Currently showing National Level or with State-wise Aggregated Figures
Data at National Level - India
Data at State Level - Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Odisha Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Telangana Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal
Data at Union Territory Level - Andaman & Nicobar Islands Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu Delhi Jammu & Kashmir Ladakh Puducherry
Data at Regional Level - Eastern Hindi Belt North East Northern Southern Western & Central
Power Data Table being Added or Updated during current month
- Selected State/Agency/Project-wise Installed Capacity, Estimated Cost, Actual Expenditure and Benefited of Hydro Electric Power Station under Renovation, Modernisation, Uprating (RMU) and Life Extension (LE) Schemes Programmed for Completion in India (2027-2032)
- Selected State/Agency-wise Tentative Capacity Addition of Hydro Projects (Above 25 MW) to be Commissioned in India (2020-2021 to 2029-2030)
- Selected State/Agency/Project-wise Installed Capacity, Estimated Cost, Actual Expenditure and Benefited of Hydro Electric Power Station under Renovation, Modernisation, Uprating (RMU) and Life Extension (LE) Schemes Programmed for Completion in India (2022-2027)
- Selected State/Agency/Sector-wise Cumulative Performance of Hydro Power Projects under Renovation, Modernisation, Uprating and Life Extension (RMU&LE) Schemes Completed in India (2022-2027)
- Actual Generation and Plant Availability Factor (PAF) of National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) Limited in India (2018-2019 to 2023-2024)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations of Central Sector in India (2023-2024)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations of Central Sector in India (2024-2025-upto December 2024)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations of State Sector in India (2023-2024)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations of State Sector in India (2024-2025-upto December 2024)
- Hydro-Electric Capacity and Generation in India (1947, 1950, 1955-1956, 1960-1961, 1962-1963, 1965-1966, 1968-1969, 1973-1974, 1977-1978 to 1979-1980, 1984-1985 and 1989-1990 to 2023-2024)
- Sector/Category-wise Number and Installed Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in India (As on 31.03.2024)
- Sector/Utility-wise Installed Capacity and Power Generation of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2022-2023 and 2023-2024)
- Sector-wise Hydro Power Capacity Addition in India (2015-2016 to 2023-2024)
- Sector-wise Number and Installed Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in India (As on 31.03.2024)
- Basin-wise Status of Hydro Electric Power Potential Development (In Terms of Installed Capacity-Above 25 MW) in India (As on 31.03.2016 to 31.11.2021 and 31.03.2023)
- Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations and Non-Availability due to Planned Maintenance in India (2022-2023)
- Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations Having High Planned Maintenance in India (2022-2023)
- Capacity-wise Grouping of Hydro Electric Stations in India (As on 31.03.2023)
- Duration of Periodic Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2022-2023)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations of Central Sector in India (2022-2023)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations of State Sector in India (2022-2023)
- Hydro Electric Power Installed Capacity and Generation in India (1947, 1950, 1955, 1960-1961, 1965-1966, 1968-1969, 1973-1974, 1978-1979, 1979-1980 and 1984-1985 to 2022-2023)
- Number of Stations, Units and Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations by Range in India (As on 31.03.2023)
- Number of Units and Long Duration Planned Outages (50 Hours and Above) of Hydro Electric Stations by Type of Maintenance in India (2022-2023)
- Planned Maintenance Carried Out of Hydro Generating Units in India (1966-1967 to 2022-2023)
- Planned Maintenance of Hydro Generating Units by Year of Commissioning in India (2022-2023)
- Region/Sector-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW) in India (As on 31.03.2023)
- Region/Sector-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW) in India (As on 31.03.2023)
- Region-wise Hydel Generation in India (2017-2018 to 2022-2023)
- Region-wise Hydel Generation in India (2017-2018 to 2022-2023)
- Region-wise Inflows and Energy Generation by Hydro Power Stations in India (2020-2021 to 2022-2023)
- Region-wise Installed Capacity and Power Generation of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2021-2022 and 2022-2023)
- Region-wise Number of Units and Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2023)
- Region-wise Number of Units and Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2023)
- Region-wise Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2022-2023)
- Region-wise Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Units in India (2012-2013 to 2018-2019 and 2022-2023)
- Sector/Utility-wise Installed Capacity and Energy Generation of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2021-2022 and 2022-2023)
- Sector/Utility-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2023)
- Sector/Utility-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2023)
- Sector/Utility-wise Number of Units, Installed Capacity and Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2022-2023)
- Sector/Utility-wise Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2021-2022 and 2022-2023)
- Sector/Utility-wise Performance of Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2022-2023)
- Sector/Utility-wise Targets and Actual Generation of Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Projects (Likely to be Commissioned) in India (2021-2022 and 2022-2023)
- Sector-wise Installed Capacity and Power Generation of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2022-2023)
- Sector-wise Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2022-2023)
- Selected State/Sector/Utility-wise Target and Actual Power Generation of Hydro Electric Stations (above 25 MW) in India (2022-2023)
- Selected State/Station/Utility-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2023)
- Selected State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Capacity (Installed Capacity-above 25 MW) in India (As on 31.03.2023)
- State/Sector/Owner-wise Number of Units and Installed Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in India (As on 31.03.2023)
- State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Capacity (Installed Capacity-above 25 MW) in India (As on 31.03.2023)
- Supplier-wise Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Units in India (2022-2023)
- Supplier-wise Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Units in India (2022-2023)
- Turbine-wise Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Units in India (2022-2023)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations of Central Sector in India (2021-2022)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations of State Sector in India (2021-2022)
