Currently showing National Level or with State-wise Aggregated Figures
Data at National Level - India
Data at State Level - Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chhattisgarh Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Odisha Punjab Rajasthan Sikkim Tamil Nadu Telangana Tripura Uttar Pradesh Uttarakhand West Bengal
Data at Union Territory Level - Andaman & Nicobar Islands Chandigarh Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu Delhi Jammu & Kashmir Lakshadweep Puducherry
Data at Regional Level - Eastern Hindi Belt North East Northern Southern Western & Central
Labour and Workforce Data Table being Added or Updated during current month
- Selected State/Regional Office-wise Number of Claims Cases Received, Disposed and Pending on SAMADHAN Portal by Workers, Trade Unions and Employers in India (2022-2023 to 2024-2025-upto July 2024)
- Selected State/Regional Office-wise Number of Claims Lodged for Benefits under Different Acts (Gratuity, Minimum Wages, Maternity Benefit, Equal Remuneration and Payment of Wages) on SAMADHAN Portal in India (2022-2023 to 2024-2025-upto July 2024)
- Selected State/Regional Office-wise Number of General Complaints Received, Disposed and Pending on SAMADHAN Portal by Workers, Trade Unions and Employers in India (2022-2023 to 2024-2025-upto July 2024)
- Selected State/Regional Office-wise Number of Industrial Disputes Received, Disposed and Pending on SAMADHAN Portal by Workers, Trade Unions and Employers in India (2020-2021 to 2024-2025-upto July 2024)
- Number of Criminal Cases Registered against Protests by Subsidiaries of Coal India Limited (CIL) in India (2020-2021 to 2022-2023)
- Number of Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts), Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in India (1992 to 2023-upto June)
- Number of Industrial Strikes, Lockouts and Mandays Lost in India (2018 to 2023-upto September)
- Production Loss of Coal Due to Strike/Bandha/Protest by Local Villagers/Protesters Recorded by Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL) in India (2021 to 2023-upto May)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2010 to 2023-upto June)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2023-upto June)
- Zone-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Sickness and Labour Unrest on Government Railways, Railway Board and Other Railway Offices in India (2022-2023)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2022)
- Selected State-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Spheres in India (2022)
- Zone-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Sickness and Labour Unrest on Government Railways, Railway Board and Other Railway Offices in India (2021-2022)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2021)
- Selected State-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Spheres in India (2021)
- Zone-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Sickness and Labour Unrest on Government Railways, Railway Board and Other Railway Offices in India (2020-2021)
- Number of Layoffs and Workers Affected in Industries (Central and State Spheres) in India (2005 to 2020-upto August, 2020)
- Number of Strikes, Lockouts and Mandays Lost in India (2015 to 2020-upto August)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2020)
- Selected State-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Spheres in India (2020)
- Zone-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Sickness and Labour Unrest on Government Railways, Railway Board and Other Railway Offices in India (2019-2020)
- Disputes by Strikes, Lockouts and Gheraos in India (1999 to 2019)
- Industry-wise Number of Strikes, Mandays Lost and Production Lost under Central Sphere in India (2017 to 2019)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Number of Units and Workers Affected Laid-off in Industries (Central and State Sphere) of India (2018-upto October)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2019)
- Selected State-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Spheres in India (2019)
- Selected State-wise Number of Workers Affected Due to Closure in India (2016 to 2019)
- Zone-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Sickness and Labour Unrest on Government Railways, Railway Board and Other Railway Offices in India (2018-2019)
- All Industrial Disputes Classified by Industries in India (2018)
- Average Time Loss Per Dispute, Workers Involved Per Dispute and Average Number of Mandays Lost Per Worker due to Industrial Disputes in India (2017 and 2018)
- Cause/Sector-wise Number of Permanent Closures and Workers Affected in Industries of India (2018)
- Half Yearly Statistics of Strikes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in Industrial Disputes in India (2012 to 2018)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (Central Sphere) in India (2018)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (State and Central Spheres) in India (2018)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (State Sphere) in India (2018)
- Industrial Disputes in Central Sphere Undertakings in India (2018)
- Industrial Disputes in Public and Private Sectors in India (1990 to 2018)
- Industrial Disputes in Public Sector Classified by Causes in India (2018)
- Industrial Disputes in Public Sector Classified by Industries in India (2018)
- Industrial Lockouts Classified by Causes in India (2018)
- Industrial Strikes Classified by Causes in State Sphere of India (2018)
- Industrial Units Affected by Strikes/Lockouts/Mandays Lost and Workers Affected due to Strikes and Lockouts in Central and State Sphere of India (January to March 2016 to January to March 2018)
- Industry-wise Industrial Disputes in Central Sphere Undertakings in India (2018)
- Industry-wise Number of Cases of Retrenchments and Workers Retrenched by Causes in India (2018)
- Industry-wise Number of Permanent Closures and Workers Affected by Sector in India (2018)
- Industry-wise Number of Work-Stoppages Due to Reasons other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected thereby and Mandays Lost in India (2018)
- Lockouts Classified by Industries in India (2018)
- Month-wise Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2018)
- Number of Disputes by Nature and Spheres in Public and Private Sector of India (2016 to 2018)
- Number of Disputes Classified by Causes in Public and Private Sectors in India (2018)
- Number of Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost Due to Industrial Disputes in Central Sphere by Industry Group of India (2016 to 2018)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost by Industry Division in India (2016 to 2018)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector Undertakings (Central Sphere) in India (2018)
- Number of Strikes/Lockouts in Banks of India (2018)
- Number of Terminated Disputes by Duration in India (2018)
- Number of Terminated Disputes in Public Sector by Duration in India (2018)
- Number of Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in Strikes and Lockouts of Industrial Disputes in India (2005 to 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Disputes by Causes in India (2017 and 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Disputes by Results in India (2011, 2013 to 2015, 2017 and 2018)
- Percentage Distribution of Industrial Disputes by Duration in India (2013 to 2018)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost, Wages Lost and Value of Production Loss Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2018)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off and Workers Laid-off in Industries in India (2012 to 2019-upto October 2019)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Time-loss (Number of Mandays Lost) by Strikes and Lockouts in India (2016 to 2018)
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Retrenchments and Workers Retrenched in Industries of India (2018)
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Work-Stoppages Due to Reasons other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected thereby and Mandays Lost in India (2018) - Part I
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Work-Stoppages Due to Reasons other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected thereby and Mandays Lost in India (2018) - Part II
- Selected State/Sector-wise Amount of Wages Lost Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2017 and 2018)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Number of Permanent Closures and Workers Affected in Industries of India (2018)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Number of Workers Involved in Industrial Disputes in India (2017 and 2018)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Value of Production Loss Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2017 and 2018)
- Selected State/Sphere-wise Status of Industrial Lockouts Declared in India (2018)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2018)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector (Central and State Spheres) in India (2018)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector (Central Sphere) in India (2018)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector (State Sphere) in India (2018)
- Selected State-wise Number of All Lockouts in Industries in India (2018)
- Selected State-wise Number of All Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost and Production Loss in Industries of India (2018)
- Selected State-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-Off and Mandays Lost in Industries by Causes of India (2018)
- Selected State-wise Number of Cases of Retrenchments and Workers Retrenched in Industries of India (2018)
- Selected State-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays, Wages and Production Lost by Spheres {Central and State (Total)} in India (2018)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2018)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in Central Sphere of India (2018)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2018)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in State Sphere of India (2018)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes Classified by Sectors in India (2013 to 2018)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost and Production Loss in Central Sphere of India (2018)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost and Production Loss in State Sphere of India (2018)
- Selected State-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Spheres in India (2018)
- Selected State-wise Position of Major Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) Involving Time Loss of 50000 or More Mandays in India (2018)
- Selected State-wise Strikes in Public Sector (Central and State Spheres) of India (2018)
- Selected State-wise Strikes in Public Sector (Central Sphere) of India (2018)
- Selected State-wise Strikes in Public Sector (State Sphere) of India (2018)
- Sphere/Sector-wise Percentage of Mandays Lost due to Strikes and Lockouts in Industries in India (2016 to 2018)
- State/Sector-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2017 and 2018)
- Strikes Classified by Industries in India (2018)
- Strikes in Public Sector Classified by Industries in India (2018)
- Terminated Disputes Classified by Method of Settlement and Result in India (2018)
- Time-Loss Due to Industrial Disputes in Manufacturing, Plantations and Coal Mines of India (1989 to 2018)
- Zone-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Sickness and Labour Unrest on Government Railways, Railway Board and Other Railway Offices in India (2017-2018)
