loans (Including Interest) Outstanding by Purpose of Loan for Each Occupational Category of Household in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Cash Loans Outstanding and Per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Amount of Cash Loans Outstanding by Credit Agency for Each Occupational Category of Household in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Cash Loans Outstanding and Per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Amount of Cash Loans Outstanding by Credit Agency for Each Occupational Category of Household in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Cash Loans Outstanding by Credit Agency for Various Ranges of Interest Rate in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Cash Loans Outstanding by Credit Agency for Various Ranges of Interest Rate in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Cash Loans Outstanding by Tenure of Loan for Each Household Asset Holding Class in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Cash Loans Outstanding by Tenure of Loan for Each Household Asset Holding Class in Urban Areas of Jammu & Kashmir (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Cash Loans Outstanding by Tenure of Loan for Each Household Asset Holding Class in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Fixed Assets, Financial Assets, Valuables and Cash Loan Outstanding by Occupational Category of Household, Household Asset Holding Class and Quintile Class of Household Expenditure in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Fixed Assets, Financial Assets, Valuables and Cash Loan Outstanding by Occupational Category of Household, Household Asset Holding Class and Quintile Class of Household Expenditure in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Fixed Assets, Financial Assets, Valuables and Cash Loan Outstanding by Occupational Category of Household, Household Asset Holding Class and Quintile Class of Household Expenditure in Urban Areas of Puducherry (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Outstanding Cash Loans in Specific Rate of Interest Ranges for Each Household Asset Holding Class in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Outstanding Cash Loans in Specific Rate of Interest Ranges for Each Household Asset Holding Class in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per Rs. 1000 Break-up by Credit Agency Type of Amount of Cash Loans Outstanding for Each Household Asset Holding Class in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per Rs. 1000 Break-up by Credit Agency Type of Amount of Cash Loans Outstanding for Each Household Asset Holding Class in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Amount of Cash Loans (Including Interest) Outstanding by Tenure of Loan for Each Household Asset Holding Class in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Amount of Cash Loans (Including Interest) Outstanding by Tenure of Loan for Each Household Asset Holding Class in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Amount of Cash Loans (Including Interest) Outstanding by Tenure of Loan for Each Household Asset Holding Class in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Amount of Cash Loans Outstanding by Credit Agency for Various Ranges of Interest Rate in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Amount of Cash Loans Outstanding by Credit Agency for Various Ranges of Interest Rate in Urban Areas of Lakshadweep (January-December, 2019)
- Per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Amount of Cash Loans Outstanding by Credit Agency for Various Ranges of Interest Rate in Urban Areas of Puducherry (January-December, 2019)
- Per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Amount of Cash Loans Outstanding by Credit Agency for Various Ranges of Interest Rate in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Amount of Cash Loans Outstanding by Purpose of Loan for Each Household Asset Holding Class in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Amount of Cash Loans Outstanding by Purpose of Loan for Each Household Asset Holding Class in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Amount of Cash Loans Outstanding by Purpose of Loan for Each Household Asset Holding Class in Urban Areas of Karnataka (January-December, 2019)
- Per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Amount of Cash Loans Outstanding by Rate of Interest Range for Each Household Asset Holding Class and Credit Agency Type in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Amount of Cash Loans Outstanding by Rate of Interest Range for Each Household Asset Holding Class and Credit Agency Type in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2019)
- Average Value of Assets, Number of Households Reporting Cash Loan Per 1000 Households, Amount of Cash Loan Per Household and Sample Households by Social Groups in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Average Value of Assets, Number of Households Reporting Cash Loan Per 1000 Households, Amount of Cash Loan Per Household and Sample Households by Social Groups in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Households of Each Social Group by Asset Holding Class in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Households of Each Social Group by Asset Holding Class in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Per 1000 Number of Household Reporting having Bullion/Ornaments and Average Amount Per Household for All Social Groups in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Per 1000 Number of Household Reporting having Bullion/Ornaments and Average Amount Per Household for All Social Groups in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Per 1000 Number of Household Reporting having Bullion/Ornaments and Average Amount Per Household for Other Backward Class (OBC) in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Per 1000 Number of Household Reporting having Bullion/Ornaments and Average Amount Per Household for Other Backward Class (OBC) in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Per 1000 Number of Household Reporting having Bullion/Ornaments and Average Amount Per Household for Scheduled Caste (SC) in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Per 1000 Number of Household Reporting having Bullion/Ornaments and Average Amount Per Household for Scheduled Tribe (ST) in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Per 1000 Number of Household Reporting having Bullion/Ornaments and Average Amount Per Household for Scheduled Tribe (ST) in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Per 1000 Number of Household Reporting having Bullion/Ornaments and Average Amount Per Household for Scheduled Caste (SC) in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Per 1000 Number of Household Reporting having Bullion/Ornaments