- Selected State/Agency/Project-wise Installed Capacity, Estimated Cost, Actual Expenditure and Benefited of Hydro Electric Power Station under Renovation, Modernisation, Uprating (RMU) and Life Extension (LE) Schemes Programmed for Completion in India (2017-2022)
- State/Sector/Owner-wise Number of Units and Installed Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in India (As on 31.03.2022)
- Category/Sector-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric (HE) Stations in India (As on 31.03.2021)
- Installed Capacity, Generation, Planned Maintenance, Forced Outage and Operating Availability of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2006-2007 to 2020-2021)
- Region/Month-wise Power Generation Performance (Target/Actual) of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2020-2021)
- Region-wise Installed Capacity (Above 25 MW) of Conventional/Pumped Storage Hydro Electric (HE) Stations in India (As on 31.03.2021)
- Region-wise Target and Actual Generation of Power through Hydro Electric (HE) Stations in India (January - March, 2021)
- Region-wise Targets and Actual Generation of Hydro Electric (H.E) Stations (Above 25 MW) in India (2017-2018 to 2020-2021)
- Sector/Month-wise Power Generation Performance (Target/Actual) of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2019-2020 and 2020-2021)
- Sector/Utility-wise Installed Capacity (Above 25 MW) of Hydro Electric (HE) Stations in India (As on 31.03.2021)
- Sector/Utility-wise Power Generating Performance (Target/Actual) of Hydro Electric (HE) Stations in India (2020-2021)
- Sector-wise Installed Capacity (Above 25 MW) of Hydro Electric (HE) Stations in India (As on 31.03.2021)
- Sector-wise Performance of Hydro Electric Stations with Installed Capacity (25 MW) in India (2019-2020 and 2020-2021)
- Sector-wise Target and Actual Generation of Power through Hydro Electric (HE) Stations in India (January - March, 2021)
- Selected State/Sector/Utility/Month-wise Power Generation Performance (Target/Actual) of Various Hydro Electric (HE) Stations in India (2020-2021)
- Selected State/Sector/Utility-wise Power Generation of Various Hydro Electric Stations with Installed Capacity (Above 25 MW) in India (2013-2014 to 2020-2021)
- Selected State/Sector/Utility-wise Targets and Actual Power Generation of Various Hydro Electric Stations with Installed Capacity (Above 25 MW) in India (2017-2018 to 2020-2021)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Installed Capacity (Above 25 MW) of Various Hydro Electric (HE) Stations in India (As on 31.03.2021)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Number of Units and Capacity Addition in India (2020-2021)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Power Generation Performance (Target/Actual) of Various Hydro Electric (HE) Stations in India (2020-2021)
- Selected State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Potential Development (Installed Capacity-Above 25 MW) in India (As on 30.11.2021)
- State/Sector/Owner-wise Number of Units and Installed Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in India (As on 31.03.2021)
- State/Station/Utility-wise Monthly Distribution of Hydro Energy Generation (Programme) in North Eastern Region in India (2020-2021)
- State/Station/Utility-wise Monthly Distribution of Hydro Energy Generation Programme in Eastern Region of India (2020-2021)
- State/Station/Utility-wise Monthly Distribution of Hydro Energy Generation Programme in Northern Region of India (2020-2021)
- State/Station/Utility-wise Monthly Distribution of Hydro Energy Generation Programme in Southern Region of India (2020-2021)
- State/Station/Utility-wise Monthly Distribution of Hydro Energy Generation Programme in Western Region of India (2020-2021)
- State-wise Power Generation from Conventional Fuel Sources (Thermal, Hydro and Nuclear) Sources (25 MW and Above) in India (2014-2015 to 2021-2022-upto June 2021)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by Central Sector (Hydro) in India (2020-2021)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by Private Sector (Hydro) in India (2020-2021)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by State Sector (Hydro) in India (2020-2021)
- Top 10 Hydro Electric (HE) Power Stations (Above 25 MW) Generated Power Above of Targets in India (2020-2021)
- Top 10 Hydro Electric (HE) Power Stations (Above 25 MW) Generated Power Least of Targets in India (2020-2021)
- Top 10 Hydro Electric (HE) Stations (Above 25 MW) Generated Least Power in India (2020-2021)
- Top 10 Hydro Electric (HE) Stations (Above 25 MW) Generated Maximum Power in India (2020-2021)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (Central Sector) in India (April, 2020)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (Central Sector) in India (February, 2020)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (Central Sector) in India (March, 2020)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (State Sector) in India (April, 2020)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (State Sector) in India (February, 2020)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (State Sector) in India (March, 2020)
- Region/State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Potential Development (Installed Capacity-Above 25 MW) in India (As on 30.09.2020)
- Region/Utility-wise Generation Performance of Major Reservoir Based Various Hydro Electric (HE) Stations in India (2019-2020)
- Selected State-wise Installed Capacity and Generation of Hydro Power Stations (Above 25 MW) in India (2017-2018 to 2019-2020-upto January, 2020)
- State/Station/Utility-wise Monthly Distribution of Hydro Energy Generation (Programme) in Eastern Region in India (2019-2020)
- State/Station/Utility-wise Monthly Distribution of Hydro Energy Generation (Programme) in North Eastern Region in India (2019-2020)
- State/Station/Utility-wise Monthly Distribution of Hydro Energy Generation (Programme) in Northern Region in India (2019-2020)
- State/Station/Utility-wise Monthly Distribution of Hydro Energy Generation (Programme) in Southern Region in India (2019-2020)
- State/Station/Utility-wise Monthly Distribution of Hydro Energy Generation (Programme) in Western Region in India (2019-2020)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by Central Sector (Hydro) in India (2019-2020)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by State Sector (Hydro) in India (2019-2020)
- Duration of Periodic Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2018-2019)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (Central Sector) in India (December, 2019)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (Central Sector) in India (November, 2019)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (Central Sector) in India (October, 2019)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (Central Sector) in India (September, 2019)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (State Sector) in India (December, 2019)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (State Sector) in India (November, 2019)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (State Sector) in India (October, 2019)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (State Sector) in India (September, 2019)