- Number of Disputes Classified by Cause Group in Public and Private Sectors of India (2015 to 2017)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in Central Sphere Undertakings of India (2017)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost Due to Industrial Disputes in India {(2010 to 2017-upto February)}
- Selected State/Sector-wise Number of Units and Workers Affected Laid-off in Industries (Central and State Sphere) of India (2017)
- Selected State-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays, Wages and Production Lost by State Sphere in India (2017)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector (Central and State Spheres) in India (2017)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2017)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2017)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost and Production Loss in Industries in Central Sphere of India (2017)
- Selected State-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Spheres in India (2017)
- Zone-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Sickness and Labour Unrest on Government Railways, Railway Board and Other Railway Offices in India (2016-2017)
- Disputes by Central/State Sphere in India (1994 to 2012, 2015 and 2016)
- Industrial Disputes Resulting in Work Stoppages in India (1994 to 2016)
- Industry-wise Industrial Disputes in Central Sphere Undertakings in India (2016)
- Industry-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in India (2013 to 2016)
- Mandays Lost in Disputes Resulting in Work Stoppages Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2010 to 2012, 2015 and 2016)
- Mandays Lost in Disputes Resulting in Work Stoppages Due to Reasons other than Industrial Disputes in India (2010 to 2012, 2015 and 2016)
- Percentage Distribution of Disputes by Causes in India (2005 to 2016)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Amount of Wages Lost Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2013 to 2016)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Number of Units and Workers Affected Laid-off in Industries (Central and State Sphere) of India (2016)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Number of Workers Involved in Industrial Disputes in India (2013 to 2016)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Value of Production Loss Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2013 to 2016)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in Central Sphere in India (2016)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in State Sphere in India (2016)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2016)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2016)
- Selected State-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Spheres in India (2016)
- State/Sector-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2013 to 2016)
- State-wise Mandays Lost in Disputes Resulting in Work Stoppages Due to Reasons other than Industrial Disputes in India (1997 to 2007, 2011, 2012, 2015 and 2016)
- State-wise Mandays Lost, Resulting in Work Stoppages Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2000 to 2010, 2011, 2012, 2015 and 2016)
- State-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost (Central and State Sphere) in India (2016)
- State-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays, Wages and Production Lost by Spheres {Central and State (Total)} in India (2016)
- Zone-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Sickness and Labour Unrest on Government Railways, Railway Board and Other Railway Offices in India (2015-2016)
- State/Region-wise Number of Strikes in Central Sphere in India (2013 to 2015)
- Industrial Units Affected by Strikes/Lockouts/Mandays Lost and Workers Affected due to Strikes and Lockouts in Central and State Sphere of India (January to October 2013 to January to October 2015)
- Industry-wise Industrial Disputes in Central Sphere Undertakings in India (2015)
- Number of Disputes, Workers Involved and Man-days Lost Due to Industrial Disputes in Central Sphere by Industry Group of India (2015)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost by Industry Division in India (2014 and 2015)
- Number of Strikes and Mandays/Production Lost in Coal India Limited (1997-1998 to 2014-2015)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in Central Sphere in India (2015)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in State Sphere in India (2015)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2015)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2015)
- Selected State-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Spheres in India (2015)
- State-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost (Central and State Sphere) in India (2015)
- State-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost Due to Industrial Disputes by Sphere (Central and State) in India (2015)
- Zone-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Sickness and Labour Unrest on Government Railways, Railway Board and Other Railway Offices in India (2014-2015)
- Cause/Sector-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Industries in India (2014)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (Central Sphere) in India (2014)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (State and Central Spheres) in India (2014)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (State Sphere) in India (2014)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Industries in India (2014)
- Industrial Disputes in Public Sector by Causes in India (2014)
- Industrial Disputes in Public Sector Classified by Industries in India (2014)
- Industrial Lockouts Classified by Causes in India (2014)
- Industrial Strikes Classified by Causes (State Sphere) in India (2014)
- Industry Group-wise Industrial Disputes in Central Sphere Undertakings in India (2014)
- Industry Group-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2014)
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2014) - Part I
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2014) - Part II
- Industry/Sector-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2014)
- Lockouts Classified by Industries in India (2014)
- Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays, Wages and Production Lost Due to Industrial Disputes in Public Sector Undertakings in Central Sphere by Industry Group of India (2014)
- Number of Industrial Disputes Handled by Central Industrial Relations Machinery (CIRM) in India (2012-2013 and 2013-2014-upto December 2013)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays, Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector Undertakings in Central Sphere by Industry Group in India (2014)
- Number of Terminated Disputes in Public Sector by Duration in India (2014)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost, Wages Lost and Value of Production Loss Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2014)
- Selected State/Sector/Sphere-wise Position of Major Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) Involving Time Loss of 50000 or More Mandays in India (2014)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strike) in State Sphere in India (2014)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in Central Sphere in India (2014)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in State Sphere in India (2014)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2014)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector (Central Sphere) in India (2014)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Lockouts in State Sphere in India (2014)
- Selected State-wise Number of All Lockouts in Industries in India (2014)
- Selected State-wise Number of All Strikes Workers Involved Mandays Lost and Production Loss in Industries of India (2014)
- Selected State-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost Due to Industrial Disputes by Sphere (Central and State) in India (2014)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost and Production Loss in Industries in Central Sphere of India (2014)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays, Wage Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector (State and Central Sphere) in India (2014)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays, Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector (Central Sphere) in India (2014)
- Selected State-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Spheres in India (2014)
- Selected State-wise Status of Industrial Lockouts Declared in India (2014)
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2014) - Part I
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2014) - Part II
- State-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in Industries in India (2014)
- State-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays Wages and Production Lost by Central Sphere in India (2014)
- State-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays, Wages and Production Lost by Spheres {Central and State (Total)} in India (2014)
- State-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays, Wages and Production Lost by State Sphere in India (2014)
- State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2014)
- Strikes Classified by Industries in India (2014)
- Strikes in Public Sector Classified by Industries in India (2014)
- Terminated Disputes Classified by Method of Settlement and Result in India (2011 and 2012)
- All Industrial Disputes Classified by Industries in India (2013)
- Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in Public Sector of India (2013)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (Central Sphere) in India (2013)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (State and Central Spheres) in India (2013)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (State Sphere) in India (2013)
- Industrial Disputes in Public Sector Classified by Causes in India (2013)
- Industrial Disputes in Public Sector Classified by Industries in India (2013)
- Industrial Disputes in Public Sector Undertakings in the Central Sphere by Industry Group in India (2013)
- Industrial Lockouts Classified by Causes in India (2013)
- Industrial Strikes Classified by Causes in State Sphere in India (2013)
- Industry Group-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2013)
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2013) - Part I
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2013) - Part II
- Industry-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in Industries in India (2013)
- Lockouts Classified by Industries in India (2013)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays, Wages and Production Lost in Public Sector Undertakings in Central Sphere by Industry Group of India (2013)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost, Wages Lost and Value of Production Loss Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2013)
- Selected State/Industry-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2013)
- Selected State/Sector/Sphere-wise Position of Major Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) Involving Time Loss of 50000 or More Mandays in India (2013)
- Selected State-wise All Lockouts in State Sphere in Industries in India (2013)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strike in State Sphere) in India (2013)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in Central Sphere in India (2013)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in State Sphere in India (2013)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector (Central and State Spheres) in India (2013)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector (Central Sphere) in India (2013)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Lockouts in State Sphere in India (2013)