and Average Amount Per Household for Others Social Group in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Per 1000 Number of Household, Reporting Cash Loan and Amount of Cash Loan Per Household by Social Group in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Per 1000 Number of Household, Reporting Cash Loan and Amount of Cash Loan Per Household by Social Group in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Proportion of Households Reporting/Average Area/Value of Rural and Urban Land Per Household for Other Backward Class (OBC) in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Proportion of Households Reporting/Average Area/Value of Rural and Urban Land Per Household for Others Social Group in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Proportion of Households Reporting/Average Area/Value of Rural and Urban Land Per Household for Scheduled Caste (SC) in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Proportion of Households Reporting/Average Area/Value of Rural and Urban Land Per Household for Scheduled Tribe (ST) in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Proportion of Households Reporting/Average Area/Value of Rural and Urban Land Per Household for All Social Groups in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Proportion of Households Reporting/Average Area/Value of Rural and Urban Land Per Household for Other Backward Class (OBC) in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Proportion of Households Reporting/Average Area/Value of Rural and Urban Land Per Household for Others Social Group in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Proportion of Households Reporting/Average Area/Value of Rural and Urban Land Per Household for Scheduled Caste (SC) in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Proportion of Households Reporting/Average Area/Value of Rural and Urban Land Per Household for Scheduled Tribe (ST) in Rural Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Proportion of Households Reporting/Average Area/Value of Rural and Urban Land Per Household for All Social Groups in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Average Value of Assets and Cash Loan Outstanding Per 1000 Household by Household Asset Holding Class and Social Group in Urban Areas in Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Loan Outstanding and Per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Outstanding Amount of Cash Loan by Nature and Rate of Interest for Major Household Type in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Loan Outstanding and Per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Outstanding Amount of Cash Loan by Nature and Rate of Interest for Major Household Type in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting and Amount of Cash Loans Outstanding by Credit Agency for Each Social Group in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting and Amount of Cash Loans Outstanding by Credit Agency for Each Social Group in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Proportion of Households Having Bank Account, Made/Received Payments through Bank but not Having Any Bank Account, Post Office Account, Other Deposit Account and Kisan Credit Card, Received Remittance Last 365 Days and Amount of Credit Received from Kisan Credit Card per Household in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Proportion of Households Reporting Rural and Urban Land, Average Area and Value of Rural and Urban Land per Household by Each Household Asset Holding Class in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (January-December, 2013)
- Average Value of Assets of Specified Categories and Cash Loan Outstanding by Household Asset Holding Class in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (As on 30.06.2012)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Loans Outstanding from Specific Types of Credit Agency per 1000 Household for Each Household Asset Holding Class in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (As on 30.06.2012)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Loans Outstanding from Specific Types of Credit Agency per 1000 Household for Each Household Asset Holding Class in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (As on 30.06.2012)
- Per 1000 Household Reporting Cash Loans Outstanding and Per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Amount of Cash Loans Outstanding by Credit Agency for Major Household Type in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (As on 30.06.2012)
- Per 1000 Household Reporting Cash Loans Outstanding and Per Rs. 1000 Break-up of Amount of Cash Loans Outstanding by Credit Agency for Major Household Type in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (As on 30.06.2012)
- Per 1000 Number of Households Reporting Assets of Specified Categories and Cash Loan Outstanding by Household Asset Holding Class in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (As on 30.06.2012)
- Number of Households Reporting Borrowing in Cash, Repayments of Loan and Loan Written off per Thousand Households and Average Amount per Households by Household Assets Holding Class in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (1.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Number of Households Reporting Borrowing in Cash, Repayments of Loan and Loan Written off per Thousand Households and Average Amount per Households by Household Assets Holding Class in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (01.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Number of Households Reporting Borrowings in Cash, Repayment of Loan and Loans Written off per Thousand Household and Average Amount per Household by Occupational Category of Household for Rural Areas of Jharkhand (1.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Number of Households Reporting Borrowings in Cash, Repayments of Loan and Loan Written off per Thousand Household and Average Amount per Household by Occupational Category of Household for Urban Areas of Jharkhand (01.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Borrowings from Institutional Agencies per 1000 Households and per 1000 Distribution of Amount of Borrowings by Scheme of Lending for Each Major Household Type for Rural Areas of Jharkhand (01.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Borrowings from Institutional Agencies per 1000 Households and Per 1000 Distribution of Amount of Borrowings by Scheme of Lending for Each Major Household Type for Urban Areas of Jharkhand (01.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Borrowings per 1000 Household and per 1000 Distribution of Amount of Borrowings Over Credit Agency for Each Major Household Type in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (01.