- Region/State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Capacity (Installed Capacity-above 25 MW) in India (As on 31.03.2019)
- Region/State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Potential Development (Installed Capacity-Above 25 MW) in India (As on 30.06.2019)
- Region-wise Number of Stations, Units and Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations in India (As on 31.03.2012 to 31.03.2019)
- Scheme-wise Installed Capacity, Capacity Under Renovation and Modernization and Life Extension and Restoration Estimated Cost of Hydro Power Stations in India (2018-2019)
- Sector/Organization-wise Operating Availability of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2018-2019)
- Sector/Utility-wise Performance of Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2018-2019)
- Sector-wise Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2017-2018 and 2018-2019)
- Selected State/Agency-wise Capacity Addition of Hydro Power Plants in India (2014-2015 to 2018-2019)
- Selected State/District/Agency/Project-wise Installed Capacity (Above 25 MW) under Construction of Hydro Electric Projects in India (As on 30.11.2019)
- Selected State/Location-wise Cost Over-run of Various under Construction of Stalled Hydro Power Projects in India (As on 31.05.2019)
- Selected State/Sector/Scheme-wise Annual Generation Loss of Delayed Under Construction Hydro Electric Projects (above 25 MW) in India (As on 30.06.2019 and 31.12.2019)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Installed Capacity (Above 25 MW) under Construction of Hydro Electric Projects in India (As on 31.05.2019)
- Selected State-wise Funds Released for Set up of Small Hydro Power Projects in India (2016-2017 to 2018-2019)
- State/Station/Utility-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2019)
- State-wise Number of Projects Installed and under Construction with their Aggregate Power Generation Capacity in India (As on 30.11.2019)
- State-wise Number of Thermal, Hydro and Nuclear Power Generating Units in India (As on 31.05.2019)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by Central Sector (Hydro) in India (2018-2019)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by State Sector (Hydro) in India (2018-2019)
- Status of Important Reservoirs and Associated Hydro Electric Stations in India (2018-2019)
- Supplier-wise Hydro-Generating Units (Indigenous and Imported) of Turbines and Generators in India (As on 31.03.2019)
- Supplier-wise Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Units in India (2018-2019)
- Turbine-wise Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Units in India (2018-2019)
- Duration of Periodic Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2015-2016 to 2017-2018)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (Central Sector) in India (April, 2018)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (Central Sector) in India (July, 2018)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (Central Sector) in India (June, 2018)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (Central Sector) in India (March, 2018)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (Central Sector) in India (May, 2018)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (State Sector) in India (April, 2018)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (State Sector) in India (July, 2018)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (State Sector) in India (June, 2018)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (State Sector) in India (March, 2018)
- Energy Generation by Various Hydro Power Stations (State Sector) in India (May, 2018)
- Hydro Electric Stations Having High Planned Maintenance in India (2017-2018)
- Region/State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Capacity (Installed Capacity-above 25 MW) in India (As on 31.03.2018)
- Region/Utility-wise Power Generation Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2017-2018)
- Region-wise Inflows and Energy Generation under Reservoir Schemes in India (2013-2014 to 2017-2018) - Part I
- Region-wise Inflows and Energy Generation under Reservoir Schemes in India (2013-2014 to 2017-2018) - Part II
- Region-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2018)
- Region-wise Likely Installed Capacity and Generation Programme of Hydro Electric Station in India (2016-2017 and 2017-2018)
- Scheme-wise Status of Renovation and Modernization (R&M) Works of Hydro Power in North-Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2018)
- Sector/Organization-wise Operating Availability of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2017-2018)
- Sector/Utility-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2018)
- Sector/Utility-wise Performance of Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2017-2018)
- Sector-wise Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2016-2017 and 2017-2018)
- Selected State/Sector/Utility-wise Hydro Electric Generating units Added in India (2017-2018)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2018)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in North Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2018)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Northern Region of India (As on 31.03.2018)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Southern Region of India (As on 31.03.2018)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Western Region of India (As on 31.03.2018)
- State/Station/Utility-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2018)
- Station/Utility-wise Operating Availability of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2015-2016 to 2017-2018)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by Central Sector (Hydro) in India (2017-2018)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by State Sector (Hydro) in India (2017-2018)
- Status of Important Reservoirs and Associated Hydro Electric Stations in India (2017-2018)
- Supplier-wise Hydro-Generating Units (Indigenous and Imported) of Turbines and Generators in India (As on 31.03.2018)
- Supplier-wise Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Units in India (2017-2018)
- Turbine-wise Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Units in India (2017-2018)
- Capacity-wise Grouping of Hydro Electric Stations in India (As on 31.03.2017)
- Gross Production of Energy (Coal and Lignite, Hydro Carbon) in India (1960-1961, 1965-1966, 1970-1971 to 2016-2017)
- Region/State-wise Power Generation Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2016-2017)
- Region/State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Capacity (Installed Capacity-Above 25 MW) in India (As on 31.03.2017)
- Region-wise Status of Important Reservoirs and Associated Hydro Electric Stations in India (2016-2017)
- Region-wise Summary of Hydro Electric Stations Analyzed in India (2002-2003, 2003-2004, 2014-2015 to 2016-2017)
- Region-wise Likely Installed Capacity and Generation Programme of Hydro Electric Station in India (2015-2016 and 2016-2017)