- Selected State-wise Number of All Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost and Production Loss in Industries of India (2013)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost and Production Loss in Industries in Central Sphere of India (2013)
- Selected State-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Spheres in India (2013)
- State-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in Industries in India (2013)
- State-wise Number of Cases of Retrenchments and Workers Retrenched by Spheres in India (2013) - Part I
- State-wise Number of Cases of Retrenchments and Workers Retrenched by Spheres in India (2013) - Part II
- State-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays, Wages and Production Lost by Spheres {Central and State Sphere (Total)} in India (2013)
- State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2013)
- Strikes Classified by Industries in India (2013)
- Strikes in Public Sector Classified by Industries in India (2013)
- Zone-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Sickness and Labour Unrest on Government Railways, Railway Board and Other Railway Offices in India (2012-2013)
- Average Time Loss Per Dispute, Workers Involved Per Dispute and Average Number of Mandays Lost Per Worker due to Industrial Disputes in India (2004 to 2009, 2011 and 2012)
- Cause-wise Industrial Disputes in India (2011 to 2012)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (Central Sphere) in India (2012)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (State and Central Sphere) in India (2012)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (State Sphere) in India (2012)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Industries in India (2012)
- Industrial Disputes in Public Sector Classified by Industries in India (2012)
- Industrial Lockouts Classified by Causes in India (2012)
- Industrial Strikes Classified by Causes in State Sphere in India (2012)
- Industry Group-wise Industrial Disputes in Central Sphere Undertakings in India (2012)
- Industry Group-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2012)
- Industry/Cause–wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2012)
- Industry/Sector-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2012)
- Industry-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in Industries in India (2012)
- Lockouts Classified by Industries in India (2012)
- Mandays Lost and Production Lost Due to Strikes in Singareni Collieries Company Limited (SCCL) in India (1998-1999 to 2011-2012-upto December 2011)
- Number of Disputes by Sectors and Spheres in India (2000 to 2012)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost by Industry Division in India (2008 to 2012)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in Public Sector by Cause Group in India (2012)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays, Wages and Production Lost in Public Sector Undertakings in Central Sphere by Industry Group in India (2012)
- Number of Terminated Disputes in Public Sector by Duration in India (2012)
- Number of Terminated Industrial Disputes by Duration in India (2011 and 2012)
- Number of Units Effecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Central and State Spheres in India (1995 to 2012)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost, Wages Lost and Value of Production Loss Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2012)
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2012) - Part I
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2012) - Part II
- Selected State/Industry-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2012)
- Selected State/Sector/Sphere-wise Position of Major Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) Involving Time Loss of 50,000 or More Mandays in India (2012)
- Selected State-wise Disposal of Appeals in All Industries in India (2012)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in Central Sphere in India (2012)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in State Sphere in India (2012)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2012)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector (Central Sphere) in India (2012)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector (State Sphere) in India (2012)
- Selected State-wise Lockouts in State Sphere in India (2012)
- Selected State-wise Number of All Lockouts in Industries in India (2012)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes in Central Sphere in India (2012)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes in State Sphere in India (2012)
- Selected State-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Spheres in India (2005, 2007 to 2012)
- Selected State-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Spheres in India (2012)
- Selected State-wise Status of Industrial Lockouts Declared in India (2012)
- Sphere/Sector-wise Percentage of Mandays Lost due to Strikes and Lockouts in Industries in India (2008 to 2012)
- Sphere/Sector-wise Time-loss (Number of Mandays Lost) by Strikes and Lockouts in India (2008 to 2012)
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2012)
- State-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in Industries in India (2012)
- State-wise Number of Disputes Pertaining to Strikes and Lockouts, Loss in Production and Mandays Lost in India (2011 and 2012, January-March)
- State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2012)
- Strikes Classified by Industries in India (2012)
- Strikes in Public Sector Classified by Industries in India (2012)
- Total Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost, Wages Lost and Production Loss in Central and State Spheres Separately for Public and Private Sectors in India (2008 to 2012)
- Zone-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Sickness and Labour Unrest on Government Railways, Railway Board and Other Railway Offices in India (2011-2012)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (Central Sphere) in India (2011)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (State and Central Spheres) in India (2011)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (State Sphere) in India (2011)
- Industrial Disputes in Public Sector Classified by Industries in India (2011)
- Industrial Lockouts Classified by Causes in India (2011)
- Industrial Strikes Classified by Causes in State Sphere in India (2011)
- Industry Group-wise Industrial Disputes in Central Sphere Undertakings in India (2011)
- Industry Group-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2011)
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2011) - Part I
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2011) - Part II
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2011) - Part III
- Industry/Sector-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2011)
- Industry-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in Industries in India (2011)
- Lockouts Classified by Industries in India (2011)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in Public Sector by Cause Group in India (2011)
- Number of Terminated Disputes in Public Sector by Duration in India (2011)
- Percentage Distribution of Disputes by Causes in India (2011)
- Percentage Distribution of Disputes by Duration in India (2011)
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2011) - Part I
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2011) - Part II
- Selected State/Sector-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Strikes and Lockouts in Backward Areas in India (January-September, 2011)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Number of Strikes and Lockouts in Backward Areas in India (January-September, 2011)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in Public Sector (State Sphere) in India (2011)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in Central Sphere in India (2011)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in State Sphere in India (2011)
- Selected State-wise Number of All Lockouts, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost and Production Loss in Industries (2011)
- Selected State-wise Number of All Lockouts, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost and Production Loss in Industries (Central Sphere + State Sphere) in India (2011)
- Selected State-wise Number of All Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost and Production Loss (Central Sphere+State Sphere) in Industries in India (2011)
- Selected State-wise Number of Failure of Conciliation (FOC) Reports on Various Industrial Disputes Received and Referred for Adjudication by Ministry of Labour and Employment in India (2009 to 2011)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes Classified by Sectors in India (2011)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays, Wages and Production Lost (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2011)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Manday Lost and Production Loss (Central Sphere) in Industries in India (2011)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost and Production Loss (State Sphere) in Industries in India (2011)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays, Wages and Production Loss in Public Sector (State and Central Sphere) in India (2011)
- Selected State-wise Number of Workers Affected Due to Strikes and Lockouts in India (January-September, 2011)
- Selected State-wise Political/Sympathetic Strikes in State and Central Sphere in India (2005 to 2009 and 2011)
- Selected State-wise Status of Industrial Lockouts Declared in India (2011)
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2011) - Part I
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2011) - Part II
- State-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in Industries in India (2011) - Part I
- State-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in Industries in India (2011) - Part II
- State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2011)
- Strikes Classified by Industries in India (2011)
- Zone-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Sickness and Labour Unrest on Government Railways, Railway Board and Other Railway Offices in India (2010-2011)
- Cause-wise Industrial Disputes in India (1991 and 1995 to 2010)
- Industrial Relations in Organised Sector in India (1971,1976 and 1981 to 2010)
- Industry Group-wise Industrial Disputes in Central Sphere Undertakings in India (2005 to2010)
- Industry-wise Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2010)
- Number of Industrial Disputes by Sectors and Spheres in India (2008 to 2010)
- Percentage Distribution of Disputes by Duration in India (1994 to 2010)
- Percentage Distribution of Disputes by Results in India (1994 to 2002 and 2010)
- Region-wise Disputes Handled in Central Sphere in India (2005-2006 to 2009-2010)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Amount of Wages Lost Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2010)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2010)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Strikes and Lockouts in Backward Areas in India (2010)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Number of Strikes and Lockouts in Backward Areas in India (2010)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Number of Workers Involved in Industrial Disputes in India (2010)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Value of Production Loss Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2010)