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Borrowings per 1000 Household and per 1000 Distribution of Amount of Borrowings Over Credit Agency for Each Major Household Type in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (01.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Borrowings per 1000 Households and per 1000 Distribution of Amount of Borrowings by Purpose of Borrowing for Each Major Household Type for Rural Areas of Jharkhand (01.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Borrowings per 1000 Households and per 1000 Distribution of Amount of Borrowings by Purpose of Borrowing for Each Major Household Type for Urban Areas of Jharkhand (01.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Borrowings per 1000 Households and per 1000 Distribution of Amount of Borrowings by Type of Security for Each Major Household Type for Rural Areas of Jharkhand (01.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Borrowings per 1000 Households and per 1000 Distribution of Amount of Borrowings by Type of Security for Each Major Household Type for Urban Areas of Jharkhand (01.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Borrowings per 1000 Households by Purpose of Borrowing for Each Household Assets Holding Class for Rural Areas of Jharkhand (01.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Borrowings per 1000 Households by Purpose of Borrowing for Each Household Assets Holding Class for Urban Areas of Jharkhand (01.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Borrowings per 1000 Households by type of Security for Each Household Assets Holding Class for Rural Areas of Jharkhand (01.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Borrowings per 1000 Households by type of Security for Each Household Assets Holding Class for Urban Areas of Jharkhand (01.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Borrowings per 1000 Households Over Credit Agency for Each Household Assets Holding Class for Rural Areas of Jharkhand (01.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Number of Households Reporting Cash Borrowings per 1000 Households Over Credit Agency for Each Household Assets Holding Class for Urban Areas of Jharkhand (01.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Amount of Cash Borrowings by Purpose of Borrowings for Each Household Assets Holding Class for Rural Areas of Jharkhand (01.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Amount of Cash Borrowings by Purpose of Borrowings for Each Household Assets Holding Class for Urban Areas of Jharkhand (01.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Amount of Cash Borrowings by Type of Security for Each Household Assets Holding Class for Rural Areas of Jharkhand (1-07-2002 to 30-06-2003)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Amount of Cash Borrowings by Type of Security for Each Household Assets Holding Class for Urban Areas of Jharkhand (01.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Amount of Cash Borrowings Over Credit Agency for Each Household Assets Holding Class for Rural Areas of Jharkhand (01.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Per 1000 Distribution of Amount of Cash Borrowings Over Credit Agency for Each Household Assets Holding Class for Urban Areas of Jharkhand (01.07.2002 to 30.06.2003)
- Average Value of Assets and Average Amount of Cash Loans Per Household by Household Asset Holding Class for (Rural+Urban) in Jharkhand (As on 30.06.2002)
- Average Value of Assets and Average Amount of Cash Loans Per Household by Household Asset Holding Class in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (As on 30.06.2002)
- Average Value of Assets and Average Amount of Cash Loans Per Household by Household Asset Holding Class in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (As on 30.06.2002)
- Average Value of Assets and Average Amount of Cash Loans Per Household by Household Type for Rural Areas in Jharkhand (As on 30.06.2002)
- Average Value of Assets and Average Amount of Cash Loans Per Household by Household Type for Urban Areas in Jharkhand (As on 30.06.2002)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Assets by Household Assets Holding Class for Each Household Type in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (As on 30.06.2002) - Part I
- Per Thousand Distribution of Assets by Household Assets Holding Class for Each Household Type in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (As on 30.06.2002) - Part II
- Per Thousand Distribution of Assets by Household Assets Holding Class for Each Household Type of Rural Areas in Jharkhand (As on 30.06.2002) - Part I
- Per Thousand Distribution of Assets by Household Assets Holding Class for Each Household Type of Rural Areas in Jharkhand (As on 30.06.2002) - Part II
- Per Thousand Distribution of Households by Household Assets Holding Class for Each Household Type in Rural Areas of Jharkhand (As on 30.06.2002)
- Per Thousand Distribution of Households by Household Assets Holding Class for Each Household Type in Urban Areas of Jharkhand (As on 30.06.2002)
House and Their Uses - Jharkhand | House and Their Uses - Jharkhand |
Households by Food Availability - Jharkhand | Households by Food Availability - Jharkhand |
Households by Social Group - Jharkhand | Households by Social Group - Jharkhand |
Households by Sources of Drinking Water - Jharkhand | Households by Sources of Drinking Water - Jharkhand |
Households by Sources of Specified Assets - Jharkhand | Households by Sources of Specified Assets - Jharkhand |
Households by Sources of Toilet/Bathing Facility - Jharkhand | Households by Sources of Toilet/Bathing Facility - Jharkhand |
Households by Type of Fuel Used for Cooking - Jharkhand | Households by Type of Fuel Used for Cooking - Jharkhand |
Households by Type of Occupancy - Jharkhand | Households by Type of Occupancy - Jharkhand |
Households Debt and Investment - Jharkhand | Households Debt and Investment - Jharkhand |
Households Population by Language - Jharkhand | Households Population by Language - Jharkhand |
Households Population by Religion - Jharkhand | Households Population by Religion - Jharkhand |
Houseless Households - Jharkhand | Houseless Households - Jharkhand |
Housing Condition - Jharkhand | Housing Condition - Jharkhand |
Housing Construction - Jharkhand | Housing Construction - Jharkhand |
Housing Price Index (HPI) - Jharkhand | Housing Price Index (HPI) - Jharkhand |
Housing Projects - Jharkhand | Housing Projects - Jharkhand |
Housing Societies - Jharkhand | Housing Societies - Jharkhand |
Others - Jharkhand | Others - Jharkhand |
Residential Houses and Households - Jharkhand | Residential Houses and Households - Jharkhand |
Survey on Drinking Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Housing Condition - Jharkhand | Survey on Drinking Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Housing Condition - Jharkhand |