- Sector/Project/State-wise Hydro Electric Generating units Added in India (2016-2017)
- Sector/Utility-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2017)
- Sector-wise Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2015-2016 and 2016-2017)
- Selected State/Agency/Project-wise Installed Capacity, Estimated Cost, Actual Expenditure and Benefited of Hydro Electric Power Station Under Renovation, Modernisation, Uprating (RMU) and Life Extension (LE) Schemes Completed in India (2012-2017)
- Selected State/Sector/Utility-wise Targets and Actual Power Generation of Various Hydro Electric Stations with Installed Capacity (Above 25 MW) in India (2016-2017)
- Selected State/Station/Sector-wise Hydro Generating Units Added in India (2016-2017)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2017)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in North Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2017)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Northern Region of India (As on 31.03.2017)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Southern Region of India (As on 31.03.2017)
- Station/State-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2017)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by Central Sector (Hydro) in India (2016-2017)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by State Sector (Hydro) in India (2016-2017)
- Supplier-wise Hydro-Generating Units (Indigenous and Imported) of Turbines and Generators in India (As on 31.03.2017)
- Hydro Electric Stations Having High Planned Maintenance in India (2012-2013 to 2015-2016)
- Month-wise Target and Achievement of Hydel Generation in India (2015-2016)
- Plant-wise Installed Capacity and Actual Generation of Hydro Electric Stations (Installed Capacity Above 25 MW) in India (2014-2015 and 2015-2016)
- Region/State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Capacity (Installed Capacity-Above 25 MW) in India (As on 31.03. 2016)
- Region/State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Potential Development (Installed Capacity-Above 25 MW) in India (As on June, 2016)
- Region-wise Installed Capacity and Generation Programme of Hydro Electric Station in India (2014-2015 and 2015-2016)
- Region-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2016)
- Region-wise Status of Important Reservoirs and Associated Hydro Electric Stations in India (2015-2016)
- Sector/Utility-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2016)
- Sector/Utility-wise Performance of Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2015-2016)
- Sector-wise Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2014-2015 and 2015-2016)
- Sector-wise Target and Achievement of Hydro Power Generation in India (2013-2014 to 2015-2016)
- Selected State/Region-wise Generation Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2015-2016)
- Selected State/Sector/Project/Organisation-wise Hydro Generating Units Likely to be Added in India (2015-2016)
- Selected State/Station/Sector-wise Hydro Generating Units Added in India (2015-2016)
- Selected State-wise Installed Capacity and Target/Achievement of Hydro Power Generation (Above 25 MW) In India (2015-2016)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2016)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in North-Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2016)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Northern Region of India (As on 31.03.2016)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Southern Region of India (As on 31.03.2016)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Western Region of India (As on 31.03.2016)
- Station/State-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2016)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by Central Sector (Hydro) in India (2015-2016)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by State Sector (Hydro) in India (2015-2016)
- Supplier-wise Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Units in India (2015-2016)
- Turbine-wise Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Units in India (2015-2016)
- Basin-wise Status of Hydro Electric Power Potential Development (In Terms of Installed Capacity-above 25 MW) in India (As on 31.01.2015)
- Region/State/Reservoir-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2014-2015)
- Region/State-wise Generation Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2013-2014 to 2015-2016-upto October 2015)
- Region/State-wise Number of Hydro Power Station Central/State/Private Sector in India (As on 31.03.2015) - Part I
- Region/State-wise Number of Hydro Power Station Central/State/Private Sector in India (As on 31.03.2015) - Part II
- Region/State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Potential Development (Installed Capacity-Above 25 MW) in India (As on 31.01.2015)
- Region-wise Installed Capacity and Generation Programme of Hydro Electric Station in India (2013-2014 and 2014-2015)
- Region-wise Status of Important Reservoirs and Associated Hydro Electric Stations in India (2014-2015)
- Sector/Project/Organisation-wise Hydro Generating Units Likely to be Added in Himachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, Meghalaya and Sikkim (2014-2015)
- Sector/Utility-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2015)
- Sector/Utility-wise Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2013-2014 and 2014-2015)
- Sector/Utility-wise Performance of Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2014-2015)
- Selected State/Region-wise Generation Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2014-2015)
- Selected State/Region-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2015)
- Selected State/Scheme/Sector-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Projects for which Detail Projects Reports (DPRs) Received in India (As on 30.11.2015)
- State-wise Target/Achievement of Power Generation from Conventional (Thermal, Hydro and Nuclear) Sources in India (2012-2013 to 2014-2015-upto 31.01.2015)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by Central Sector (Hydro) in India (2014-2015)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by State Sector (Hydro) in India (2014-2015)
- Supplier-wise Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Units in India (2014-2015)
- Turbine-wise Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Units in India (2014-2015)
- Basin-wise Status of Hydro Electric Power Potential Development (In Terms of Installed Capacity-above 25 MW) in India (As on 31.03.2014)
- Region/Organisation-wise Hydro-Generating Units (Indigenous and Imported) of Generators in India (As on 31.03.2014)
- Region/Organisation-wise Hydro-Generating Units (Indigenous and Imported) of Turbines in India (As on 31.03.2014)
- Region/State/Reservoir-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2013-2014)
- Region/State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Potential Development (Installed Capacity-Above 25 MW) in India (As on 30.06.2014)
- Region/State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Potential Development (Installed Capacity-Above 25 MW) in India (As on 31.03.2014)