- Selected State-wise Disposal of Appeals all Industries in India (2010)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in Central Sphere in India (2010)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in State Sphere in India (2010)
- Selected State-wise Number of All Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost and Production Loss (Central Sphere+State Sphere) in Industries in India (2010)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes Classified by Sectors in India (2010)
- Selected State-wise Number of Workers Affected Due to Strikes and Lockouts in India (2010)
- State-wise Number of Disputes and Production Loss in Industries in India (2008 to 2010)
- State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2010)
- Zone-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Sickness and Labour Unrest on Government Railways, Railway Board and Other Railway Offices in India (2009-2010)
- Cause/Sector-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Industries in India (2006 to 2009)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (Central Sphere) in India (2006 to 2009)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (State Sphere) in India (2006 to 2009)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (State+Central Spheres) in India (2009)
- Industrial Lockouts Classified by Causes in India (2009)
- Industrial Strikes Classified by Causes in State Sphere in India (2006 to 2009)
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2009) - Part I
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2009) - Part II
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2009) - Part III
- Industry/Sector-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2008 and 2009)
- Industry-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2009)
- Mandays Lost in Disputes Resulting in Work Stoppages Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2009)
- Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss by Industry Group in India (2009)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in Public Sector by Cause Group in India (2009)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wage Lost and Production Loss by Industries in India (2009)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector by Industries in India (2009)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector Undertakings in Central Sphere by Industry Group in India (2009)
- Number of Lockouts, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss by Industries in India (2009)
- Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss by Industries in India (2009)
- Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector by Industries in India (2009)
- Number of Terminated Disputes in Public Sector by Duration in India (2005 to 2009)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost due to Industrial Disputes in India (January to December, 2009)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost, Wages Lost and Value of Production Loss Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2009)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mondays Lost, Wages Lost and Value of Production Loss Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2009)
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2006 to 2009) - Part I
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2006 to 2009) - Part II
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2006 to 2009) - Part III
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2006 to 2009) - Part IV
- Selected State/Sector/Sphere-wise Position of Major Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) Involving Time Loss of 50000 or more Mandays in India (2009)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Strikes and Lockouts in Backward Areas in India (2009)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Number of Strikes and Lockouts in Backward Areas in India (2009)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in Central Sphere in India (2009)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in State Sphere in India (2009)
- Selected State-wise Number of All Lockouts, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost and Production Loss in Industries (Central Sphere + State Sphere) in India (2009)
- Selected State-wise Number of All Strikes, Workers Involved, Manday Lost, and Production Loss (Central Sphere+State Sphere) in Industries in India (2009)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2009)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Manday Lost and Production Loss (Central Sphere) in Industries in India (2009)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Manday Lost and Production Loss (State Sphere) in Industries in India (2009)
- Selected State-wise Number of Workers Affected Due to Strikes and Lockouts in India (2009)
- Selected State-wise Status of Industrial Lockouts Declared in India (2009)
- Sphere/Sector-wise Percentage of Mandays Lost due to Strikes and Lockouts in India (2003 to 2009)
- Sphere/Sector-wise Time-loss (Number of Mandays Lost) by Strikes and Lockouts in India (2003 to 2009)
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2009) - Part I
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2009) - Part II
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2009) - Part III
- State/Industry-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2009)
- State/Sector-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Industries in India (2009)
- State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (January to December, 2009)
- State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss (All Strikes and Lockouts) in Public Sector (State Sphere + Central Sphere) in India (2009)
- State-wise Number of Mandays Wasted Due to Strike, Lock-Outs and Lay-Offs in Public and Private Sectors in India (2006 to Jan-May, 2009)
- State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector (State Sphere + Central Sphere) in India (2009)
- Zone-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Sickness and Labour Unrest on Government Railways, Railway Board and Other Railway Offices in India (2008-2009)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (State+Central Spheres) in India (2008)
- Industrial Lockouts Classified by Causes in India (2008)
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2008) - Part I
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2008) - Part II
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2008) - Part III
- Industry-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2008)
- Major Industry Group-wise Number of Industrial Disputes and Workers Involved/Mandays Lost in India (2007 and 2008)
- Mandays Lost in Disputes Resulting in Work Stoppages Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2000 to 2008)
- Mandays Lost in Disputes Resulting in Work Stoppages Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes in India (2000 to 2008)
- Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss by Industry Group in India (2008)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in Public Sector by Cause Group in India (2008)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wage Lost and Production Loss by Industries in India (2008)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector by Industries in India (2008)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector Undertakings in Central Sphere by Industry Group in India (2008)
- Number of Lockouts, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss by Industries in India (2008)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost Due to Industrial Disputes in India (April, 2008)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost due to industrial Disputes in India (February, 2008)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost Due to Industrial Disputes in India (January, 2008)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost Due to Industrial Disputes in India (March, 2008)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost Due to Industrial Disputes in India (May, 2008)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mondays Lost, Wages Lost and Value of Production Loss Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2008)
- Selected State/Sector/Sphere-wise Position of Major Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) Involving Time Loss of 50000 or more Mandays in India (2008)
- Selected State/Sector-wise Number of Strikes and Lockouts in Backward Areas in India (2008)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in Central and State Sphere (Combined) in India (2008)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in Public Sector (Central Spheres) in India (2008)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in State Sphere in India (2008)
- Selected State-wise Number of All Lockouts, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost and Production Loss in Industries (Central Sphere + State Sphere) in India (2008)
- Selected State-wise Number of All Strikes, Workers Involved, Manday Lost, and Production Loss (Central Sphere+State Sphere) in Industries in India (2008)
- Selected State-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Strikes and Lockouts in Backward Areas of India (2008)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Manday Lost and Production Loss (Central Sphere) in Industries in India (2008)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Manday Lost and Production Loss (State Sphere) in Industries in India (2008)
- Selected State-wise Number of Workers Affected Due to Strikes and Lockouts in India (2008)
- Selected State-wise Status of Industrial Lockouts Declared in India (2008)
- State Transport Undertaking-wise Industrial Relations in India (2007-2008) - Part I
- State Transport Undertaking-wise Industrial Relations in India (2007-2008) - Part II
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2008) - Part I
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2008) - Part II
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2008) - Part III
- State/Industry-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2008)
- State/Sector-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Industries in India (2008)
- State-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost Due to Industrial Diputes in Central and State Shphere of Public Sector in India (2008)
- State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (January and February, 2008)
- State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (January to May, 2008)
- State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss (All Strikes and Lockouts) in Public Sector (State Sphere+Central Sphere) in India (2008)
- State-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Strike in India (2007-2008)
- State-wise Number of Permanent Closures and Workers Affected in Eastern India (2001 to 2008-upto August)
- State-wise Number of Permanent Closures and Workers Affected in Northern India (2001 to 2008)
- State-wise Number of Permanent Closures and Workers Affected in Southern India (2001 to 2008)
- State-wise Number of Permanent Closures and Workers Affected in Western and Central India (2001 to 2008)
- State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector (State Sphere+Central Sphere) in India (2008)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (State + Central Spheres) in India (2007)
- Industrial Lockouts Classified by Causes in India (2007)
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2006 and 2007) - Part I
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2006 and 2007) - Part II
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2006 and 2007) - Part III
