
Currently showing National Level or with State-wise Aggregated Figures

Data at National Level - India

Environment and Pollution - Lakshadweep [Hide]
Air Pollution - Lakshadweep Air Pollution - Lakshadweep: Air Quality Index (AQI) - Lakshadweep Ambient Air Quality Status - Lakshadweep Miscellaneous Facts about Air Pollution - Lakshadweep
Environmental Standards - LakshadweepEnvironmental Standards - Lakshadweep
Noise Pollution - LakshadweepNoise Pollution - Lakshadweep
Polluting Industries - LakshadweepPolluting Industries - Lakshadweep
River Action Plans - Lakshadweep River Action Plans - Lakshadweep: Ganga Action Plan (GAP) - Lakshadweep Hydrological Observation by Sites/River Basins - Lakshadweep Namami Gange Programme (NGP) - Lakshadweep National Lake Conservation Plan (NLCP) - Lakshadweep National River Conservation Plan (NRCP) - Lakshadweep Others - Lakshadweep River Valley Projets and Flood Prone River (RVP and FPR) Programme - Lakshadweep Water Flow by Sites/River Basins - Lakshadweep
Solid Waste - Lakshadweep Solid Waste - Lakshadweep: Bio-Medical Waste (BMW) - Lakshadweep Hazardous Waste (HW) - Lakshadweep Municipal Solid Waste (MSW)/Trash/Garbage - Lakshadweep
Water Pollution - Lakshadweep Water Pollution - Lakshadweep: Miscellaneous Facts about Water Pollution - Lakshadweep National Water Quality Monitoring Programme (NWQMP) - Lakshadweep National Water Quality Monitoring Programme (NWQMP) - Lakshadweep: Financial Performance under National Water Quality Monitoring Programme (NWQMP) - Lakshadweep Ground Water Quality Status - Lakshadweep Others - Lakshadweep Water Quality Monitoring Stations - Lakshadweep Water Quality Status of Drains, Creeks and Canals - Lakshadweep Water Quality Status of Lakes, Ponds and Tanks - Lakshadweep Water Quality Status of Medium and Minor Rivers - Lakshadweep Water Quality Status of Rivers - Lakshadweep Water Quality Status of Tributaries Streams - Lakshadweep Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs) - Lakshadweep Water Quality Testing Laboratories (WQTLs) - Lakshadweep

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