- Region-wise Inflows and Energy Generation under Reservoir Schemes in India (2012-2013 and 2013-2014)
- Region-wise Status of Important Reservoirs and Associated Hydro Electric Stations in India (2013-2014)
- Region-wise Installed Capacity and Generation Programme of Hydro Electric Station in India (2012-2013 and 2013-2014)
- Sector/Utility-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2014)
- Sector/Utility-wise Performance of Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2013-2014)
- Sector-wise Hydro Generating Units Likely to be Added in India (2013-2014)
- Sector-wise Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2012-2013 and 2013-2014)
- Selected State/Region-wise Generation Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2013-2014)
- Selected State/Region-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2014)
- Selected State/Station/Sector-wise Hydro Generating Units Added in India (2013-2014)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2014)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in North Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2014)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Northern Region of India (As on 31.03.2014)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Southern Region of India (As on 31.03.2014)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Western Region of India (As on 31.03.2014)
- Station-wise Anticipated/Actual Power Generation of National Hydro Electric Power Corporation (NHPC) in India (2013-2014)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by Central Sector (Hydro) in India (2013-2014)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by State Sector (Hydro) in India (2013-2014)
- Supplier-wise Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Units in India (2013-2014)
- Turbine-wise Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Units in India (2013-2014)
- Basin-wise Status of Hydro Electric Power Potential Development (In Terms of Installed Capacity-above 25 MW) in India (As on 30.09.2013)
- Basin-wise Status of Hydro Electric Power Potential Development (Installed Capacity-above 25 MW) in Northern Region of India (As on 31.03.2013)
- Capacity-wise Number of Stations, Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations in India (As on 30.03.2013)
- Country-wise Hydro Power Generating Units Imported by India (As on 31.03.1996, 31.03.2004 and 31.03.2013)
- Region/Organisation-wise Hydro-Generating Units (Indigenous and Imported) of Generators in India (As on 31.03.2013)
- Region/Organisation-wise Hydro-Generating Units(Indigenous and Imported) of Turbines in India (As on 31.03.2013)
- Region/State/Project-wise Installed Power Generation Capacity of Hydro Power Plants in India (As on 30.07.2013)
- Region/State/Reservoir-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2012-2013)
- Region/State/Sector/Owner-wise Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in India (As on 31.03.2013) - Part II
- Region/State-wise Generation Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2012-2013)
- Region/State-wise Number of Hydro Power Stations Central/State/Private Sector in India (As on 31.03.2013) - Part I
- Region/State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Potential Development (Installed Capacity-Above 25 MW) in India (As on 31.01.2013)
- Region/Station-wise Operating Availability of Hydro Electric Units in India (2012-2013) - Part I
- Region/Station-wise Operating Availability of Hydro Electric Units in India (2012-2013) - Part II
- Region/Station-wise Operating Availability of Hydro Electric Units in India (2012-2013) - Part III
- Region-wise Inflows and Energy Generation under Reservoir Schemes in India (2011-2012 and 2012-2013)
- Region-wise Status of Important Reservoirs and Associated Hydro Electric Stations in India (2012-2013)
- Region-wise Target and Achievement of Hydro Power Generation in India (2009-2010 to 2012-2013)
- Scheme-wise Generation (Reservoir Based and the Rest) by Hydro Electric Stations in India (2012-2013)
- Sector/Utility-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2013)
- Sector/Utility-wise Performance of Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2012-2013)
- Selected State/Sector/Utility-wise Power Generation of Various Hydro Electric Stations with Installed Capacity (Above 25 MW) in India (2005-2006 to 2012-2013)
- Selected States/Sector-wise Hydro Generating Units Added in India (2012-2013)
- State/Region-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2013)
- State/Region-wise Status of Hydro Electric Potential Development (In Terms of Installed Capacity-Above 25 MW) in India (As on 30.09.2013)
- Station-wise Anticipated/Actual Power Generation of National Hydro Electric Power Corporation Limited (NHPC) in India (2012-2013)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by Central Sector (Hydro) in India (2012-2013)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by State Sector (Hydro) in India (2012-2013)
- Supplier-wise Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Units in India (2012-2013)
- Turbine-wise Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Units in India (2012-2013)
- Utility-wise Performance of Hydro Electric Power Stations In India (2011-2012 and 2012 2013)
- Agency-wise Installed Capacity and Estimated Cost/Expenditure for Renovation, Modernisation, and Uprating of Hydro Power Stations in India (2008-2009 to 2011-2012)
- Project/Selected State-wise Proposed Installed Capacity of National Hydroelectric Power Corporation (NHPC) in India (2007-2012)
- Sector/Utility-wise Performance of Hydro Power Stations in India (2010-2011 and 2011-2012)
- Sector-wise Performance of Hydro Electric Stations with Installed Capacity (Above 25 MW) in India (2005-2006 to 2011-2012)
- Selected State/Agency/Project-wise Installed Capacity, Estimated Cost, Actual Expenditure and Benefited of Hydro Electric Power Station Under Renovation, Modernisation, Uprating (RMU) and Life Extension (LE) Schemes Completed in India (2007-2012)
- Selected State/Scheme/Sector-wise Total Capacity of Hydro Electric Projects in India (2008-2009 to 2011-2012)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Capacity Addition of Hydro Electric Projects for Benefits in India (2011-2012)
- State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Potential Development (Installed Capacity-Above 25 MW) in North-Eastern Region of India (As on March, 2012)
- Station-wise Anticipated/Actual Power Generation of National Hydro Electric Power Corporation Limited in India (2011-2012)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by Central Sector (Hydro) in India (2011-2012)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by State Sector (Hydro) in India (2011-2012)
- Utility-wise Power Generation Performance of Hydro-Electric Stations (Capacity Above 25 MW) in India (2012-2013-upto 08.08.2012)
- Agency-wise Installed Capacity and Estimated Cost for Renovation, Modernisation, Uprating and Life Extension of Hydro Power Stations in India (As on 31.01.2011)
- Basin-wise Status of Hydro Electric Power Potential Development (In Terms of Installed Capacity-above 25 MW) in Northern Region of India (As on 31.03.2011)