- Industry/Sector-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2006 and 2007)
- Industry-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2007)
- Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss by Industry Group in India (2007)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost by Industry Division in India (2005 to 2007)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in Public Sector by Cause Group in India (2007)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/ Wage Lost and Production Loss by Industries in India (2007)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector Undertakings in Central Sphere by Industry Group in India (2007)
- Number of Lockouts, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss by Industries in India (2007)
- Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss by Industries in India (2007)
- Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector by Industries in India (2007)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost Due to Industrial Disputes in India (January to December, 2007)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost Due to Industrial Disputes in India (January, 2007)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mondays Lost, Wages Lost and Value of Production Loss Due to Industrial Disputes in India (January to December, 2007)
- Selected Industry-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2004 to 2007)
- Selected State/Sector/Sphere-wise Position of Major Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) Involving Time Loss of 50000 or more Mandays in India (2007)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in Central Sphere in India (2007)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in State Sphere in India (2007)
- Selected State-wise Number of All Lockouts, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost and Production Loss in Industries (Central Sphere + State Sphere) in India (2007)
- Selected State-wise Number of All Strikes, Workers Involved, Manday Lost and Production Loss (Central Sphere + State Sphere) in Industries in India (2007)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Manday Lost and Production Loss (Central Sphere) in Industries in India (2007)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Manday Lost and Production Loss (State Sphere) in Industries in India (2007)
- Selected State-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-Off, Workers Laid -Off and Mandays Lost in India (2006 and 2007)
- Selected State-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Spheres in India (2007)
- Selected State-wise Status of Industrial Lockouts Declared in India (2007)
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2007) - Part I
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2007) - Part II
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2007) - Part III
- State/Industry-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2007)
- State/Sector-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Industries in India (2007)
- State-wise Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (January to December, 2007)
- State-wise Number of Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) , Workers Involved, Mondays Lost, Wages Lost and Value of Production Loss Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2007)
- State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (Januuary, 2007)
- State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss (State Sphere + Central Sphere) in India (2007)
- State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector (Central Sphere) in India (2007)
- State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector (Central Sphere) in India (2007)
- State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector (State Sphere + Central Sphere) in India (2007)
- Zone-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Sickness and Labour Unrest on Government Railways, Railway Board and Other Railway Offices in India (2006-2007)
- Zone-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Sickness and Labour Unrest on Government Railways, Railway Board and Other Railway Offices in India (2007-2008)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (State+Central Spheres) in India (2006)
- Industrial Lockouts Classified by Causes in India (2006)
- Industry-wise Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in India (2005 and 2006)
- Metro City-wise Number of Cases Disposed in Central Industrial Relations Machinery (CIRM) in India (2001-2002 to 2005-2006)
- Metro City-wise Number of Cases Disposed in State Industrial Relations Machinery (SIRM) in India (2001-2002 to 2005-2006)
- Metro City-wise Receipt and Disposal of Disputes in Central Industrial Relations Machinery (CIRM) in India (2001-2002 to 2005-2006)
- Metro City-wise Receipt and Disposal of Disputes in State Industrial Relations Machinery (SIRM) in India (2001-2002 to 2005-2006)
- Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss by Industry Group in India (2006)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in Public Sector by Cause Group in India (2006)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wage Lost and Production Loss by Industries in India (2006)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector by Industries in India (2006)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector by Industries in India (2007)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector Undertakings in Central Sphere by Industry Group in India (2006)
- Number of Lockouts, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss by Industries in India (2006)
- Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss by Industries in India (2006)
- Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector by Industries in India (2006)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost Due to Industrial Disputes in India (January to December, 2006)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Value of Production Loss Due to Industrial Disputes in India (January to December, 2006)
- Selected State/Sphere/Sector-wise Major Industrial Disputes Including Industrial Disputes Due to Reasons Other Than Disputes in India ((Upto July 2006))(Provisional))
- Selected State/Sphere/Sector-wise Major Industrial Disputes including Industrial Disputes due to Reasons other than Industrial Disputes in India (As on October, 2006)
- Selected State/Sphere/Sector-wise Major Industrial Disputes Including Industrial Disputes due to Reasons other than Industrial Disputes in India (As on September, 2006)
- Selected State/Sphere/Sector-wise Major Industrial Disputes Including Industrial Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes in India (Upto June 2006)
- Selected State/Sphere/Sector-wise Major Industrial Disputes Including Industrial Disputes due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes in India (Upto March 2006)
- Selected State/Sphere/Sector-wise Major* Industrial Disputes Including Industrial Disputes due to Reasons other than Disputes in India (As on August 2006)
- Selected State-wise Disposal of Appeals all Industries in India (2006)
- Selected State-wise Number of All Lockouts, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in Industries (Central Sphere+State Sphere) in India (2006)
- Selected State-wise Number of All Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss (Central Sphere+State Sphere) in Industries in India (2006)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2006)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in (Strikes and Lockouts) in Central Sphere in India (2006)
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Lockouts, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss (Strikes and Lockouts) in State Sphere in India (2006)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss (Central Sphere) in Industries in India (2006)
- Selected State-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Spheres in India (2006)
- Selected State-wise Number of Workers Involved and Mandays Lost Separately of Strikes and Lockouts in Industrial Disputes in which Lockouts Preceded/Succeeded by Strikes in India (2005 and 2006)
- Selected State-wise Position of Industrial Lockouts Declared in India (2006)
- Severity of Industrial Disputes in Manufacturing Sector in India (1988 to 2006)
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2006) - Part I
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2006) - Part II
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2006) - Part III
- State/Industry-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2006)
- State/Sector/Sphere-wise Position of Major Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) Involving Time Loss of 50000 or more Mandays in India (2006)
- State/Sector-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Industries in India (2006)
- State-wise Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (January to December, 2006)
- State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays/ Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector (State Sphere + Central Sphere) in India (2006)
- State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss (State Sphere) in Industries in India (2006)
- State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector (Central Sphere) in India (2006)
- Terminated Disputes Classified by Method of Settlement and Result in India (2005) and 2006
- Terminated Industrial Disputes by Duration in India (2004 to 2006)
- Zone-wise Mandays Lost Due to Sickness and Labour Unrest on Government Railways, Railway Board and Other Railway Offices in India (2003-2004 and 2005-2006)
- Cause/Sector-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Industries in India (2005)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (Central Sphere) in India (2005)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (State Sphere) in India (2005)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (State+Central Spheres) in India (2005)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Industries in India (2005)
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2005) - Part I
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2005) - Part II
- Industry/Sector-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2005)
- Industry-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays in India (2005)
- Lockouts Classified by Causes in India (2005)
- Mandays Lost Due to Strikes and Lockouts in India (1990 to 2005)
- Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss by Industry Group in India (2005)
- Number of Industrial Disputes in Public Sector Undertakings in Central Sphere by Industry Group in India (2005)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in Public Sector by Cause Group in India (2005)
- Number of Lockouts (Central Sphere) Declared in Public Sector by Cause (Wages and Allowances) in India (2005)
- Number of Lockouts, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss by Industries in India (2005)
- Number of Pendency/Disposal of Cases and Applications in Central Government Industrial Tribunals (CGITs) in India (2002 to 2005)
- Number of Strikes and Lockouts in India (1990 to 2005)
- Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss by Industries in India (2005)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost, Wages Lost and Value of Production Loss due to Industrial Disputes in India (January to December, 2005)
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2005) - Part I
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2005) - Part II
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2005) - Part III
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2005) - Part IV
- Selected State/Sphere/Sector-wise Major Industrial Disputes Including Industrial Disputes due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes in India (December, 2005)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in Central Sphere in India (2005)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in State Sphere in India (2005)
- Selected State-wise Number of All Lockouts, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost and Production Loss in Industries (Central Sphere+State Sphere) in India (2005)
- Selected State-wise Number of All Strikes, Workers Involved, Manday Lost and Production Loss (Central Sphere+State Sphere) in Industries in India (2005)
- Selected State-wise Number of Lockouts, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost and Production Loss in Industries (State Sphere) in India (2005)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Manday Lost and Production Loss (Central Sphere) in Industries in India (2005)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Manday Lost and Production Loss (State Sphere) in Industries in India (2005)
- Selected State-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2003 to 2005)
- Selected State-wise Status of Industrial Lockouts Declared in India (2005)
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2005) - Part I
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2005) - Part II
- State/Industry-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2005)
- State/Sector/Sphere-wise Status of Major Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) Involving Time Loss of 50000 or more Mandays in India (2005)
- State/Sector-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Industries in India (2005)
- State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strike and Lockouts) in India (2005)
- State-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector (Central Sphere) in India (2005)
- State-wise Major Industrial Disputes Including Industrial Disputes due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes in India (August, 2005)
- State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2005)
- State-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Lockouts and Strikes by Employees in India (2000 to 2005)
- State-wise Number of Strikes and Lockouts in Public and Private Sector in India (2002 to 2005)
- State-wise Status of Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in Public Sector (State and Central Sphere) in India (2005)
- State-wise Status of Strikes in Public Sector (Central and State Sphere) in India (2005)
- State-wise Strikes in Public Sector (Central Sphere) in India (2005)
- Strikes Classified by Causes in State Sphere in India (2005)
- Strikes in Public Sector Classified by Industries in India (2005)
- Terminated Disputes Classified by Normal Employment Size of Units Affected in India (2001, 2004 and 2005)
- Workers Involved in Strikes and Lockouts in India (1990 to 2005)
- Cause Group-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector in India (2004)
- Cause-wise Industrial Disputes (State and Central Spheres) in India (2004)
- Cause-wise Industrial Disputes (State Spheres) in India (2004)
- Cause-wise Industrial Disputes Causes (Central Spheres) in India (2004)
- Cause-wise Lockouts (Industrial Disputes) in India (2004)
- Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in Industries in India (2004)
- Cause-wise Strike (Industrial Disputes) in State Spheres in India (2004)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Industries in India (2004)
- Industrial Disputes in Public Sector Classified by Industries in India (2004)
- Industry Group-wise Industrial Disputes in Central Sphere Undertakings in India (2004)
- Industry Group-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected thereby and Mandays Lost in India (2004)
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2004) - Part I
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2004) - Part II
- Industry-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in Industries in India (2004)
- Industry-wise Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in India (2003 and 2004)
- Lockouts Classified by Industries in India (2004)
- Lockouts in Public Sector Classified by Industries in India (2004)
- Major Port-wise Mandays Lost Due to Stoppage of Work in India (2002-2003 and 2003-2004)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost by Industry Division in India (2003 and 2004)
- Percentage Distribution of Disputes by Causes in India (1995 to 2004)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost, Wages Lost and Value of Production Loss due to Industrial Disputes in India (2004) - Part I
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost, Wages Lost and Value of Production Loss due to Industrial Disputes in India (2004) - Part II
- Selected Cause-wise Lockouts in Public Sector in India (2004)
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers affected thereby and Mandays Lost in India (2004) - Part I
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers affected thereby and Mandays Lost in India (2004) - Part II
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers affected thereby and Mandays Lost in India (2004) - Part III
- Selected State/Industry-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2004)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Despute in Public Sector (Central Sphere) in India (2004)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in Central and State Sphere (Combined) in India (2004)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in Public Sector (Central and State Spheres) in India (2004)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in Central Sphere in India (2004)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in State Sphere in India (2004)
- Selected State-wise Lockouts Declared in India (2004)
- Selected State-wise Major Disputes Including Industrial Disputes due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes in India (Till August, 2004)
- Selected State-wise Number of Lockouts, Workers and Mandays Lost in Central and State Sphere (Combined) in India (2004)
- Selected State-wise Number of Lockouts, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in State Sphere in India (2004)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in Central and State Sphere (Combined) in India (2004)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in Central Sphere in India (2004)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in State Sphere in India (2004)
- Selected State-wise Political/Sympathetic Strikes in State and Central Sphere in India (2001 and 2004)
- Selected State-wise Strikes in Public Sector (Central Sphere) in India (2004)
- Selected State-wise Strikes Public Sector (Central and State Spheres) in India (2004)
- Sphere /Sector-Wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost due to Industrial Disputes in India (January to October, 2004)
- Sphere/Sector/Cause-wise Major Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts Involving a Time-loss of 50000 or more Mandays) in Selected States of India (2004)
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Industries in India (2004) - Part I
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Industries in India (2004) - Part II
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Industries in India (2004) - Part III
- State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strike and Lockouts) in India (2004)
- State-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in Industries in India (2004) - Part I
- State-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in Industries in India (2004) - Part II
- State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes , Worker Involved and Mandays Lost in India (January to October, 2004)
- State-wise Number of Lockouts in Public Sector in India (2001 and 2004)
- Strikes Classified by Industries in India (2004)
- Strikes in Public Sector Classified by Industries in India (2004)
- Terminated Disputes Classified by Method of Settlement and Result in India (2001 and 2004)
- Terminated Industrial Disputes in Public Sector by Duration in India (2001 and 2004)
- Time-loss due to Industrial Disputes in Manufacturing, Plantation and Coal Mines (per 1000 Workers Employed) in India (1992 to 2004)
- Average Time Loss/Workers Involved per Dispute and Average Number of Man-days Lost per Worker due to Industrial Disputes in India (2003)
- Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in Industries in India (2003)
- Industrial Disputes (All Disputes) in Public Sector Classified by Industries in India (2003)
- Industrial Disputes and Workers Involved in India (1981, 1986 to 2003)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Industries in India (2003)
- Industry Group-wise Industrial Disputes in Central Sphere Undertakings in India (2003)
- Industry Group-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector Undertakings in Central Sphere in India (2003)
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2003) - Part I
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2003) - Part II
- Industry-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in India (2003)
- Industry-wise Number of Disputes due to Reasons other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected thereby and Mandays Lost in India (2003)
- Industry-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2003)
- Lockouts Classified by Industries in India (2003)
- Lockouts in Public Sector Classified by Industries in India (2003)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost (Central Sphere) by Causes in India (2003)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost (State and Central Spheres) by Causes in India (2003)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost (State Sphere) by Causes in India (2003)
- Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in Public Sector by Causes in India (2003)
- Number of Lockouts, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost by Causes (Central Sphere) India (2003)
- Number of Lockouts, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost by Causes in India (2003)
- Number of Political/Sympathetic Strikes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in State and Central Spheres in India (March, May and December, 2003)
- Number of Strikes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost by Causes (State Sphere) India (2003)
- Number of Terminated Industrial Disputes by Duration in India (2003)
- Number of Terminated Industrial Disputes Classified by Method of Settlement and Result in India (2003)
- Number of Terminated Industrial Disputes Classified by Normal Employment Size of Units Affected in India (2003)
- Number of Terminated Industrial Disputes in Public Sector by Duration in India (2003)
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Industries of India (2003) - Part I
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Industries of India (2003) - Part II
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Industries of India (2003) - Part III
- Selected State/Industry-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2003)
- Selected State/Sector/Cause-wise Major Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts Involving a Time-Loss of 50000 or More Mandays) in Central and State Spheres of India (2003)