- Capacity and Percentage Operating Availability of Hydro Electric Power Stations in India (2010-2011)
- Capacity-wise Number of Stations, Units and Total Capacity of Hydro-Electric Stations in India (As on 31.03.2011)
- Hydro Scheme Developed and under Construction in India (As on 30.06.2011)
- Region/State/Reservoir-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2010-2011)
- Region/State/Utility-wise Status of Hydroelectric Stations (Capacity Above 25 MW) in India (2010-2011 and 2011-2012-upto November, 2011)
- Region/State-wise Generation Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2010-2011)
- Region/State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Potential Development (In Terms of Installed Capacity - Above 25 MW) in India (As on 30.06.2011)
- Region/State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Potential Development (In Terms of Installed Capacity-Above 25 MW) in India (As on 31.03.2011)
- Region/Station/Corporation-wise Operating Availability of Hydro Electric Units in India (2010-2011)
- Region-wise Inflows and Energy Generation by Various Reservoir Schemes in India (2009-2010 and 2010-2011)
- Region-wise Installed Capacity and Generation of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2010-2011)
- Region-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Power Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2011)
- Region-wise Status of Important Reservoirs and Associated Hydro Electric Stations in India (2010-2011)
- Sector/Sate Electricity Board/Power Generating Corporation-wise Operating Availability of Hydro Electric Units in India (2010-2011)
- Sector/Utility-wise Number of Stations, Units, Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2011)
- Sector/Utility-wise Performance of Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2010-2011)
- Selected State/Agency-wise Installed Capacity of Hydroelectric Projects in Private Sector (Above 25 MW) in India (As on 30.06.2011)
- Selected State/Scheme/Sector-wise Total Capacity of Hydro Electric Projects on Brahmaputra River and Its Tributaries Concurred by Central Electricity Authority (CEA) of India (As on 01.04.2002 to 22.09.2011)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Target of Capacity Addition of Hydro Electric Projects for Benefits in India (2010-2011)
- State/Agency/Station-wise Capacity of Hydro-Energy Stations in Operation (Capacity Above 25 MW) in India (As on 31.01.2011)
- State/Sector/Owner-wise Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2011)
- State/Sector/Owner-wise Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in North-Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2011)
- State/Sector/Owner-wise Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Northern Region of India (As on 31.03.2011)
- State/Sector/Owner-wise Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Southern Region of India (As on 31.03.2011)
- State/Sector/Owner-wise Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Western Region of India (As on 31.03.2011)
- State-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.20011)
- State-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in Northern Region of India (As on 31.03.2011)
- State-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in Southern Region of India (As on 31.03.2011)
- State-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 25 MW Capacity) in Western Region of India (As on 31.03.2011)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by Central Sector (Hydro) in India (2010-2011)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by State Sector (Hydro) in India (2010-2011)
- Capacity Addition from Hydro Projects in India (2009-2010)
- Over All Generation (Thermal+Nuclear+Hydro) in Public Utilities in India (1990-1991 and 1995-1996 to 2010-2011)
- Region/State/Sector/Owner-wise Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2010)
- Region/State/Sector/Owner-wise Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in North-Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2010)
- Region/State/Sector/Owner-wise Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Northern Region of India (As on 31.03.2010)
- Region/State/Sector/Owner-wise Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Southern Region of India (As on 31.03.2010)
- Region/State/Sector/Owner-wise Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Western Region of India (As on 31.03.2010)
- Region/State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Potential Development (In Terms of Installed Capacity - Above 25MW) in India (As on 30.06.2010)
- River Basin-wise Hydro Electric Power Potential Development (Installed Capacity-Above 25 MW) in India (As on 31.03.2010)
- Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Station (Above 25MW) in North Eastern Region of India (As on 31.10.2010)
- Selected State/Utility-wise Status of Hydro-Electric Stations (Capacity above 25 MW) in India (2007-2008 to 2009-2010-Upto 30.11.2011)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Station (Above 25MW) in Eastern Region of India (As on 31.10.2010)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Station (Above 25MW) in Northern Region of India (As on 31.10.2010)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Station (Above 25MW) in Southern Region of India (As on 31.10.2010)
- State/Sector/Owner/Project-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Station (Above 25MW) in Western Region of India (As on 31.10.2010)
- Station-wise Energy Generation by State Sector (Hydro) in India (2009-2010)
- Region/State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Potential Development (In Terms of Installed Capacity - Above 25 MW) in India (As on 31.03.2009)
- River Basin-wise Status of Hydro Electric Power Potential Development (Installed Capacity-Above 25 MW) in India (As on 31.03.2009)
- Sector/Owner-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Assam and Meghayala (As on 31.03.2009)
- Sector/Utility-wise Target and Actual Generation of Power by Hydro Power Stations in India (April-June, 2009)
- State/Sector/Owner-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2009)
- State/Sector/Owner-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Northern Region of India (As on 31.03.2009)
- State/Sector/Owner-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Western Region of India (As on 31.03.2009)
- State/Sector/Owner-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations Southern Region of India (As on 31.03.2009)
- Region/State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Potential Development (In Term of Installed Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2008)
- State-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Station in Eastern Region of India (31.03.2008)
- State-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Station in North Eastern Region of India (31.03.2008)
- State-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Station in Northern Region of India (31.03.2008)
- State-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Station in Southern Region of India (31.03.2008)