- Selected State-wise Disposals of Appeals All Industries in India (2003)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in Central and State Sphere (Combined) in India (2003)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in Central Sphere in India (2003)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in Public Sector in India (2003)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in State Sphere in India (2003)
- Selected State-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in Industries of India (2003)
- Selected State-wise Number of Disputes due to Reasons other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected thereby and Mandays Lost in India (2003) - Part I
- Selected State-wise Number of Disputes due to Reasons other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected thereby and Mandays Lost in India (2003) - Part II
- Selected State-wise Number of Disputes due to Reasons other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected thereby and Mandays Lost in India (2003) - Part III
- Selected State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector (Central Sphere) in India (2003)
- Selected State-wise Number of Lockouts Declared in India (2003)
- Selected State-wise Number of Lockouts, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in Central and State Sphere (Combined) in India (2003)
- Selected State-wise Number of Lockouts, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in State Sphere in India (2003)
- Selected State-wise Number of Political/Sympathetic Strikes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in State and Central Spheres in India (2003)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in Central and State Sphere (Combined) in India (2003)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in Central Sphere in India (2003)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in State Sphere in India (2003)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Production Loss in Public Sector (Central Sphere) in India (2003)
- Selected State-wise Strikes in Public Sector in India (2003)
- Sphere/Sector-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost Due to Industrial Disputes in India (2003)
- State-wise Industrial Disputes (All Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2003)
- State-wise Number of Closures, Lock-outs, Lay-offs and Retrenchment in Industrial Establishment and Workers Affected in India (2002-2003)
- Strikes Classified by Industries in India (2003)
- Strikes in Public Sector Classified by Industries in India (2003)
- Average Time Loss/Workers Involved per Dispute and Average Number of Man-days Lost per Worker due to Industrial Disputes in India (2001 and 2002)
- Cause Group-wise Number of Industrial Disputes in Public and Private Sector in India (2001 and 2002)
- Cause-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector in India (2002)
- Cause-wise Lockouts (Industrial Dispute) in India (2002)
- Cause-wise Lockouts in Central Sphere in India (2002)
- Cause-wise Number of Case of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in India (2002)
- Cause-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost (Industrial Disputes) in India (2002)
- Company-wise Mandays and Production Loss under Coal India Limited (1997-1998 to 2001-2002)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (Central Sphere) in India (2002)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (State and Central Spheres) in India (2002)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes (State Sphere) in India (2002)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Industries in India (2002)
- Industrial Disputes in Central Sphere Undertakings in India (2002)
- Industry/Cause - wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays lost in India (2002) - Part I
- Industry/Cause - wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays lost in India (2002) - Part II
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Permanent Closures and Workers Affected in India (2002) - Part I
- Industry-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in India (2002)
- Industry-wise Number of Disputes due to Reasons other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected Thereby and Mandays lost in India (2002)
- Lockouts Classified by Industries in India (2002)
- Lockouts in Public Sector Classified by Industries in India (2002)
- Major State-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2002)
- Number of Terminated Industrial Disputes by Duration in India (2001 and 2002)
- Number of Terminated Industrial Disputes Classified by Method of Settlement and Result in India (2002)
- Number of Terminated Industrial Disputes Classified by Normal Employment Size of Units Affected in India (2002)
- Number of Terminated Industrial Disputes in Public Sector by Duration in India (2002)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost, Wages Lost and Value of Production Loss due to Industrial Disputes (Private Sector) in India (2001 and 2002)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost, Wages Lost and Value of Production Loss due to Industrial Disputes (Public and Private Sector) in India (2001 and 2002)
- Sector/Sphere-wise Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost, Wages Lost and Value of Production Loss due to Industrial Disputes (Public Sector) in India (2001 and 2002)
- Sector-wise Time-loss Due to Industrial Disputes (Per 1000 Workers Employed) in India (2000 to 2002)
- Selected Cause-wise Lockouts in Public Sector in Central Sphere in India (2002)
- Selected Cause-wise Lockouts in Public Sector in India (2002)
- Selected Industry-wise Activities of Central Industrial Relations Machinery in Cases of Industrial Disputes in India (2001-2002
- Selected Industry-wise Time Taken by Central Industrial Relations Machinery for Disposal of Disputes in India (2001-2002)
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays lost in India (2002) - Part I
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays lost in India (2002) - Part II
- Selected State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes due to Reasons other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected Thereby and Mandays Lost in India (2002)
- Selected State/Industry-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off, and Mandays Lost in India (2002)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector (Central Sphere) in India (2002)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector (Strikes and Lockouts) in India (2002)
- Selected State-wise Lockouts Declared in India (2002)
- Selected State-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in India (2002) - Part I
- Selected State-wise Number of Disputes due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected Thereby and Mandays Lost in India (2002)
- Selected State-wise Number of Lockouts, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in Central+State Sphere in India (2002)
- Selected State-wise Number of Lockouts, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in State Sphere in India (2002)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in Central Sphere in India (2002)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in Central+State Sphere in India (2002)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in Political/Sympathetic Strikes in State and Central Spheres in India (2002)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in State Sphere in India (2002)
- Selected State-wise Strikes in Public Sector (Central Sphere) in India (2002)
- Selected State-wise Strikes in Public Sector in India (2002)
- Sphere/Sector/Cause-wise Major Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts Involving a Time- Loss of 50000 or More Mandays) in Selected States of India (2002)
- Sphere/Sector-wise Percentage of Mandays Lost due to Strikes and Lockouts in India (2000 to 2002)
- Sphere/Sector-wise Time-loss (Number of Mandays Lost) by Strikes and Lockouts in India (2000 to 2002)
- State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in Central and State Sphere (Combined) in India (2002)
- State-wise Number of Closures, Lock-outs, Lay-offs and Retrenchment in Industrial Establishment and Workers Affected in India (2001-2002)
- Strikes Classified by Industries in India (2002)
- Causes-wise Industrial Disputes (Central Sphere) in India (2001)
- Causes-wise Industrial Disputes (State Sphere) in India (2001)
- Cause-wise Industrial Disputes (State+Central Sphere) in India (2001)
- Cause-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector in India (2001)
- Cause-wise Lockouts (Industrial Dispute) in Central Sphere in India (2001)
- Cause-wise Lockouts (Industrial Dispute) in India (2001)
- Cause-wise Lockouts in Public Sector in India (2001)
- Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in Industries in India (2001) - Part I
- Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in Industries in India (2001) - Part II
- Cause-wise Strike (Industrial Dispute) in State Sphere in India (2001)
- Company-wise Strike and Other Incidents in Coal India Ltd. (CIL) (1999-2000 to 2001-2002 upto December, 2001)
- Disputes Classified by Cause in India (1971, 1981, 1986 to 2001)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Industries (All Disputes) in India (2001)
- Industry Groups-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector Undertakings in Central Sphere in India (2001)
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2001) - Part I
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2001) - Part II
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2001) - Part III
- Industry-wise Disputes in Central Sphere Undertakings in India (1999 to 2001)
- Industry-wise Industrial Disputes in India (2000 and 2001)
- Industry-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in India (2001) - Part I
- Industry-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in India (2001) - Part II
- Industry-wise Number of Disputes due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2001)
- Lockouts (Industrial Dispute) Classified by Industries in India (2001)
- Lockouts in Public Sector (Central Sphere) in India (2001)
- Lockouts in Public Sector Classified by Industries in India (2001)
- Major State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2001) - Part I
- Major State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2001) - Part II
- Major State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2001) - Part III
- Major State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (2001) - Part IV
- Major State-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2001)
- Number of Disputes due to Reasons Other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in Public Sector (Manufacture of Food Products and Beverages) in India (2001)
- Number of Workers Involved and Mandays Lost for Period of Strikes and Lockouts in Which Lockouts were Preceded/Succeeded by Strikes in Public Sector in Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisha and Uttar Pradesh (2001)
- Selected State-wise Disposal of Appeals in All Industries Except Railways, Post and Telegraphs in India (2001)
- Selected State-wise Number of Workers Involved and Mandays Lost for Period of Strikes and Lockouts in Which Lockout were Preceded/Succeeded by Strikes in India (2001)
- Sphere/Sector-wise Major Industrial Disputes in Selected States of India (2001)
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Industries in India (2001) - Part I
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Industries in India (2001) - Part II
- State/Cause-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Industries in India (2001) - Part III
- State/Industry-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (2001)
- State-wise Industrial Disputes ( Strikes and Lockout) in India (2001)
- State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in Central and State Sphere (Combined) in India (2001)
- State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in Central Sphere in India (2001)
- State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in Public Sector in India (2001)
- State-wise Industrial Disputes (Strikes and Lockouts) in State Sphere in India (2001)
- State-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector (Central Sphere) in India (2001)
- State-wise Lockouts Declared in India (2001)
- State-wise Lockouts in Central and State Sphere (Combine) in India (2001)
- State-wise Lockouts in State Sphere in India (2001)
- State-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in Industries in India (2001) - Part I
- State-wise Number of Cases of Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost by Sectors and Spheres in Industries in India (2001) - Part II
- State-wise Number of Lockouts in Central Sphere in India (2001)
- State-wise Strike in Central Sphere in India (2001)
- State-wise Strike in State Sphere in India (2001)
- State-wise Strikes in Public Sector (Central Sphere) in India (2001)
- State-wise Strikes in Public Sector in India (2001)
- Strikes (Industrial Dispute) Classified by Industries in India (2001)
- Strikes in Banks and Coal Mines in India (2001)
- Strikes in Public Sector Classified by Industries in India (2001)
- Cause-wise Industrial Disputes in India (1998 to 2000)
- Cause-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off and Workers Laid -off Separately for Public, Co-Operative, Joint and Private Sectors in State and Central Spheres of India (During 2000) - Part I
- Cause-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off and Workers Laid -off Separately for Public, Co-Operative, Joint and Private Sectors in State and Central Spheres of India (During 2000) - Part II
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off Workers, Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Industries of India (During 2000) - Part I
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off Workers, Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Industries of India (During 2000) - Part II
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost Separately for Public, Co-Operative, Joint and Private Sectors in State and Central Spheres of India (During 2000) - Part I
- Industry/Cause-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost Separately for Public, Co-Operative, Joint and Private Sectors in State and Central Spheres of India (During 2000) - Part II
- Number of Industrial Disputes and Applications Handled by Central Government Industrial Tribunal (CGIT-CUM-Labour Courts) in India (As on 30.11.2000)
- Sector-wise Time-loss Per 1000 Workers Employed in India (1998 to 2000)
- State/Cause-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Industries of India (During 2000) - Part I
- State/Cause-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off, Workers Laid-off and Mandays Lost in Industries of India (During 2000) - Part II
- State/Industry wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off Workers, Laid-off and Mandays Lost in India (During 2000)
- State-wise Industrial Disputes in India (2000)
- State-wise Mandays Lost in Central and State Spheres in India (1999 and 2000)
- State-wise Number of Strikes and Lockouts in India (1997-2000)
- State-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off Workers, Laid-off and Mandays Lost Separately for Public, Co-Operative, Joint and Private Sectors in State and Central Spheres of India (During 2000) - Part I
- State-wise Number of Units Affecting Lay-off Workers, Laid-off and Mandays Lost Separately for Public, Co-Operative, Joint and Private Sectors in State and Central Spheres of India (During 2000) - Part II
- Industry-wise Number of Industrial Disputes, Workers Involved and Mandays Lost in India (1998 and 1999)
- Mandays Lost in Disputes Resulting in Work Stoppages by Selected Industries (As per Revised National Industrial Classification-1987) in India (1991 to 1999)
- Number of Cases Pending with various Central Government Industrial Tribunal (CGIT-cum-Labour Courts) in India (From 1995 to 1999)
- Number of Industrial Disputes and Applications Handled by Central Government Industrial Tribunal (CGIT-cum-Labour Courts) in India (As on 31.10.1999)
- State-wise Mandays Lost in Disputes Resulting in Work Stoppages Due to Industrial Disputes in India (1985, 1987 to 1999)
- State-wise Number of Mandays Lost Due to Lockouts and Strikes by Employees in India (1995 to 1999)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes in India (1998)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Industries in India (1998) - Part I
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Industries in India (1998) - Part II
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Industries in India (1998) - Part III
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Industries in India (1998) - Part IV
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Industries in India (1998) - Part V
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Industries in India (1998) - Part VI
- Industrial Disputes in Public Sector Classified by Causes in India (1998)
- Industrial Disputes in Public Sector Classified by Industries in India (1998) - Part I
- Industrial Disputes in Public Sector Classified by Industries in India (1998) - Part II
- Industry Group-wise Industrial Disputes in Central Sphere Undertakings in India (1998)
- Industry-wise Number of Disputes Due to Reasons other than Industrial Disputes, workers Affected and Mandays Lost in India (1998)
- Lockouts Classified by Causes in India (1998)
- Lockouts in Central Sphere in Public Sector Classified by Causes in India (1998)
- Lockouts in Public Sector Classified by Causes in India (1998)
- Major State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes Dues to Reasons other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays lost in India (1998) - Part I
- Major State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes Dues to Reasons other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected thereby and Mandays lost in India (1998) -Part II
- Major State/Cause-wise Number of Disputes Dues to Reasons other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected Thereby and Mandays lost in India (1998) -Part III
- Number of Disputes Due to Reasons other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected and Mandays Lost in Cotton Textile Industry in India (1998)
- Number of Disputes in Central and State Sphere at a Glance in India (1997 and 1998)
- Number of Disputes Resolved by Different Methods of Settlements in India (1988 to 1998)
- Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Value of Production Loss due to Industrial Disputes (Private Sector) in Central and State Sphere in India (1998)
- Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Value of Production Loss due to Industrial Disputes (Public and Public Sector) in Cetral and State Sphere in India (1998)
- Number of Disputes, Workers Involved, Mandays/Wages Lost and Value of Production Loss due to Industrial Disputes (Public Sector) in Cetral and State Sphere in India (1998)
- Number of Gheraos, Workers Involved, Mandays Lost and Value of Production Loss Due to Gheraos Which Resulted in Work-Stoppages in India (1998}
- Percentage of Mandays Lost Due to Strikes and Lockouts by Sector/Sphere in India (1997 and 1998)
- Selected State-wise Industrial Disputes in which Lockouts Declared in Public Sector in India (1998)
- Selected State-wise Number of Workers Involved and Mandays Lost Separately of Strikes and Lockouts in Industrial Disputes in which Lockouts Preceded/Succeeded by Strikes in India (1998)
- Selected State-wise Political/Sympathetic Strikes in India (1998)
- State/Sphere/Sector-wise Major Industrial Disputes (Disputes Involving a Time-loss of 50000 or More Mandays) in India (1998)
- State-wise Industrial Disputes in Central Sphere in India (1998)
- State-wise Industrial Disputes in India (1998)
- State-wise Industrial Disputes in Public Sector in Center Sphere of India (1998)
- State-wise Industrial Disputes in which Lockouts were Declared in India (1998)
- State-wise Industrial Disputes Referred to Concilliation and Adjudication in India (1998)
- State-wise Number of Disputes Dues to Reasons other than Industrial Disputes, Workers Affected thereby and Mandays Lost in Public Sector in India (1998)
- Strike in State Sphere Classified by Causes in India (1998)
- Terminated Disputes by Duration in India (1997 and 1998)
- Terminated Disputes Classified by Normal Employment Size of Units Affected in India (1997 and 1998)
- Terminated Disputes in Public Sector by Duration in India (1997 and 1998)
- Traminated Disputes Classified by Method of Settlement and Results in India (1998)
- Industrial Disputes Classified by Causes in India (1997)
- Industrial Disputes in Public Sector Classified by Causes in India (1997)
- Industry Group-wise Industrial Disputes in Central Sphere Undertakings in India (1997)
- Selected State-wise Mandays Lost Through Industrial Disputes in India (1993 to 1997)
- Selected State-wise Number of Strikes and Lockouts in India (1993 to 1997)
- State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes in Public Sector in India (1997)
- State-wise Number of Industrial Disputes in India (1997)
- Traminated Disputes Classified by Method of Settlement and Results in India (1997)
- State-wise Mandays Lost due to Industrial Disputes in Establishment Covered by Central and State Sphere (Total) in India (1994)
- State-wise Mandays Lost due to Industrial Disputes in Establishment Covered by State Sphere in India (1994)
- State-wise Mandays Lost due to Industrial Disputes in Establishment Covered by Central Sphere in India (1994)
- State-wise Mandays Lost due to Industrial Disputes in Establishment Covered by Central and State Sphere (Total) in India (1993)
- State-wise Mandays Lost due to Industrial Disputes in Establishment Covered by Central Sphere in India (1993)
- State-wise Mandays Lost due to Industrial Disputes in Establishment Covered by State Sphere in India (1993)
- Number of Mandays Lost in Disputes Resulting in Work Stoppages by Selected Industries in India (1988 to 1990)
- Mandays Lost in Disputes Resulting in Work Stoppages due to Reasons other than Industrial Disputes in India (1997 and 1998)
- Mandays Lost in Disputes Resulting in Work-Stoppages in India (1996 and 1997)
Child Labour - India | Child Labour - India: Distribution of Child Labour - India National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) - India |
Civil Services - India | Civil Services - India: Civil Services Examinations - India Strength of IAS Officers - India Strength of IPS Officers - India |
Labour Courts - India | Labour Courts - India |
Labour Disputes - India | Labour Disputes - India: Annual Labour Disputes - India Monthly Labour Disputes - India |
Labour Welfare - India | Labour Welfare - India: Labour Welfare under Various Labour Act/Schemes - India Maternity Benefit - India |
Professionals - India | Professionals - India |
Provident Fund - India | Provident Fund - India: Financial Performance of Employees Provident Funds Scheme - India Physical Performance of Employees Provident Funds Scheme - India |
Work Participation Rate - India | Work Participation Rate - India |
Workforce - India | Workforce - India: Main Workers - India Marginal Workers - India Non-Workers - India Total Workers - India |
Working Abroad - India | Working Abroad - India: Annual Emigration - India Monthly Emigration - India |