- State-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Station in Western Region of India (31.03.2008)
- State-wise Total Power Generation (Thermal, Nuclear and Hydro) in India (As on 31.03.2008)
- Station-wise Power Generation Target and Achievement of National Hydro Power Corporation (NHPC) in India (2007-2008)
- Hydro Power Proposed to be Added in North Eastern Region of India (2002-2007)
- Project/State-wise Target for Hydro Electricity Capacity Addition by Sector in India (2002-2007)
- Region/State-wise Generation Target and Achievement of Hydro Power Stations (Installed Capacity above 3 MW) in India (2002-2007)
- Region/State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Capacity (Development at Probable Load Factor) in India (As on 31.03.2007)
- Region/State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Potential (Development at 60% Load Factor) in India (As on 31.03.2007)
- Region/State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Potential Development (In Terms of Installed Capacity) in India (As on 15.11.2007)
- Region-wise Installed Capacity and Generation of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2005-2006 and 2006-2007)
- Region-wise Number of Stations, Units and Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 3 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2007)
- Region-wise Status of Important Reservoirs and Associated Hydro Electric Stations in India (2006-2007)
- Sector/Utility-wise Number of Stations, Units, Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 3 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2007)
- Sector/Utility-wise Planned Maintenance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2006-2007)
- Selected State/Agency/Project-wise Installed Capacity, Estimated Cost, Actual Expenditure and Benefited of Hydro Electric Power Station Under Renovation, Modernisation, Uprating (RMU) and Life Extension (LE) Schemes Completed in India (2002-2007)
- Selected State/Project Agency-wise Renovation, Modernisation and Uprating of Hydro Projects (Upto VIIIth Plan) in India (As on 31.03.2007)
- Selected State-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Scheme for Preparation of Pre-Feasibility Reports (PER) in India (2002-2007)
- Share of Hydro Power in Total Installed Capacity in India (1970, 1980, 1990 and 2007)
- State Electricity Board/Department-wise Number of Stations, Units, Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 3 MW Capacity) in India (As on 31.03.2007)
- State/Station-wise Generation Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2007)
- State/Station-wise Generation Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in North Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2007)
- State/Station-wise Generation Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in Northern Region of India (As on 31.03.2007)
- State/Station-wise Generation Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in Southern Region of India (As on 31.03.2007)
- State/Station-wise Generation Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in Western Region of India (As on 31.03.2007)
- State-wise Hydro Electricity Schemes for Preliminary Feasibility Reports (PFRs) in India (2002-2007)
- State-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2007)
- State-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in North Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2007)
- State-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Northern Region of India (As on 31.03.2007)
- State-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Southern Region of India (As on 31.03.2007)
- State-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Western Region of India (As on 31.03.2007)
- Station-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 3 MW Capacity) in Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2007)
- Station-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 3 MW Capacity) in North Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2007)
- Station-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 3 MW Capacity) in Northern Region of India (As on 31.03.2007)
- Station-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 3 MW Capacity) in Southern Region of India (As on 31.03.2007)
- Station-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations (Above 3 MW Capacity) in Western Region of India (As on 31.03.2007)
- Station-wise Power Generation Target and Achievement of National Hydro Power Corporation (NHPC) in India (2004-2005 to 2006-2007)
- Region/State/Sector-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Power Station (Installed Capacity Above 3 MW) in India (As on 31.01.2006)
- Region/State-wise Hydro Electric Generating Capacity in India (As on 31.10.2006)
- Region/State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Potential Development in India (As on 31.07.2006)
- Region/State-wise Thermal and Hydro Generation in India {(2005-2006 (Upto January, 2006)}
- State/Sector-wise Number of Hydro and Thermal Power Stations in India (As on 30.11.2006)
- State/Sector-wise Total Power Generation (Thermal, Nuclear and Hydro) and Percentage Increase in Generation in India (2004-2005 to Nov., 2006)
- State-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Station in Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2006)
- State-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Station in North-Eastern Region of India (As on 31.03.2006)
- State-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Station in Southern Region of India (As on 31.03.2006)
- State-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Station in Western Region of India (As on 31.03.2006)
- State-wise Number of Units and Total Capacity of Hydro Power Stations in Northern Region of India (As on 31.03.2006)
- Storage Position of Major Reservoirs Based Hydro Electric Stations in India (As on 17.02.2006)
- Region-wise Hydro Generation Performance in India (2000-2001 to 2004-2005)
- Region-wise Installed Capacity and Generation of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2004-2005)
- Sector-wise Performance of Hydro Electric Stations in India (2003-2004 and 2004-2005)
- State/Project-wise Number of Units and Capacity of Hydro Power Station in Eastern Region of India (As on 31.3.2005)
- State/Project-wise Number of Units and Capacity of Hydro Power Station in North Eastern Region of India (As on 31.3.2005)
- State/Project-wise Number of Units and Capacity of Hydro Power Station in Northern Region of India (As on 31.3.2005)
- State/Project-wise Number of Units and Capacity of Hydro Power Station in Southern Region of India (As on 31.3.2005)
- State/Project-wise Number of Units and Capacity of Hydro Power Station in Western Region of India (As on 31.3.2005)
- System-wise Capacity and Target/Actual Generation of Power by Hydro Power Stations in India (April 2004 to January 2005)
- Capacity-wise Grouping of Hydro Electric Stations in India (As on 31.03.2004)
- Estimated Hydro Electric Potential of North-Eastern Region in India (As on 30.04.2004)
- Hydro Electric Stations having High Planned Maintenance in India (As on 31.03.2004)
- Region-wise Generation from the Hydro Electric Plants in India (1995-1996 and 2003-2004)
- Region-wise Hydro Generating Units Added in India (2003-2004)
- Region-wise Inflow and Energy Generation under Reservoir Scheme in India (2003-2004 and 2002-2003)
- Region-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations in India (As on 31.03.1996 and 31.03.2004 )
- Region-wise Number of Stations/ Units and Capacity of Hydro-Electric Stations in India (2003-2004 and 2002-2003)
- Region-wise Stations of Important Reservoir Based Hydro Electric Stations in India (2003-2004)
- Scheme-wise Generation (Reservoir Based and the Rest) by Hydro Electric Plants in India (1995-1996 and 2003-2004)
- Sector/Board-wise Installed Capacity of Hydro Electric Stations in India (As on 31.03.2004)
- Sector-wise Energy Generation by Hydro Power Stations in India (1994-1995,1995-1996, 2002-2003 and 2003-2004)
- Sector-wise Generation by Hydro Electric Plants in India (1995-1996 and 2003-2004)
- State/Organisation/Generator-wise Hydro-Generating Units (Indigenous and Imported) in India (As on 31.03.2004)
- State/Organisations/Turbin-wise Hydro Generating Units (Indigenous and Imported) in India (As on 31.03.2004)
- State-wise Details of Identified Small Hydel Sites up to 25 MW Capacity in India (2001-2002 to 2003-2004)
- State-wise Number of Units, Unit Size and Total Capacity (Eastern Region) of Hydro Power Stations in India (As on 31.03.2004)
- State-wise Number of Units, Unit Size and Total Capacity (North Eastern Region) of Hydro Power Stations in India (As on 31.03.2004)
- State-wise Number of Units, Unit Size and Total Capacity (Northern Region) of Hydro Power Stations in India (As on 31.03.2004)
- State-wise Number of Units, Unit Size and Total Capacity (Southern Region) of Hydro Power Stations in India (As on 31.03.2004)
- State-wise Number of Units, Unit Size and Total Capacity (Western Region) of Hydro Power Stations in India (As on 31.03.2004)
- Utility-wise Energy Generation by Hydro Electric Stations in India (2003-2004 and 2002-2003)
- Cost of Generation of NHPC Operating Project in India (2001-2002)
- Electricity Generation from Hydro Stations and Rainfall in India (1999-2000 to 2001-2002)
- Estimated Hydro Electric Potential of North Eastern Region of India (2002)
- Hydro Electricity Generation in India (1999-2000 to 2001-2002)
- Installed Generating Capacity of Bhakra Beas Management Board Power Houses in India (2002)
- Selected State/Agency/Project-wise Installed Capacity, Estimated Cost, Actual Expenditure and Benefited of Hydro Electric Power Station Under Renovation, Modernisation, Uprating (RMU) and Life Extension (LE) Schemes Completed in India (1997-2002)
- State/Region-wise Status of Hydro Electric Potential Development (Schemes above 3 MW Capacity) in India (As on 01.11.2002)
- State-wise Estimated Hydro Electric Potential in India (As on 04.12.2002)
- State-wise Estimated Hydro Electric Potential of North-Eastern Region and Status of Development in India (As on 04.12.2002)
- State-wise Hydro Power Generation in India (2001-2002)
- State-wise Status of Hydro Electric Development in India - Conventional (2001-2002)
- Capacity Addition from Hydro Projects in India (From 2000 to 2001)
- Hydro Power Generated by State Electricity Boards/PSU in India (1999-2000 and 2000-2001)
- Hydro Schemes under Construction in India (As on 22.2.2001)
- Region/Statewise Status of Hydro Electric Potential Development in India (As on 01.11.2001)
- Sector-wise Energy Generation from Hydro Power Stations in India (During 1999-2000 to 2000-2001)
- State/Region-wise Status of Hydro Electric Power Potential Development in India (As on 01.01.2001)
- State-wise Potential of Hydro-Electric Projects in India (November 2001)
- State-wise Status of Hydro-Electric Potential Development in India (As on 1.2.2001)
- Energy Generation (Hydro and Thermal) in Central Sector in India (During Ninth Plan 1997-1998 to 1999-2000)
- Energy Generation (Hydro and Thermal) in State Sector in India (During Ninth Plan 1997-1998 to 1999-2000)
- Physical and Financial Performance of Hydro Power Generation Projects in India (During 1999-2000)
- Region/State-wise New Generating Units and Capacity Addition (Hydro Electric) in India (1999-2000)
- State/Region-wise Hydel Performance in India (1998-1999 and 1999-2000)
- Capacity-wise Classification of Power Stations (Hydro) in India (As on 31-3-1999)
- New Generating Units and Capacity Addition (Hydro Electric) in Selected Regions/States of India (1998-1999)
- Physical and Financial Performance of Hydro Power Generation Projects in India (During 1998-1999)
- Region/State-wise Gross Energy Generation of Hydro (Utilities Only) in India (1997-1998 and 1998-1999)
- Physical and Financial Performance of Hydro Power Generation Projects in India (During 1997-1998)
- Region-wise Status of Hydro Electricity Potential and Development in India (As on 31.03.1998)
- River/Basin-wise Hydro Electricity Potential Development in India (As on 31.03.1998)
- Region/State-wise Gross Energy Generation of Hydro (Utilities Only) in India (1995-1996 and 1996-1997)
- Region-wise Installed Capacity and Generation of Hydro Electricity Stations in India (1996-1997)
- Region-wise Status of Hydro Electricity Potential and Development in India (As on 31.03.1997)
- River Basin-wise Status of Hydro Electricity Potential Development in India (As on 31.03.1997)
- Selected State/Agency/Project-wise Installed Capacity, Estimated Cost, Actual Expenditure and Benefited of Hydro Electric Power Station under Renovation, Modernisation, Uprating (RMU) and Life Extension (LE) Schemes Completed in India (1992-1997)
- Capacity-wise Grouping of Hydro - Electric Stations in India (As on 31.03.1996)
- Hydro-Electric Power Stations which Provided Highest Opereating Availability in India (1995-1996)
- Region/Station-wise Status of Reservoir Based Hydro Electricity Stations in India (1995-1996)
- Region-wise Hydro Electric Generating Units Added in India (1995-1996)
- State/Organisation/Generator-wise Hydro Electric Generating Units (Indigenous and Imported) in India (As on 31.3.1996)
- State/Station-wise Power Generation of Hydro Electric Stations (Eastern Region) in India (1995-1996) Part IV
- State/Station-wise Power Generation of Hydro Electric Stations (North Eastern Region) in India (1995-1996) Part V
- State/Station-wise Power Generation of Hydro Electric Stations (Northern Region) in India (1995-1996) - Part I
- State/Station-wise Power Generation of Hydro Electric Stations (Southern Region) in India (1995-1996) Part III
- State/Station-wise Power Generation of Hydro Electric Stations (Western Region) in India (1995-1996) Part II
- States/Utility-wise Engry Generation by Hydro Power Stations in India (1994-1995 and 1995-1996)
Electricity Consumers - India | Electricity Consumers - India |
Others - India | Others - India |
Power Allocation - India | Power Allocation - India |
Power Connected Load - India | Power Connected Load - India |
Power Demand and Supply - India | Power Demand and Supply - India |
Power System Reliability Indices - India | Power System Reliability Indices - India |